Tuesday, August 22

Benefits of SOCIALISM???

  1. Free healthcare
  2. Reduction of poverty
  3. A more equal society
  4. Selflessness versus Selfishness
  5. Government ownership of everything
  6. A government for the people
  7. A better environment
  8. Relatively free housing
  9. Free education
  10. A potential for full employment

While it may seem like these 10 items (and quite possibly more) are positive, one must also look at the downsides.

First and foremost is that the government does not spend its money on a military and defense, rather it spends its money on the people.

Second, there is more corruption in SOCIALISM than there is in a DEMOCRACY although many would argue that point of view.

Third, there is no incentive to get better...  for instance, in socialism, being a teacher, I would take away A and B grades and give them to students with D and F grades so that everyone got a C regardless of effort.

Fourth, employees would get paid regardless of their productivity.  Therefore, there would be no incentive to increase productivity.  That mindset would lead to SHORTAGES.

Fifth, none of the people would have a voice in how the government was being managed.

Is this the kind of society in which you would like to live? 
If it is, then you are in the right place, because the US government is moving in this direction. However, I suggest that you investigate further what it is like to live under socialism...  and, then see if this is what you really want.

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