Monday, August 21

A Belief in Country and Wealth

 I served in the US Navy from 1969 through 1975...  a six year commitment...  but was only on active duty for 2 years...

I believe in a strong military presence but I DON'T BELIEVE IN WAR...  and, I don't believe in fighting someone else's war simply because we want the rest of the world to be like us...  in terms of a democracy.

I don't give a rat's rearend if the rest of the world embraces our democracy or not...  that is their choice just like our democracy was our choice.

With that said, if someone slaps me in the face, then I am going to slap them back twice a hard, just to keep them from doing it again.  If a country wants to fight the USA, then we will defend our right to be free and pound them into the ground...  providing they strike first.

On the other side of the coin, I don't own a firearm and will never own a firearm.  I strongly believe that the SECOND AMENDMENT has been misinterpreted as it was only meant to be temporary.  However, it is part of the Constitution so I will support it.

Unlike the Republicans, I support a woman's right to have an abortion.  It is her body and she has the right to do with it as she pleases.  I DON'T THINK THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD FUND ABORTIONS...  or decide if a female has the right to have an abortion...

I don't believe the government should pay for college education.  Education is a privilege not a right, even when education is needed to pursue happiness.

Our EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM SUCKS and does not know how to educate students other than have them memorize for the tests and exams and NOT RETAIN the KNOWLEDGE.  Educators should teach students how to retain, not memorize.

TAXES should be as low as possible in order to finance the basic obligations of government which is protection, the rule of law, and negotiate treaties.

Governments should not be responsible for:

  1. public education
  2. public transportation
  3. unemployment insurance
  4. social security
  5. medicare
  6. parks and recreation
  7. housing
  8. food stamps
These items above and others should be funded by States and/or local governments, Churches, Businesses, Families, or the individuals themselves.
in order to ensure that this happens, K-12 education should teach students how to invest and grow their finances, how to budget, set goals, and develop retirement plans...  so that they can be responsible for and take care of themselves.

REALIZING that we will always have wealthy people in the US of A and that there will always be super wealthy people in the US of A, we should allow them to have more access to their money (less taxes) so that they can invest in technology, non-profits, or in social programs that will benefit those who are not wealthy.

I believe that too many people want the government to take care of them and that is not the responsibility of the government...  and, when the government finally realizes that and actually does something about that, our economy will continue to struggle.

I believe that as the wealthy get wealthier and the poor get poorer, the poor people will have less and less money to buy the items that made the wealthy people wealthy in the first place.  Wealthy is always stratified, so there will be those who can purchase but more and more will be less able to purchase.

In this case, the wealthy individuals in the US of A will start to develop markets overseas and get those poor people to buy their items...   this new group of buyers will make them even more wealthy than before.

They will literally forget about selling in the US of A as they simply no longer need them to buy...

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