Tuesday, August 15

AMERICA: A Declining Nation

 At the end of WWII, the USA had the only industrial economy that had not been destroyed.  Consequently, the USA had to rebuild the rest of the world.  As a result of rebuilding the rest of the world, we became the STRONGEST country in the world.  The citizens that made it possible for the USA to accomplish this, immigrated from Europe decades ago to live in a country that believed in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

In 1950, the USA had:

  1. the strongest economy
  2. the strongest military
  3. the most robust agricultural system
  4. the best education (K-12 and higher)
  5. the best medical system
  6. the best technology
  7. the best research and development
  8. the best rule of law
  9. the most freedom for its citizens
  10. the best political system

In the 1960s, Japan was the first nation to economically challenge the USA in the automotive and electronics industries.  I can remember seeing a documentary entitled:  IF JAPAN CAN, WHY CAN'T WE?

I am not sure when it started, but I would speculate that it was in the 1960s when it started but whenever it started, the USA CHANGED...
  • We became politically corrupt
  • Our business leaders became corrupt
  • Our educational systems started to decline
  • Our judicial system favored the wealthy
  • Our law enforcement system became BIASE
  • Built in obsolescent dictated our manufacturing policy
  • Politicians cared more about re-election that making the USA better
  • Government became bigger and bigger
  • Government began offering more social programs
  • The USA wanted the rest of the world to incorporate our brand of democracy

GREED - POWER - WEALTH began to dictate direction in all aspects of life in the USA...

TODAY...  the liberals want to completely silence the conservatives by censoring their opinion through the mainstream media...
TODAY...  ABC, NBC, CNN, and CBS fail to report any story that goes against the liberal points of view.
TODAY...  Facebook, Twitter, and other social media giants remove comments off their platforms because they say the comments are DISINFORMATION.
Who gave them the right to CENSOR our freedom of speech rights?
TODAY... the liberal party has decided to move our economy towards green energy regardless of that movement destroying our economy.
TODAY...  the liberals want to spend less and less money on the military so that we are no longer a global military power.
TODAY...  the liberals are pushing BLM, CRT, WOKE, and the Cancel Culture despite the fact that 50% of Americans are AGAINST their direction - that doesn't matter because they are in power.
TODAY...  our education system (K-12) is ranked number 15th in the world...  down from NUMBER ONE.
TODAY...  our judicial system is so corrupt that it only favors the wealthy or the bias.  District Attorneys want to make sure that our prisons have just as many whites incarcerated as blacks, regardless of the crimes committed.

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