Monday, August 14

Stay The Course

Those of you with weak mental fortitude, I suppose supported BLM, CRT, WOKENESS, and Cancel Culture without the slightest hesitation.  I would also suspect that these same people, jumped on the bandwagon about climate change, supported the end of fossil fuels, and went out and purchased an ELECTRIC VEHICLE.  There was no doubt in your mind that the minority in AMERICA was wrong...

I would also suspect that these very same people would jump off a cliff if they thought that is what the IN CROWD was doing.

As soon as the new ipad comes out, you have to buy one.  As soon as the new iphone comes out you have to buy one.  As soon as the new iwatch comes out you have to buy one.  You are up to your eyeballs in debt, but that's ok because you are doing what everyone else is doing WITHOUT QUESTION...

How stupid is that?

Going into debt is exactly what POOR PEOPLE do because they do not want to admit that they are poor.  What would the IN CROWD THINK?

You are also the type of person who automatically goes to college because that is the thing to do after high school without the slightest thought that college may not be the place for you to go.  It is just what everyone else is doing.

How stupid is that?

Journalists are now writing articles that charging an EV is more costly than filling up your gas tank with gasoline...  who would have ever thought that?

Journalists are writing that the USA does not have the infrastructure to support 100% EVs nor do they have the money to build the infrastructure needed to support 100% EVs...  who would have ever thought that?

YOU wanted to change because the IN CROWD was changing...  you had no idea that you should ever doubt their beliefs...

Is that stupid or what?

Personally, I don't give a flying flip what my neighbor does or does not do, I am not buying an EV or even a HYBRID until I absolutely have to.

Have you ever heard of a place called BUC-EE'S?  It is a convenience store that sells all kinds or stuff including gasoline.  A new one just opened in TN, and in a couple of months, there will be new stores in Ohio and Texas.  Each of the newer stores, and there is a bunch of them, have 120 gasoline pumps...

What does BUC-EE'S know about gasoline that the IN CROWD does not know?  Why would a store open up 120 gas pumps if the USA was REALLY going to stop using gasoline???

EVs, Hybrids, BLM, CRT, WOKE, and Cancel Culture are just FADS that will soon be over and done with.  A majority of Americans do not support any of these...  right now they are just tolerating this BS but soon they will start fighting back which is what happened to BUD LIGHT.

Which side of our future are you on?

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