Monday, August 21

Two Justice Systems in America

Here is an interesting situation.  Donald Trump has been indicted 4 times and faces 91 felony charges, most of which are simply bullshit and an attempt to keep him out of the 2024 election.  However, the more he is indicted, the stronger his candidacy becomes...

This is not what the DEMS expected!  However, it is what they are getting.

The Georgia charges are federal charges and revolve around the RICO statute which cannot be erased by a Presidential pardon.  These charges are the ones that might send the former President to a federal prison for about 5 years or more.

Now, here's the ODD PART.  Because he is a former USA President the Secret Service MUST protect him, EVEN IN PRISON.

Think about this?

Trump goes to prison and so does his Secret Service Detail.

  • They must guard him during the day
  • They must guard him at night
  • They must guard him when taking a shower
  • They must guard him when eating
Guess who pays for this secret service detail for Trump?
You the tax payer...

Now, here's the real FUNNY PART.
President Biden via his son Hunter has been receiving bribes from Ukraine and China and the Department of Justice and the FBI have been looking the other way...  and, sometimes covering up what is going on so the general public will never find out about it.

What is this called?


We already know that there is a different justice system for the wealthy than there is for the middle class or poor.
Now, we are finding out that there is a different justice system for the Democrats than there is for the Republicans.
And, to make matters worse, the mainstream media is also being used and told not to write or publish anything on Hunter and the Bidens...

Is this the kind of Democracy under which you would like to live?


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