Wednesday, August 16

AMERICA: A Declining Nation - part II

 The US of America was once the number one nation in the world economically, militarily, educationally, healthcare, democratic freedoms, and quality of life BUT NO MORE...

  • Our military is weak and smaller than the military of China which includes, naval ships, soldiers, air crafts, and support vehicles.
  • Our educational system (K-12) is now ranked 15th in the world instead of number 1.  Businesses are reporting that college graduates are coming out of college without the proper knowledge.
  • Our healthcare system which includes pharmaceuticals is above average but incredibly costly for the average American.
  • Our social programs are still not the best in the world but are very costly to maintain which is increasing our NATIONAL DEBT.  The debt also includes Social Security and Medicare.
  • Our criminal justice systems favors the wealthy and whites to the expense of other minorities.
  • Our larger cities are playgrounds for and hotbeds of crime and violence.
  • Our national security system cannot stop the flow of illegal drugs into the country.
  • Our politicians are corrupt and care more about their re-elections than solving problems.
  • Our idiotic rush to green energy is not only destroying our strong economy but also destroying the middle class.

Most of the people in this country will tell you that they favor moving into a green energy enviornment but want to do so gradually.  Haste makes Waste... as Benjamin Franklin used to say.
  • A few daring journalists reported that the USA did not have the infrastructure to support electric vehicles but no one listened.
  • A few daring journalists have reported that it cost more to recharge an EV than it does to fill up a vehicle with gasoline.
  • A few daring journalists have reported that moving away from fossil fuels took us away from being energy independent. (costly).

Not only has the US of America lost its energy independence but it has also lost the respect from the rest of the world except our closest allies in Europe.

OPEC (largely composed of Middle Eastern Countries but now includes Venezuela and Russia HATES the USA...
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) HATES the USA...
Saudi Arabia and numerous other nations have declared that they will no longer use the US dollar when they trade internationally...
Note:  without the support of the rest of the world, how strong is the USA really?
CHINA has declared publicly that they will defeat the USA economically...
CHINA's GDP in the next couple of years will be larger that the GDP of the USA...
CHINA owns ONE THIRD of all USA debt...

Do you really think the US of America is going to come out from under?
Wealthy people hide their money from taxes.  If the US of America increases taxes, it will not be on the wealthy.
If the US of America continues to grow its social programs, it can only do so at the expense of the military.
Will Europe or NATO really come to our aid if BRICS, lead by China, attacks us?

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