Friday, August 25

Thank Goodness It's Friday

We all cannot wait until Friday because the next two days we have off from work.  However, for most of us we are either working a second job...  or, we spend those two days working around the house getting numerous chores and tasks accomplished.  We simply trade one job for another job.

If you are wealthy or an entrepreneur, then you work 24/7 whether you like it or not.  However, if you are one of those two, then there is no way that you don't like what you are doing.  You work regardless of the needs of your spouse and/or family.  This is not a male issue as it applies to both genders, and I suppose TRANS who are in either one of those two categories as well.

When I was working, I usually worked 10+ hour days and always brought my work home on the weekends and with me on vacations.  It wasn't that I was getting wealthier by doing this, it was because I wanted to do a thorough job.  My employers never appreciated my loyalty or my willingness to treat my work like this...  at least they never stated anything to my face about it or put their appreciation down on paper in the form of a memo or letter.

In 2015, I retired after working 45 years.  I could have kept working and generating money that I did not need and save that extra money, but I was just so tired of all the bullshit associated with work and all the asshole bosses that I just needed to get away from it all.

It's been 14 years almost (13 years 7 months) since that happened and I have yet to regret a day, although I miss teaching as I really enjoyed doing that...  more so that being an educational administrator which I was most of my career.

I taught college students who mainly saw themselves as special because they were there.  They had no desire to learn or retain...  all they wanted to do was memorize for the test and make an "A".  That was the only thing that bothered me about the students but in my classes I created scenarios that forced them to learn by doing.  At the end of the class, they were grateful.

Today, my days are spent doing only that yard or housework that I absolutely have to do.  The rest of my day is spent maintaining blogs, writing, and listening to the news.

My wife and I retired at the same time and for the first five years, we went on weeklong vacations every other month.  It took 5 years to get that out of our systems.  Now, we just got to Myrtle Beach, SC once a twice in the summer and that is it.  The rest of the time, we are home or going to doctor appointment or receiving treatments.

Retirement is not bad but if you are retired then more often than not you are either 62 or 67 and you have health issues or will soon be getting health issues.  Wealth cannot prevent the body getting old.

It is my belief that if you do not have something to do in retirement like traveling or a hobby that being retired will be miserable.  You don't need to have a lot of friends although having friends gives you something to do.  Keep this in mind, if you have been thinking about retirement.

You will get bored if all you do is sit around and watch something on cable...  unless it is something where you are learning something.

What I intended to write from the getgo and forgot was that weekends no longer matter to me...  so, TGIF is meaningless...

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