Hold On

Hold on

A Honeycomb of lies and deceit

Copyright 2020 by Alex Hutchins


Richard Rayne is a self-made billionaire who have like so many businesspeople before him have done, fallen victim to acquiring so much wealth than he cannot give it away fast enough to satisfy his guilty of being so greedy.

RIMSCOR, Rayne Investments and Management Strategies Corporation, is divided into three divisions:  Operations, Development, and Special Projects which includes the Rayne Foundation, a philanthropic foundation that is funded by a ten-billion-dollar trust.

Samantha Thompson, “Sam”, is the Vice President for Special Projects for RIMSCOR and in addition to the Foundation, she manages the STEM school, and other charities and contributions.  Sam has a weakness for married men, alcohol, and gambling.

Victor Driscoll, the Vice President of Development for RIMSCOR, has the most difficult assignment since he must oversee six separate companies that are also heavily diversified.  
These include: 

Advanced Biologics which owns:

     Clinics in Europe and South America

     Testing labs in US and Europe

     Companies that make cancer drugs and pills

     Company that makes Alzheimer’s medications

AAA Shipping which owns 10 - 21,000 TEU Cargo vessels operating in:

     The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

     On the east and west coast of South America

     Around the African continent and southeast Asia

RIMSCOR Construction, which builds office buildings, hotels, and resorts globally.

Vanguard Real Estate, which sells office building, hotels, resorts, shopping malls globally.

Technology International, which owns artificial intelligence and robot manufacturing companies and well as companies that sell IT equipment to global militaries.

Global Communications, which owns numerous telephone companies in South American and Africa, numerous fiber optic cable companies, as well as numerous companies that sell communications components globally.

Yomoya Mitsumi, “Mo”, is the Vice President of Operations which includes managing the areas of: Human Resources, Accounting and Finance, Transportation and Logistics, Marketing, Sales, Advertising, and Communications.

Richard Rayne, all of his Vice Presidents, along with others inside and outside of RIMSCOR are involved with the global acquisition and sale of illegal drugs and firearms, extortion, bribery, price gouging, and covert black operations.

Bhagwati Laghari, “Wati”, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer is the only member of Richard Rayne’s upper management team that is not involved in any illegal activities, nor is he aware of any illegal activities taking place around him.  How he insulates himself from this is fascinating.

CIA Special Agent Eric Sandifar has been following the activities of RIMSCOR and Richard Rayne for over ten years as he continues to gather evidence to charge him with a crime.  He succeeds in bringing Richard Rayne to trial, but the jury finds him not guilty of any crime.  However, Special Agent Sandifar is not deterred and continues his efforts enlisting the support of an FBI agent and a Private Investigator.

Currently, Richard Rayne has embarked on an enormous endeavor to corner and control the honeybee market and the prices of food commodities.  Only his genetically altered “super honeybee queens and workers” will survive and be needed to restore the global agricultural balance.

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