Monday, August 21

New Home - Same Mornings

We moved around the corner from our old house, about 8 houses away...  similar to a dogleg in golf.  We are closer to our neighbors but both are friendly.  We have not met the ones across the street.

We are off a main side street, so there is not much traffic at all.  While our new home is 200 square feet larger, it is on one floor and better laid out.  Our yard can be mowed, trimmed, and weed eaten in about an hour or so.

Our back deck is smaller but sufficient for our needs...  as a matter of fact, I am out on the deck right now.

Up at 8:30 am, took a thyroid pill, visited the bathroom, made coffee, then watched  FOX News for a couple of hours.  Ate the other half of my Perkin's Restaurant everything omelet and 1/2 of an Hawaiian muffin with pineapple.  My wife ate the other half.

Sitting on my back porch is not a privilege but a luxury that is only provided to those who live in the suburbs of a city.  There are not many intentional back porches in the country as they are landowners more than homeowners.

It is nearing noon, so the humidity has started to increase, so drinking my second cup of coffee is now heating me up more than I had intended.  My second cup of coffee does not sound like much, but I use a large YETI cup which actually holds 2 cups of coffee, so I am finishing my fourth cup of coffee.  Typically, this will be all that I have until the evening.  NO...  coffee does not keep me from sleeping.

On my back porch it is eerily quiet.  No sounds of traffic or lawn mowers.  I hear crickets and birds and the gentle breeze blowing through trees and bushes.  These bushes will need to be trimmed soon, I tell myself...  but not today...  perhaps in 6 weeks when it is cooler.

Our three cats were out here with me but it got too hot for them so they went back inside.  My umbrella blocks the sun but not the humidity.  I also have a couple of large trees in the backyard that act as umbrellas as well.  The grass was mowed a few days ago, but I am thinking of mowing it again later today before it gets too tall.

It is not supposed to rain for several days but if I had a roof over the back deck, I could sit out here when it was raining; instead, I will be sitting in the sunroom which is right beside me.  The sunroom is cool until about 10 am and then it starts to heat up.  We are looking at a portable heating/ac unit to put in there.

Yesterday, we visited Lowes and Home Depot to see one of those units and ask questions, but they do not carry them in the store any longer...  the only way to get them is online.   Sometimes, it is difficult to buy online when you cannot get your questions answered.  It seems like online is where we will be doing all our purchasing soon as brick and mortar buildings are costly to maintain along with the cost of labor.

Peace and quiet in East TN...  just like it has been for the last 33 years...  just a different day, a different home with different neighbors, but the morning always remain the same...


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