Tuesday, August 15

What Annoys Me

Every once in a while, I will see an article in the news, not sure which news service it is, but its source is online...  and, the article addresses a popular singer or a popular movie star or a popular athlete and how they have been diagnosed with cancer...  and, how sad that is for them...  I guess it is sad because they are a CELEBRITY...

Obviously, the journalist writing this article, has no idea how many people each year in the US of A that are diagnosed with cancer...  and, that diagnosis is equally sad for them and their family as well even though they are not a celebrity.

Obviously, this journalist who wrote this article is not aware of all the children that are diagnosed each year with cancer, many of which will die within the next few years.  That is also sad.

Why does this bother me?

I have no desire to become a celebrity...  let me make that clear and I have no desire for recognition or sympathy...  but, I have been fighting cancer for over 15 years and no one except my immediate family knows or cares.

There are literally thousands of people like me...  but for some reason, these journalists only care about the celebrities with cancer not the average Americans.

And, this is what annoys me about this country of ours.  We only pay attention to celebrities and the wealthy even though the all the rest of the Americans are the ones who made them a celebrity or wealthy.

When is AMERICA going to start caring about the AVERAGE AMERICAN???

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