Monday, August 28

Our US Constitution

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Articles of the Constitution include:

Article I Legislative Branch.
Article II Executive Branch.
Article III Judicial Branch.
Article IV Relationships Between the States.
Article V Amending the Constitution.
Article VI Supreme Law.
Article VII Ratification.

To read the full US Constitution which includes the various sections associated with each article, CLICK HERE...

Our Founding Fathers hoped that the Constitution would do the following:
  1. Establish Justice
  2. Ensure Domestic Tranquility
  3. Provide Defense
  4. Promote General Welfare
  5. Secure Liberty now and for our children

Here's the question...
Were they successful?
Justice -  we have a system of justice but over the years we have discovered that the system of justice is different for different groups of people...  for instance, wealthy and poor receive different types of justice.  Democrats and Republicans receive different kinds of justice.

Tranquility -  I would say that the US Government has fallen short of providing tranquility for its residents because there is still much hatred between the races and between the genders.

Defense -  I would have to admit that the US Government has done an excellent to superior job of creating both a domestic as well as an international defense with the current quality of our military branches and law enforcement agencies.  The key to defense is that the US has a nuclear stockpile of weapons that no nation in the world has come close to duplicating.

Welfare -  The US Government has created a HUGE national debt because of all the welfare programs that it has provided to its residents.  In fact, the national debt is so high that it will seriously impact the last point.

Liberty Now/Children - While we currently have some semblance of Liberty in that we have a Bill of Rights and numerous freedoms that other countries don't want their citizens to have, it is obvious that some of those liberties (freedom of speech and religion) are in the process of being destroyed.  Also, the national debt could PREVENT future generations from enjoying the liberties that we have today.

It is also true that when the US Constitution was written and ratified by each state, it favored Caucasians but not blacks.  In part, that has been remedied by various amendments but that does not negate the fact that they were not included.   

For that matter, Native Americans were not included in the Constitution either but other compensations were made over time in an attempt to correct that flaw.

Today, Caucasians are still in the majority with 60% of the population being white.  There has also been an attempt to separate us from Hispanics and Latinos.

Until we can solve this RACE ISSUE, the USA will never be fully united or see themselves as AMERICANS.

Our Founding Fathers did not take this into account and did not anticipate that it could be a problem.

Should the Constitution be rewritten to reflect a different USA...  obviously, the country has changed since 1776.  Some say that it should, while other say that is what the Amendments are for and that the original document should remain as it is.

Whatever we decide to do, I doubt it will end the HATRED and DIVISION that already exists here in the USA...  I can guarantee that the Founding Fathers did not expect this to happen.

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