Monday, August 7

The Old America is GONE

I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s and while it was a much simpler way of life, we still had the rule of law that we had to obey.  We respected our elders to some degree until the Vietnam War and it was obvious that males were males and females were females even though we had individuals from both genders who wanted to experiment with the other side.  

Most of the people were patriotic, they voted, voiced their opinions in public and respected other people's points of view.  We had no concerns or fears that the government or any organization would try to censor our views other than our employers who made it clear politics was not up for discussion in the workplace.

We grew up with television heroes and muscle cars, cheap gasoline and the acceptance that people were entitled to make a reasonable profit if they owned a business.  There was a HUGE LINE between management and labor that was not crossed and there was an animosity between management and labor that would never be resolved.

In the 1960s all of that changed with the counter culture movement and the hippies who preached non violence, sex, and drugs as a solution for everything.

Out of the culture of the 1960s came a distrust:

  • for the law
  • for the government
  • for politicians
  • for the older generation

And, as black Americans began to flex their political muscles against the white establishment...  it was only natural that in a short matter of time, slavery would become the issue that once again divided the nation.

This time it revolved around:
  1. Black Lives Matter
  2. Critical Race Theory
  4. Reparations

  • In the early 2000s before all this took place, it was painfully obvious that politicians from both parties DID NOT CARE about fixing anything that was wrong with America, such as:
  • wage and price discrepancies
  • wages between management and labor
  • racism in the workplace and in communities
  • our corrupt politicians
  • the corrupt legal system
  • the corrupt law enforcement system
  • our declining educational standards
  • our declining infrastructure (roads and bridges)
  • our battle with climate change
  • our rising medical costs
  • our weakened military
  • all the tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes

Most of us who grew up in the 50s and 60s not only lost respect for our country and it's leaders, but we stopped believing that the USA would ever change back to the way it was...  and, I don't mean a white led society but a society of all races and genders, coming together to solve problems and make this place a better country in which to live.

Just a quick for instance...
I was not racist until BLM, CRT, and WOKENESS started pushing their beliefs on everyone else.  Now, I don't want to do a damn thing for that race of people.

Currently, in the USA, 
12% of the population are black
60% of the population are white

There are more whites than blacks and the whites are beginning to think that maybe we should not do so much for the blacks anymore.  If they want something, let them earn it the old fashion way with hard work.

An issue that the blacks have not possible thought about.  If the liberals push for abortions to be legal in every state, now that the Federal Govt is no longer responsible for them...


What does this mean?
It could possibly reduce the % of blacks because whites are having babies.


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