Saturday, August 19

We Are the Slaves of Billionaires

I don't belong to any political party.  I used to vote Democratic, now I vote Republican.  I suppose you would refer to me as a LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE because of the variety of beliefs that I have that are found in both parties.  I support the Bill of Rights even though I do not believe in all 10 amendments.  I support the US Constitution even though it was written by slave holders.  

Slavery is no longer part of USA culture although some believe that the average American is still a slave to the wealthy.  While I don't see myself as a slave to the wealthy, I understand and support the concept.

We could say that the wealthy are a necessary evil and that societies cannot do without them.  Back in ancient times, the religious leaders were the ones who were wealthy.

Today, wealth is relative, depending in part upon where one lives.  If you live in East TN, earning $150,000/year might be seen as being wealthy...  but, in NYC or LA, it would be seen as being poor.

We have thousands of millionaires who have their wealthy tied up in homes, yachts, and jet aircraft and quite possibly gold, silver, and some stocks.  These are the stars of Hollywood and the professional athletes who make their money off the poor people who buy tickets to their events and movies.

But, the real wealth lies in the hands of the BILLIONAIRES who will never spend all of their money no matter how hard they try to spend it...  Of course, gambling is a sure way to loose a fortune, but I doubt the billionaires gamble.

It is these billionaires who influence politicians in Congress and Presidents by contributing to their campaigns.  These billionaires influence direction and the vote by having voting districts rezoned so that a majority changes from conservative to liberal.
These billionaires influence the media as well especially if they own a majority of the stock.

These billionaires want to destroy the American Middle Class for some reason...  not sure why, but we are heading in that direction.  These billionaires know that the USA is not ready for 100% EV on our roads and highways.

These billionaires know that destroying our dependence on petroleum crude oil will SEVERELY DAMAGE our economy, but like shingles, they don't care.

These billionaires know that the global economy is shifting to ASIA, mainly because of the populations in that area.  India will soon surpass China in having the largest population.  Both China and India are ANTI-USA.

These billionaires also know that AI/Robots will replace humans in jobs...  and that 80-90% of all jobs will go to robots in the next 3-5 years maybe 2-3 years.  Why are they allowing this to happen?

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