Sunday, August 27

My Novel Writing

Before we move to our new home, I had completed the writing of 7 novels and had started #8 and #9 and had drawn out a chapter outline for #10.  The reason why two were in progress simultaneously is because when I was almost finished with one, a new idea came to me and I wanted to get my thoughts down right then and there before I forgot them.

Deception in Paris is #8 and is about a CIA spy who is actually a Russian double agent but has been in a coma for several years due to a car accident and is trying to remember his past.

Life Changed in 2039 is #9 (and the one I did not want to forget) and is about life has it is currently happening with a focus on the liberal party trying to silence the conservative party and how the southern states secede from the USA and form their own country.  China and Russia are influencing the direction of the northern states.  I got the idea from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

The Ghost Dancer is #10 and is about drugs, prostitution, and human trafficking on Native American Reservations all over the USA. A deputy assistant FBI Director who is Cherokee has his family kidnapped and is trying to get them back as he uncovers all of this.

Each of my novels are over 100,000 words which is about 350-400 pages in a 5X7 paperback novel.

While I like to write, I am not good at editing my own stuff...  also, my writing lacks the creative descriptions of what is around the main characters that you read in other novels...  describing in detail the towns or landscapes or feelings that the characters might have about each other.  If I had my novels professionally edited, all of that could be added.

I thought about self-publishing on Amazon via KDP publishing...  but it is difficult to take the first step plus I don't have that much extra money to invest in something that has no guarantees of selling.

However, since we have moved, I have not had the motivation to return to my novel writing.

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