Saturday, August 26

Capitalism and the USA

Capitalism and the Free Market Enterprise System started in the USA as part of our Democratic Republic designed by our Founding Fathers...

And yes, some of our Founding Fathers owned slaves but that does not make our US Constitution and Bill of Right INVALID.  President Lincoln who freed the slaves, did not believe in slavery but his wife's family did own slaves.  Did that make his freeing the slaves INVALID.  No, it did not.

Capitalism, when performed correctly as stated in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, is the best economic system in the world and will continue to be...  however, the USA is not performing it correctly any longer.

Capitalists are entitled to a reasonable profit...  which is how it started out...  but USA businessmen and women, leaders of corporations, and entrepreneurs GOT GREEDY with their desire to make a profit.

ALL INCREASE IN COSTS ARE PASSED ALONG TO THE CONSUMER rather than decrease a company Net Income.

Employees are seen as commodities, expendable raw materials that come and go once they are used up, therefore increases in wages have been slow to happen while management's salaries have increased dramatically.

Because of this trend, everyone now want to go to college to be in management whether or not they have the mental skills to do so.  Colleges and Universities have lowered their entrance standards and passed students through who did not deserve to pass so as not to lose any revenues.  Consequently, college graduates are coming into management positions with little knowledge and limited mental capacity to teach themselves.

Business and Engineering Schools are teaching BUILT IN OBSELESCENCE...  what does this mean?  Design and build a product that will only last 3-5 years, so the company can make money on repeat business.

Marketing Agencies are designing advertisements that will encourage people to buy whether they need that item or not.

Restaurants are encouraging people to eat large meals and become obese so that the DIET INDUSTRY can sell them diet plans that do not really work.  80% of the time, one can lose weight simply by NOT EATING SO MUCH...  or eat 5 small meals a day.

Television shows and series as well as movies from Hollywood are encouraging the viewer to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol often since that is what their main characters do.

Our brand of CAPITALISM is designed to shift wealth from the ordinary citizen, mainly a blue collar worker, to the titan of industry...  in an effort to make them all billionaires.  They do not care what happens to you as long as you BUY...  BUY...  BUY...

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