Tuesday, August 8

Retired in East TN Blues

I am so frigging happy that I do not have to drive in the traffic of a big city.  

I am so frigging happy that I do not live in area where there is a high level of crime.

I am so frigging happy that I do not live in an area where BLM and CRT and WOKE dominates the local politics.

I am so frigging happy that there are two large recreational lakes on either side of my location.

I am so frigging happy that the East TN Valley is protected from bad weather by the Smoky Mtns on one side and the Cumberland Plateau on the other side.

I am so frigging happy that I have a back yard that is large enough for me to have a small vegetable garden.

I am so frigging happy that I live in a community where the neighbors all around me are thoroughly enjoyable and pleasant.

I am so frigging happy that I live in a community where I can walk around the community day or night without the fear of being mugged.

I am so frigging happy that the restaurants that are around me are not just cheap but provide quality food with which I am totally satisfied.

I am so frigging happy that I do not have to wait in line to charge an electric vehicle because my car only works on gasoline.

Life in the south is GOOD.

Life in the south is REWARDING.

Life in the south is PEACEFUL.

Life in the south caters to OLD PEOPLE.

Life in the south in INEXPENSIVE.

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