Wednesday, August 9

Predicting 2030

 Obviously, no one can predict the future...  all they can do is anticipate what the future will be like based upon what the world looks like today and a few trends taking place in:  technology, economics, politics, science, and defense.

It is predicted that by 2030 (6.5 years from now) that the following is likely to happen:

1.  China will have the biggest economy

2.  China will have the biggest military

3.  India will have the biggest population

4.  The center of commerce will be ASIA

5.  The USA will be a superpower only because of all its nuclear weapons

8.  80% of all global jobs will be replaced by AI/Robots

9.  All education will be online and will be competency based predicated upon certification exams

10.  English will no longer be the universal language

11.  The US dollar will no longer be the international currency of trade

12.  Thanks to AI most all disease will be eliminated

13.  Most all emerging nations/countries will have nuclear weapons

14.  Spaceships will be heading to Mars for potential colonization

15.  Everyone will have wrist implants for identification and banking

16.  Because of AI and AI/robots and technology, there will be no middle class...  only wealthy and poor.

17.  Because of AI and AI/robots, there will be no need for actors, actresses, singers or musicians, or any professional athletes

18.  All militaries will be 80% AI/Robots

19.  There will only be one universal currency that will be online based, like having a credit of a certain value

20.  Marriages and having children will be pointless

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