Monday, August 14


All free-market enterprise system economies or CAPITALISM is predicated upon GREED...  without greed, economies WILL NOT GROW but if by chance they do grow, they will grow slowly and methodically.

If greed is present in SOCIALISM then it is up to the government to fulfill that greed, not necessarily the businesses as would be the case in a capitalistic society.  Greed could then become a problem.

The USA, while a democratic republic with a capitalistic society, does incorporate a bunch of socialistic programs such as:  unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, public transportation, police and fire protection, water and sewer, etc.

However, greed is still necessary to push the economy forward.  Therefore, pushing students to go to college after high school, is the foundation of this greed.  With a college degree they can demand a higher salary and spend more money.

Companies can only survive if they can sell their products...  so, all advertising and marketing is designed to convince people to buy what they don't need or necessarily want.

Get life insurance instead of investing the money yourself...  Life insurance only works, if you die sooner than expected...  and the sooner the better, otherwise you give the insurance company more money than they get back.

Buy a new car...

Buy a new house...

Buy car protection just in case...

Buy home protection just in case...

Buy warranties just in case...

Buy new clothes...

Buy more new clothes...

Go on an expensive vacation...

BUY...  BUY...  BUY...

When you are buying a warranty, it is because you perceive that the product you are buying was manufactured incorrectly and may not work properly....  what then is wrong with our manufacturing process?

Buy from a manufacturer that has QUALITY and does not need a WARRANTY.

Selling you what you don't need is based upon the fact that you are either lazy or stupid or BOTH...

Wake up America...  economies are designed not to help you but to take your money...

Only buy what you need...

Only buy on sale...

Don't buy new cars...


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