Wednesday, August 9

The Present Does Not Last Long

Fortunately, or unfortunately, mankind is forced to live in the present. We are aware of the past, especially the immediate past, because we just lived through it.  The distant past is a little more of a problem, but we have photos to help remind us of what we did...  although in some cases photos still don't help us remember.

The future is another story altogether because it has not yet happened, even the immediate future which is sometimes rather obvious.  However, if we look further into the future, it is more difficult to predict even with historical data on which to base our predictions and forecasts.

However strange that it might seem, when the future gets here it is only momentarily in the present before it flows into the past.  It is even more difficult to state how long the present actually lasts...  it is a second?  or, a nanosecond?  or, even faster than that?

The other issue that I see as problematic is how long is the past and how long is the future.  If we measure both of those relative to ourselves, then it is simply how long we live.  However, if we measure the past and future relative to the beginning and ending of time itself, then it is a little more difficult to develop an accurate number.

The obvious first question here is WHY?

And, the obvious answer is that we do not know exactly when time began, nor do we know when time will end.

Now, the issue, at least in my mind, that complicates this analysis is the notion that time IS or IS NOT connected with the creation of the universe.  That is to say, could the universe have been created before time existed?  Or, was time created in the same instant that the universe was created in?

Again, we have no definitive answer...  just a lot of speculation and conjecture.

Some people, and this is beyond my comprehension, believe that the universe was created out of nothing rather than created out of something.

I've always had a problem with the universe being created out of something....  BECAUSE where did that SOMETHING COME FROM?

While creation out of nothing makes more sense, it also seems illogical...

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