Monday, August 7

Censorship in America

 FOX News reported this morning (and I have no reason to doubt them yet) that none of the other networks except MSNBC have reported on the story about Devin Archer testifying to the House and that the transcript of his testimony has been released to the public.

What this tells me is that the LIBERAL MEDIA NETWORKS in the US of A do not want the AMERICAN people to know the TRUTH about the BIDENS.

What if these same networks did not want the general public to know the truth about:

  • the Chinese military strength
  • the Chinese desire to DEFEAT America
  • the Russian war in Ukraine
  • North Korea getting closer to becoming a nuclear power
  • the truth about Aliens visitations on earth
  • that our military is currently not powerful enough to defeat China in a war
  • that our nuclear weapons stockpile is not as large as the government has claimed
  • that AI/Robots will take your job by 2025
  • that our government care more about money than people

It would not surprise me at all that if the America People knew the WHOLE TRUTH, that there would be a REVOLT in this country.  I believe that neither liberals or conservatives like being lied to and if it happened enough they would respond negatively.

It would also surprise me that if the general public knew that the government did not really have the money, or finally admitted that they could not get the money TO TAKE CARE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, that the general public would rise up and revolt and demand a new government.

Currently, taxes do not provide us with all the money that we need, and the WEALTHY are still able to hide millions away from the IRS so that those monies will never be taxed.  It is the WEALHY that FORCES our government to borrow money...  not the poor people.

 What will happen in the good ole US of A when it can NO LONGER borrow money?

They will print up more money...

Printing up more money will increase inflation...


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