Tuesday, August 22

Is Democracy the Best Form of Government?

 If you look at the great philosophers and read their opinions, you get the idea that a democracy is not the best form of government.

Socrates and Plato were AGAINST DEMOCRACY as being the best form of government.  Instead, they preferred to be ruled by a totalitarian form of government where the rulers had been educated in ruling before they assume absolute power.

On the other side of the coin, freedoms like freedom of speech and freedom of religion DO NOT EXIST in a totalitarian form of government.


should government be for the people or for themselves?

In a democracy, people not only have freedoms but they decide on who will be leading them...  oftentimes, the person they chose to lead them has no idea how to lead or even how to manage all the various agencies of government, let alone interface effectively with all the states and their local governments.


we have a trade off...

good leadership and no freedoms


mediocre leadership and freedoms

Personally, I do not believe that I would be willing to give up my freedoms for the sake of good leadership...  knowing that the leadership that we currently have does not give a rat's ass about the people.

Following that train of thought...  I strongly believe that OUR CONGRESS, both Democrats and Republicans, don't really care about the people.  All they care about is getting re-elected.  So, they vote for policies and laws that we get them re-elected rather than what is good for the people who put them into office.

Over the years, those qualities in politicians have lead to a HUGE APATHY among American Voters...  many of whom refuse to vote at all since it makes little difference.

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