Thursday, August 24

Political Entertainment

Most people, whether liberal or conservative will tell you that the main issues when it comes to voting for a President is:

  1. taxes
  2. a healthy economy
  3. social programs
  4. abortion
  5. green energy
  6. maybe inflation
  7. maybe education
  8. maybe foreign policy
  9. maybe defense
  10. maybe national debt

But... in reality...  they want a President that is ENTERTAINING...

Ronald Reagan was entertaining
Bill Clinton was entertaining
Barrack Obama was entertaining
Donald Trump was entertaining

Citizens that answer questions on polls answer those questions based on two factors:
  • How the question is worded
  • What they perceive their response should be

If you were to go places to listen to people let's say at,
the gym,
the grocery store,
the shopping mall,
on the street,
on a college campus, politics would be the last issue on their minds.
If they are single they are only interested in finding a date.
If they are working, they are only interested in what they need to do to keep from getting fired.
Boys want to talk about girls and girls want to talk about boys...  age level does not matter.
Couples want to talk about house projects, baby sitters, where the best sales are located, and where to find a quality handyman...  or person, because I am sure there are some handywomen around.

Our current president Biden is not very entertaining and as a result, the media has very little to say about him other than they perceive that he is doing a good job AT LEAST FOR HALF THE COUNTRY...

If you watched last night's GOP debate, there was no one on the stage who was entertaining...  no one caught the attention of the viewer.  There were some boring verbal battles that amounted to nothing, but nothing was said or done to make you stand up and get insulted or remember.

None of these GOP candidates had a PLAN...  although some said they would do this or that but no well thought through plan of action to do anything.   It was just SOS from politicians.

When I talk to my next door neighbors they want to know what I put on my grass to make it so green or did you hear the latest about this other neighbor.  Or, did you know the neighbor on the other side of your neighbor went to jail.  Or, would you like to have a beer and sit in the shade.

NO ONE TALKS POLITICS.  They may say that gas prices went up or down a few cents but no finger pointing as to why.  I share my negative tale about Lowes and how they screwed us on our flooring and would not admit their mistake.  I would share my call to Lowe's corporate but nothing else.

All we want to do is live out our last few years in relative comfort...   politics, unless it is entertaining, is not on the discussion agenda.

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