Friday, August 11

Slowing Down Aging

 When I was younger (before high school), I got involved with lifting weights and wanted to be a bodybuilder.  I am glad I did not go in that direction but because of my interest, I began living a very active and physical life.  Mowing lawns, running around a track, calisthenics, felling trees, splitting wood, etc.

It was not until I was 40 years old that I realized (and did something about it) smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol and my diet were negatively countering my physical activity.  So, I stopped...  COLD TURKEY so to speak.

I also stopped eating red meat, fried foods, fast foods, and sugars...  instead, I ate lots of chicken, fish, vegetables, and beans.  I occasionally ate the bad stuff, but it was like only once a month.

Ironically, I still had a heart attack and I still got cancer and I still had five lower back vertebrae that had to be fused together because of arthritis and a narrowing of the spinal column.

At first, I was pissed and complained because of all the exercise I had done and my diet...  the doctor smiled and said, your condition would have been WORSE had you not done that...

OLD FRIGGING AGE is what got me and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it...  you may be able to slow it down, but it will eventually happen to all of us.

I tell you this only so that you will have the knowledge to start doing something for yourself now because the alternative will be horrible as you age.  The aging process is NEVER KIND.

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