Saturday, August 12

DEJA VU - Already Seen

Most of us interpret this French phrase to mean that when we go to a place that we've never been to before that we have an eerie feeling that we have been there before.

My use of this phrase is slightly different.

Let me explain.

Look at the wheel below.

For the sake of this article, let's assume that the circle in the middle of the wheel represents earth.  And, the larger wheel represents the universe.  One can easily see that the inner circle/wheel that represents earth must make several complete revolutions before the outer wheel makes one complete revolution.

Let's make the further assumption that once the larger wheel makes a complete revolution, 100 years has passed on earth.  One hundred years pretty much takes into consideration one's complete lifetime.

So, if a person was sitting at the outer wheel and had the ability to see what was going on in the smaller wheel, then that person would be able to see a person's entire lifetime before it actually unfolded for the person living on the inner wheel.

To put it another way, the inner wheels spins much much faster than the outer wheel.

Therefore, DEJA VU takes place at the larger wheel.

If the person living on the outer wheel can, in fact, see this, then they must also have the ability to change events that would change the life course of any individual living on the smaller wheel.  Those people living on the smaller wheel would not be aware that their life had been changed, thinking that this is the way it is supposed to be.

If our entire life is seen before it happens to us, then one could argue that we, as individuals, do not have FREE WILL even though we believe that we do.  Our lives end up the way someone else wants them to end up, not the way we may have wanted them to end up.

In other words, all our choices have already been made for us.

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