Wednesday, August 9

Lady Justice Hides

The RULE OF LAW has gone on an indefinite leave of absence in an effort to avoid retribution, retaliation, and extinction...

The Department of Justice is now the handmaiden of the Biden Administration and has been weaponized against any and all conservatives that pose a threat to their BRAND OF DEMOCRACY...  somewhere between progressive democracy and socialism.

The progressives would rather have a society of entitlements rather than a society that is protected by a strong global military presence.

To achieve their Machiavellian results, they have opened all US borders and embraced ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION in the strongest of terms.  These liberals know exactly the chaos that will be unleashed against the current American society.

These ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS bring with them:

  1. uneducated minds
  2. unskilled labor
  3. unvaccinated children
  4. potential disease
  5. potential criminals
  6. potential terrorists

These ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have no family here in the USA to take care of them.  They have no prospect of jobs or any means of earning a living.  They cannot pay for housing, food, medicine, or clothing.  The slums that they lived in before they came here, they will bring with them by default.

How much money will the USA spend on taking care of these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?

How much crime will these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS create in order to pay for normal living expenses?

These ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their uncanny desire to have babies will eventually turn the USA into a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY because of all the resources that they will consume without returning anything to the USA and her legal citizens.

In the meantime, high tech companies have BALLS TO THE WALL in AI/Robot research and development that will replace AMERICAN JOBS in the next couple of years.

How will the USA deal with not only ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who are unemployed but with AMERICAN CITIZENS that are unemployed as well?

If you are an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT and you know that you came into the USA ILLEGALLY how much respect do you think these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS will have for our Rule of Law?

America's National Debt is increasing and there are no signs that anything will change any time soon.  Our bond rating has been down graded because of our National Debt.  BRICS and Saudi Arabia and numerous other countries are no longer using the US dollar in their trade negotiations.   The rest of the world DOES NOT LIKE THE USA because of all of our global transgressions trying to get the rest of the world to be like us.


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