Tuesday, August 15

One Party Rule

The US of A is a Democratic Republic which is based upon a two party (or more) system of government and rule of the people through elected officials.  All of this is spelled out in our constitution and then our Bill of Rights gives powers to the people that other countries do not have such as the right to bear arms and freedom of speech.

All of this is taught to students at some point in time during their K-12 free education.

I say free education because educating the people IS NOT a function of government.

Our Democratic Republic not only pays for this education, but it pays for unemployment, medicare, social security, transportation, etc.  Having the government pay for programs it is not required to provide, is a form of SOCIALISM...

Foundations of a Democracy
The American concept of democracy — what we believe democracy means — rests on five essential tenets: (1) The fundamental worth and dignity of every person; (2) The equality of all persons; (3) Faith in majority rule and, in equal measure, an insistence upon minority rights; (4) The necessity of political compromise.

the Democratic Party is trying to silence the Republican Party to the extent that members of that party never become President again and that party never again has a majority in the House or the Senate (Congress).

If the Democratic Party can achieve this goal, then they would also be put into situation where they would control all the judges in the country as well as the Supreme Court.

The Democratic Party would never have any opposition of any kind except that from within its own party.

Consequently, the US of A would NO LONGER be a Democratic Republic and the Constitution and Bill of Rights would no longer be applicable.

Which system has only one political party?
Some one-party states are considered dictatorships and called a police state or a military dictatorship, if a secret police force or the military is used to keep a dictator in power through force. The one-party system is also a common trait of communist Marxist-Leninist and fascist political philosophies.

What is a One Party State?
Is a country where a single political party controls the government, either by law or in practice. Examples of one-party states include North Korea, China, Eritrea, and Cuba.

For much of the 20th century, many of the one-party states were communist-run, including the Soviet Union and its eastern European satellite countries. In communist countries, the party is the ideological engine; Marxist doctrine calls for the dictatorship of the proletariat to be in charge as society transitions from capitalism to pure socialism.

So real power in communist societies rests with party leaders, typically the first secretary, rather than with the head of state. Ruling communist parties exert a stranglehold over their citizens through propaganda, censorship, reeducation camps, and other forms of indoctrination.

Officials who do not follow the party line face expulsion from the party and worse. In the 1930s and through World War II (1939–45), there were also one-party states run by fascists, such as Nazi Germany, Italy, and Spain, although the party didn’t play the same dominant ideological role in those countries that the party does in communist-run countries.
SOURCE: Britannica

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