Friday, August 4

Reverse Aging Process

Behind Bryan Johnson’s (pictured) $2 million anti-aging regimen is 29-year-old doctor Oliver Zolman.

Tech CEO Bryan Johnson’s rigid routine of 1,977 vegan-based calories a day, a couple dozen morning supplements, and consistent organ testing caught the attention of the masses ever since he first shared his reverse-aging protocol with Bloomberg in January. 

The 45-year-old’s quest for immortality has garnered massive criticism from longevity experts and doctors who question whether his dedication will prove anything long term, not to mention the impact it may have on his quality of life.

Pulling the strings behind Johnson’s reportedly $2 million longevity craze is a team of 30-plus doctors and health experts, led by 29-year-old Oliver Zolman—a millennial doctor obsessed with turning back the clock.

“I’m going for results that have never been achieved ever,” Zolman tells Fortune. “My bar is very high.” Zolman juggles about 10 clients at a time and reportedly charges upwards of $1,000 an hour for intensive age-related testing, according to Bloomberg’s profile. 

Zolman did not share his current rate with Fortune, but says he charges people based on their net worth.  “If they have no money, then I just don’t charge,” he says. “If they’re a billionaire, then it’s like, ‘Okay, thousands of dollars is nothing to them.’” 

Still, Zolman says most of his clients are similar to “Bryan’s demographic,” with some exceptions. But in a follow-up email, Zolman said he does not charge anyone except for Johnson and “never actually charged $1,000 an hour.”

Zolman, who lives in Cambridge, England (but also spends time in Spain and hopes to open a clinic there), introduced himself as a “professional evidence-based rejuvenation coach and clinician trainer” at a lecture during the Longevity Summit Dublin last year.

“Rejuvenation just means getting younger, or making it younger so obviously to prove that, in an evidence-based way, you have to measure the age of something,” he says, adding that he measures individual ages of organs to determine protocols for clients. “You can’t just randomly say I feel younger. That’s completely ridiculous.”

Zolman has been fascinated with longevity and regenerative medicine—modalities that aim to combat age-related changes—since he was young.  READ MORE...

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