Monday, August 21

Hold Fast to Your Beliefs

We have always been told by our parents, peers, teachers, and leaders that marriage should only be between a male and a female.

Does this mean this norm cannot be changed?
No...  it does not...  but, when is changed, society as a whole is not ready to accept that change.

What I find interesting is that ever since this country was created in 1776 and no doubt long before,  there has been same sex relationships all of which were known but kept hidden.

So, what does it matter that these same sex couples cannot or should not be allowed to marry?
Personally, I don't think it matters.

If the truth be known, most of today's male/female marriages have experience same sex relationships either before they were married or after they were married, but kept it secret.

Regardless of how strict society tries to be, there will always be those who want to not just bend the rules but break the rules to see what that experience is all about.

Is there a benefit from same sex marriages?
There can be...  I would think.
  • Less babies being born for one.
  • An increase in babies being adopted.

Just because our religious leaders preach that same sex relationships and marriages are not accepted does not mean THAT IT IS WRONG...  it just means that most religious groups do not accept it.

Most religious groups don't accept drinking alcohol or partaking in the use of marijuana even though in some states it is entirely legal to do so for recreational purposes.

Is the state more or less correct than religion?

Religions don't like males and females living together and not getting married but over the years that has come to be entirely acceptable.

What is interesting here is that neither God nor Jesus are human beings like we are...  they are extraterrestrials who came to this planet.  Jesus is often quoted as saying (from the Bible):  ...MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD...
If it is not of this world then where is it?
I would think outer space somewhere...  wouldn't you?

The point here is that religions have their rules and countries have their rules...
Which rule is the correct rule to follow?

You follow that rule which best suits your lifestyle and beliefs.  And, if you truly believe then you will not change your beliefs because someone else wants you to.

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