Saturday, May 22

Searching For Alien Life

Is mankind alone in the universe? Or are there somewhere other intelligent beings looking up into their night sky from very different worlds and asking the same kind of question? Are there civilizations more advanced than ours, civilizations that have achieved interstellar communication and have established a network of linked societies throughout our galaxy? 

Such questions, bearing on the deepest problems of the nature and destiny of mankind, were long the exclusive province of theology and speculative fiction. Today for the first time in human history they have entered into the realm of experimental science.

From the movements of a number of nearby stars we have now detected unseen companion bodies in orbit around them that are about as massive as large planets. From our knowledge of the processes by which life arose here on the earth we know that similar processes must be fairly common throughout the universe. 

Since intelligence and technology have a high survival value it seems likely that primitive life forms on the planets of other stars, evolving over many billions of years, would occasionally develop intelligence, civilization and a high technology. Moreover, we on the earth now possess all the technology necessary for communicating with other civilizations in the depths of space. Indeed, we may now be standing on a threshold about to take the momentous step a planetary society takes but once: first contact with another civilization..

In our present ignorance of how common extraterrestrial life may actually be, any attempt to estimate the number of technical civilizations in our galaxy is necessarily unreliable. We do, however, have some relevant facts. There is reason to believe that solar systems are formed fairly easily and that they are abundant in the vicinity of the sun.  
In our own solar system, for example, there are three miniature "solar systems": the satellite systems of the planets Jupiter (with 13 moons), Saturn (with 10) and Uranus (with five). 

The only technique we have at present for detecting the planetary systems of nearby stars is the study of the gravitational perturbations such planets induce in the motion of their parent star. Imagine a nearby star that over a period of decades moves measurably with respect to the background of more distant stars. Suppose it has a nonluminous companion that circles it in an orbit whose plane does not coincide with our line of sight to the star. 

Both the star and the companion revolve around a common center of mass. The center of mass will trace a straight line against the stellar background and thus the luminous star will trace a sinusoidal path. From the existence of the oscillation we can deduce the existence of the companion. Furthermore, from the period and amplitude of the oscillation we can calculate the period and mass of the companion. The technique is only sensitive enough, however, to detect the perturbations of a massive planet around the nearest stars.  TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE...

Friday, May 21

Friday Evening in the Valley

While many of my neighbors are celebrating the no facemask
required announcement by going places without wearing their facemasks, I am simple sitting at home enjoying the day with my Siamese cat, Piper, named after the actor and the fact that I needed a 2 syllable name.

My Friday started with coffee and Cappuccino Mix and Fox News with Bill Hemmer and his female cohost whose name I cannot remember but who is not impressive because she talks too fast...  although, I am sure that some people like that style.

SOS for the most part, so I switched the channel to Below Zero about people supposedly living OFF THE GRID in Alaska, but all those damn shows are scripted, so you gotta take the "reality" part with a grain of salt.

Once my body was satiated with a sufficient amount of coffee, I finished sanding down the wall that I had fixed with spackling and after making sure that it was a smooth as a baby's butt, I let my wife know that it was ok to paint...  a chore which I would do if she did not care to do it.

I've always hated that phrase, "I don't care to do it," because to me it means I don't want to do it but to the people in this area, it means I don't mind doing it...  it is all rather confusing to a North Carolinian.

Next, I vacuumed our outside pool which is stupid to say it that way since very few people in these parts have inside pools...  and poured some kind of crap into the pool that the pool people gave us because something in the water was either too high or too low.  I did not have to mix it with anything, just walked around its perimeter and sprinkled a little bit at a time into the pool.

WIth that done, it was time for my first meal of the day...  oatmeal, peaches, and cinnamon but only 1/2 cup of dry ingredients which is heart healthy and only 175 calories.

This meal allowed me to start working on my blogs and the novel I am writing which took me into mid afternoon and I had my first snack of rice cakes and unsweetened tea.  For about 90 minutes I watched 2 episodes (fast forwarding through the commercials) of Ancient Aliens and got especially interested in the Book of Enoch that was left out of the Christian Bible.  It had some very interesting shit in it about a group of extraterrestrials called the Watchers getting humans pregnant and their off springs were these damn giants...  even the Bible mentions giants as well as Enoch even though it don't include his book.  

I know I should have used doesn't instead of don't but I felt a little frisky...

Second snack was then consumed of a 1/8 portion of a small brick of cheese and 5 saltine crackers...  totaling 160 calories.

If you don't give a shit about my caloric intake then just read past it.

Once my second snack was "down the hatch," I proceeded to do a little more research on The Dead Sea Scrolls and Spectral Imaging which can bring out words even after the page is burned...  now that is some cool shit.

Black beans, corn, diced tomatoes, rice, onion, peppers, mushrooms, and garlic is my last meal recording a whopping 320 calories but my daily overall total still remains under 1,600 and my range these days is 1,400 to 1,800.

The day concludes with me checking my stats on my four blogs, setting the thermostat to turn on the air, and writing this last post...

Is this a typical Friday?
Yes...  it is when I am at at home in the Valley...

I have been mowing my lawn on Thursdays this time around instead of Fridays or the weekend because we left early Friday morning several weeks ago for our first of many vacations after the pandemic lost its power over us.  And, I am still waiting for the world to get PISSED OFF at China...  but I doubt that will ever happen.

Darkness outside my window cause me to flip the light switch and now Piper and I have some light by which to see each other.

Tomorrow will be a brief day outside as we lower the steps down into the pool and stake up a dozen tomato plants that were planted a couple of days ago.  Other than that, I plan to spend the rest of the day inside, piddling around with my writing and eating my low calorie meals and snacks.

But, what the hell, it gives this retired Veteran something to do each day and I don't have to spend any time at all at work refusing to KISS THE ASS of my supervisor.

The Number Twelve (12)

 What is the significance of this number?

The number twelve carries religious, mythological and magical symbolism, generally representing perfection, entirety, or cosmic order in traditions since antiquity.

  • 12 tribes of Israel
  • 12 disciples of Jesus
  • 12 Imams in Islam
  • 12 gates in heaven
  • 12 angels
  • 12 inches in a foot
  • 12 eggs in a dozen
  • 12 ribs on a human being
  • 12 hours on a clock
  • 12 hours earth orbits the sun
  • 12 is easily divisible by 1,2,3,4,6, and 12
  • 12 months in the year
  • 12 is the symbol of love
  • 12 signs of the Zodiac
  • 12 sided universe
  • 12 gods in Greek mythology
  • 12 sons of the Norse god Odin

And, I am sure that we can think of more, if we wanted to take the time, which we probably do not...

Some think of the number 12 as the perfect number and it has been used often by those who believe that extraterrestrials have visited earth and were actually the ones who imparted than knowledge to the people because 10, instead of 12, would be a more common number to use, especially when considering the early development of mankind...  and the fact that we have 10 fingers and 10 toes...  not 12...  and yet those early civilizations had a mathematical system that was based upon the number 12...

Riddle me that one...

Those Who Know The Future

What will happen to you tomorrow?

Or, the next day?

Or, the next?

No one living on earth really knows, although there are forecasters who claim that they can predict the weather or the economy or the technological trends that will happen in the brief future of let's say over the next few days, or few months, or few years, respectfully.

Any further out and it is shear speculation and/guess work at best.

But, what if someone knew what you would be like or become in 50 years or even 60 years, 80 years or more...  then, would one's life not become predetermined?

Religious people believe that our CREATOR knows the future and what will happen or not happen to all of us, both the believers as well as the non-believers...  however, there are many people on earth that are not religious and do not believe in a CREATOR...   yet, the evidence is strongly favoring that earth has been visited in the past and is still being visited today by extraterrestrials...  and, of those who believe in ET's, also believe that many of our large structures here on earth were built by ancient aliens or ET's.

Even the religious son of God, the Father, the Creator, said, "My Kingdom is not of this world."

These people also believe that ET's have altered our DNA and have created the species we are today...  and, in some cases have given  or infused others with their knowledge to take the rest of us humans to where we need to be faster than we could have achieved it on our own.

So, these ET's might also be able to know or have seen our future, releasing the knowledge that our lives have been predetermined from the getgo..

Yet...  there are still those who say BULLSHIT to this idea.   There ain't no ancient aliens crawling all over earth spreading their knowledge out to only a few and building monuments.  Man achieved these things by shear will power and determination of that will power.



Our fate is written in the stars, so the old stories go. It makes for thrilling drama, but it isn't the way the Universe works. But there's an interesting effect of quantum mechanics that might leave an opening for a starry fate, so a team of researchers decided to test the idea.

The idea stems from a subtle effect of quantum physics demonstrated by the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) experiment. One of the basic properties of quantum objects is that their behavior isn't predetermined. The statistical behavior of a quantum system is governed by the laws of quantum theory, but the specific outcome of a particular measurement is indefinite until it's actually performed. This behavior manifests itself in things such as particle-wave duality, where photons and electrons can sometimes behave like particles and sometimes like waves.

One of the more subtle effects related to this property is known as entanglement, when two quantum objects have some kind of connection that allows you to gain information about object A by only interacting with object B. As a basic example, suppose I took a pair of shoes and sent one shoe to my brother in Cleveland, and the other to my sister in Albuquerque. Knowing what a prankster I am, when my sister opens the package and finds a left shoe, she immediately knows her brother was sent the right one. The fact that shoes come in pairs means they are an "entangled" system.

The difference between shoes and quantum entanglement is that the shoes already had a destined outcome. When I mailed the shoes days earlier, the die was already cast. Even if I didn't know which shoe I sent to my brother and sister, I definitely sent one or the other, and there was always a particular shoe in each box. My sister couldn't have opened the box to find a slipper. 

But with quantum entanglement, slippers are possible. In the quantum world, it would be like mailing the boxes where all I know is that they form a pair. It could be shoes, gloves or socks, and neither I nor my siblings would know what the boxes contain until one of them opens a box. But the moment my brother opens the box and finds a left-handed glove, he immediately knows our dear sister will be receiving its right-handed mate.  TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE...

Thursday, May 20

Success is Relative

There are people or should I say citizens living in the United States that are currently working for $10/hour and if they were to receive a wage increase up to $15/hour then they would feel like they have been successful in their careers.

There are other citizens living in the United States who currently feel that if I do not generate $10 million of annual income that their careers have not been successful.

Both individuals are correct in their assessment of themselves and obviously both live completely different lifestyles...  but... what is the correct measure of success?

  • One's paycheck?
  • One's net worth?
  • One's spiritual beliefs?
  • One's family and friends?
  • One's healthy lifestyle?
  • One's frugal lifestyle?
  • One's honesty and integrity?
  • One's kindness to animals?
Success accentuates the positive not the negative...  however and this oftentimes happens, if one is to be success one also has to create a certain amount of negativity in order to get there...  wherever there might be.

That is to say that success creates winners and losers and while success sometimes does create winners and winners that oftentimes does not happen due to the circumstances that always leads to one's success...  in that the circumstance always pivot around competition.

You might have enough money to purchase a house for $20,000 over the listed price and because others cannot afford to go higher than $20,000 over listed price, you successfully are able to purchase the house that you want, while others were not successful.

How many times does a loser lose before that loser finally decides to quit?

And, therein lies the difference, the winner does not count the number of loses only the number of wins...  and, mathematically or statistically, a winner loses just as often as a winner wins.

Winners don't quit...  which is why most of them are ultimately successful.

However, one can still be successful by not setting such high and lofty goals.

Why not strive for a net worth of $500,000 instead of a net worth of $10,000,000?

One can be successful at both goals.

BUT, our society only measures true success on the amount of financial capital one accumulates over one's lifetime.  Therefore, the more wealthy are the more successful.

I don't think that is the true measure of success and I feel this way not because I don't have a lot of money saved or invested because I have all that I need to live a comfortable life for the rest of my life.  Some may think my definition of comfortable is wrong because my 1500 square foot home will never compare to their 15,000 square foot home or their 10,000 square foot beach cottage on the coast or at Martha's Vineyard.

What can one do in a 15,000 square foot home?  I mean would you allocate so much time each day to be spent in each room or are those extra rooms there for guests that may or may not show up but once or twice a year, around the holiday period.

Why would you want to read a book alone in a room that could easily hold 100 guests.  All one needs is a chair and a lamp or a window with the curtains open.

I am sitting at my desk right now in an 8 X 10 foot room, looking out the window that my Siamese cat is also looking out of, at the three Dogwood trees that I intentionally planted very close together so that they would create an umbrella affect as they matured.  One blooms pink, one white, and one red in the spring of every year without fail.

I planted them that close to symbolize the religious trinity from which a lot of my inspiration comes these days as I find myself aging out of life.  I look at those three trees and I ponder all sorts of things but mainly how I have survived two types of cancer growing side-by-side in my body for over 12 years.

To me, having a window to look out of and see these three trees that enables my mind and thought to be grateful and appreciative of the life I have been given, to me, is being successful.  I don't need a lot of money to help me generate happiness...  and, I feel sad for those who need money or perceive that they need money to generate their happiness for themselves and others.

New Exoplanet

A team of astronomers from the Grenoble Alpes University in France and elsewhere, reports the detection of a new sub-Neptune exoplanet orbiting an M dwarf star. The newly found alien world, designated TOI-269 b, is nearly three times larger than the Earth. The finding was detailed in a paper published April 30 on the arXiv pre-print repository.

NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is conducting a survey of about 200,000 of the brightest stars near the sun with the aim of searching for transiting exoplanets. So far, it has identified nearly 2,700 candidate exoplanets (TESS Objects of Interest, or TOI), of which 125 have been confirmed so far.

TOI-269 (also known as TIC 220479565) is an M dwarf located some 186 light years away from the Earth. It has a spectral type of M2V, radius of about 0.4 solar radii and mass of approximately 0.39 solar masses. The star's effective temperature is estimated to be some 3,500 K, while its metallicity is at a level of around -0.29.269

TOI-269 was observed by the TESS spacecraft between September 2018 and July 2019, which resulted in the identification of a transit signal in its light curve. Now, using various ground-based telescopes, including the Exoplanets in Transits and their Atmospheres (ExTrA) facility at La Silla Observatory in Chile, a group of astronomers led by Marion Cointepas has confirmed the planetary nature of this signal.  TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE...

Wednesday, May 19

Just How Long With The Majority Be SIlent?

The first recorded Africans in English America (including most of the future United States) were "20 and odd negroes" who came to Jamestown, Virginia via Cape Comfort in August 1619 as indentured servants.
Source:  Wikipedia

And yet, even with their natural, god given ability to multiply their numbers, the African American Community in the USA is still only 12% of the overall population while whites or Caucasians represent 60% of the overall population in the USA.

Am I trying to make a point...  you bet I am...  our country is being turned upside down because a group of people five times smaller than the majority is trying to get our government to pay them special attention...  and, that is WRONG from the GETGO.

I would be the first to admit that the USA has/or:
  • racist cops that should be removed from employment
  • is embarrassed by slavery and wish it had never happened
  • a biased judicial system towards wealth and color
  • a biased employment system
  • a biased educational system
  • a biased pay scale relative to race and gender
BUT...  not everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is a friggin' racist.

There are many Blacks, African Americans, or People of Color who have decided NOT TO BITCH and have made the WHITE FOCUSED SYSTEM work for them.  As far as I am concerned, blacks should emulate those successful people and/or get them to help black communities change from within and become successful.

PERSONALLY, I have never like OUR WEALTY WHITE SYSTEM of BUSINESS and COMMERCE... and consequently have made the choice not to be a part of it, unless I absolutely had to in order to survive.  I did this by remaining in the SOUTH, either in NC, TN, SC, or KY for all of my career opportunities where salaries are traditionally lower than in the NORTH.  AND...  my subsequent lifestyle changed as a result...  and, while I disliked those WHITE MANAGERS in CHARGE, I was able to financially survive until I was financially able to retire at 67 years of age.

If I can do this...  then so can a BLACK do this...

HOWEVER, with all this BITCHIN' and HOLLERIN' that is being pushed out by BLM, ANTIFA, Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory, the WHITE PEOPLE, sometimes called CAUCASIANS or NON HISPANIC WHITES are going to finally get a MOUTH FULL and start PUSHING BACK...

Can you imagine what will happen with half of the 60% start pushing back or even ONE THIRD or 20%?


AND...  talk about divided...  this is the last thing that our Federal Government wants...  especially since it will be difficult to control with DEFUNDED POLICE DEPARTMENTS.








Cancel Culture Being Cancelled

 An amazing thing happened in this country during the Presidential Election of 2020... and that was the unprecedented fact that the United States of America was divided 50/50 which is also reflected in the political make-up of the US Senate.

NO PRESIDENT or POLICITICAL LEADER can say with authority and absolute certainty that their plans is what a majority of the voters want...  and, if they do, then they are bold-faced lying to you and knowing Biden, he is doing it with a shit-eatin' grin of a smile.

With this 50/50 divided thoroughly embedded in citizens from the west coast to the east coast and from out northern borders to our southern borders, which incidentally also includes Alaska and Hawaii...  NOTHING IS GOING TO GET DONE WITH 100% success.  The Senate can pass shit with a one vote margin, but the citizens of the USA...  at least half of them WILL REJECT IT...

We see business leaving the States of:  California, Washington, Oregon, and New York because the other 50% believe in liberal policies that are causing increased taxes, increased drugs, increased unemployment, and increased crime.

Not only are businesses leaving these areas and those major cities inside each of the States, but couple and families are leaving as well...  and I am not 100% confident that all of the people leaving are those who are attached to the 50% that don't want Biden as President...  so, there may be some conversions going on.

What is ever more spectacular is the fact that the 50% that oppose the LIBERAL points-of-view and finally fighting back and their pushback is getting attention from both the liberals as well as the conservatives.

The conservatives are finally saying that we have had enough of this cancel culture shit and are standing up to their bullshit.  The comedian Bill Maher who had no problems waving his anti-Trump flag on his nationally syndicated television show, is now adamantly against THE CANCEL CULTURE...

This right here is frigging amazing!

I hope we return to the decade of the 1960's when our antiwar protests CHANGED A GENERATION AND A NATION...  some say it was for the worse but who the hell really knows.


Not Wanting to be Political

I am neither Democrat nor Republican, but I am a liberal as well as a conservative and I think, overall POLITICS SUCKS and ever since JFK we have not had the RIGHT PERSON as our President.  Trump was a flaming asshole of a person and probably as a leader as well, but he put into place some good policies that economically helped this country before the pandemic hit.

Biden on the other hand, is the first cousin of being an IDIOT in the first degree...  and, not because he is intellectually stupid (although that might be true as well) but I classify him as an IDIOT because he is not his own man...  someone is pulling his strings...

I say this because Joe Biden has served the public as a Politician for over two decades and you don't survive Washington DC politics unless you know how to kiss the ass of people on both sides of the aisle and he no longer seems interested in doing that.

Perhaps, it is his age...  perhaps not...

But, one thing is for sure and that is OUR ECONOMY and QUALITY OF LIFE have deteriorated in the 4 months since Biden took the Presidential Oath of Office.

  1. Inflation is on the rise - due to government spending
  2. Increase in Taxes
  3. Loss of trust in government
  4. Unemployment is not going down
  5. Government spending is going up
  6. Cost of living is going up - due to increase in prices
  7. Immigration is out of control
  8. Racism in USA is getting worse
  9. Division in the USA is getting worse
  10. We are again experiencing gasoline shortages
  11. The wealthy are getting wealthier
  12. High Tech is controlling our lives
Side Issues
  • Defund police
  • Anti-second Amendment
  • Censoring the conservative voice
  • 1619 Movement
  • Move toward Socialism/Marxism
  • Devaluing of the US dollar
  • Credit status of USA - determined by IMF
  • Anti-Trump blaming
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Closed States/cities
  • Closed Public Education
  • White Privilege/Supremacy
  • Violence in our cities
  • Law Enforcement bias
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Cancel Culture
  • Becoming WOKE
Global Issues
  • Rise in Chinese Military
  • Rise in Chinese Naval Forces
  • Rise in Chinese Economy
  • China declaring desire to control the world
  • Russia Hacking/Cyber Crime
  • Russia invasion of Ukraine
  • Russia/Chinese/Iran coalition
  • Russia/Chinese North Korea Coalition
  • Iran Nuclear Deal
  • North Korea becoming nuclear
  • Growth of Terrorist Groups Again
  • Palestine/Israel Conflict
  • Middle East Hatred of USA
  • Global UFO sightings
  • Gigantic amount of UFO sighting in Chile

Light Printer

Using lasers to create the displays of science fiction, inspired by Star Wars and Star Trek.
They may be tiny weapons, but BYU’s holography research group has figured out how to create lightsabers — green for Yoda and red for Darth Vader, naturally — with actual luminous beams rising from them.

Inspired by the displays of science fiction, the researchers have also engineered battles between equally small versions of the Starship Enterprise and a Klingon Battle Cruiser that incorporate photon torpedoes launching and striking the enemy vessel that you can see with the naked eye.

“What you’re seeing in the scenes we create is real; there is nothing computer generated about them,” said lead researcher Dan Smalley, a professor of electrical engineering at BYU. “This is not like the movies, where the lightsabers or the photon torpedoes never really existed in physical space. These are real, and if you look at them from any angle, you will see them existing in that space.”  TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE...

Tuesday, May 18

The Night Before the Night Before

It is possible although highly illogical to look at what might happen in the future, even though we have specialists who earn their livelihoods forecasting what might happen in business, in the economy, and on Wall Street with the Stock Market.  Doctors forecast the future of medicine and Oncologist forecast the day, not too far in the distant future where having cancer will be no worse for many than catching a cold or the flu.

But, what about other scenarios...  like:
  • Will I be wealthy
  • When will I die
  • Who will I marry
  • Will people like me

AND...  because of all these concerns that we have, most people have turned into what some people may refer to as "worry warts."  AND...  if you are still not convinced that this might be a problem, most of these so called "worry warts," exhibit high levels of stress and anxiety that manifest itself in ulcers, cancer, and heart attacks.

While some may believe that they can control the future with proper planning and follow the adage that LUCK FAVORS THE PREPARED, that is not really the case because our lives have already been predetermined by whoever it was that gave us life in the first place.

Don't believe this?

Well, who planned your specific birth?

Your parents came together for a specific reason that was really unknown to them until they met for the first time...

Your success or lack thereof has been predetermined.
Your death has been predetermined.
Your life has been predetermined.

THEREFORE...  worrying or wandering what my happen or not  happen is bullshit and a waste of time.

50% Divorce Rate In USA

For the last 10 years or more, the divorce rate in the United States has maintained a constant level of 50% and this includes the Southern Bible Belt, which some of us might find curiously interesting.

So...  what's causing all this divorce?

Well...  I could say it's the females in the workplace and then I would be equally justified in saying it's the males in the workplace.  And...  the sad truth of it all is that when males and females start working together there is a high degree of probability that they will start screwing each other figuratively, literally, and sexually.

It is human nature.

The two wealthiest males in the USA have either gotten a divorce or their divorce is pending and it is because these males screwed around with other females with whom they came into contact while at work.

BEZOS lost half his fortune in the divorce but has since gotten it all back...  nothing more than a down turn on Wall Street to him...  and now, Gates is on the chopping block because he could not keep his manhood in his pants.

OF course, in both cases, the female had to have agreed with everything or nothing would have happened...  although, I am sure sexual assault could have taken place...  but, when one is screwing a billionaire one does not concern one's self with sexual assault...  perhaps, a little blackmail might have been in order.

Why get married, if 50% of them end in divorce?

First, marriage allows sexual intercourse
Second, the female might be pregnant
Third, marriage provides financial security
Fourth, two people might believe they are in love
Fifth, it has been arranged by the parents
Sixth, it gets those involved out from under their parents control
Seventh, one's biological clock is ticking
Eighth, marriage looks better than single in the business world
Ninth, there are tax breaks for married couples
Tenth, insurance costs are less when married

A Dispute of Evolution

Fossil apes can inform us about essential aspects of ape and human evolution, including the nature of our last common ancestor.

In the 150 years since Charles Darwin speculated that humans originated in Africa, the number of species in the human family tree has exploded, but so has the level of dispute concerning early human evolution. Fossil apes are often at the center of the debate, with some scientists dismissing their importance to the origins of the human lineage (the “hominins”), and others conferring them starring evolutionary roles. A new review out on May 7 in the journal Science looks at the major discoveries in hominin origins since Darwin’s works and argues that fossil apes can inform us about essential aspects of ape and human evolution, including the nature of our last common ancestor.

Humans diverged from apes — specifically, the chimpanzee lineage — at some point between about 9.3 million and 6.5 million years ago, towards the end of the Miocene epoch. To understand hominin origins, paleoanthropologists aim to reconstruct the physical characteristics, behavior, and environment of the last common ancestor of humans and chimps.

“When you look at the narrative for hominin origins, it’s just a big mess — there’s no consensus whatsoever,” said Sergio Almécija, a senior research scientist in the American Museum of Natural History’s Division of Anthropology and the lead author of the review. “People are working under completely different paradigms, and that’s something that I don’t see happening in other fields of science.”

There are two major approaches to resolving the human origins problem: “Top-down,” which relies on analysis of living apes, especially chimpanzees; and “bottom-up,” which puts importance on the larger tree of mostly extinct apes. For example, some scientists assume that hominins originated from a chimp-like knuckle-walking ancestor. Others argue that the human lineage originated from an ancestor more closely resembling, in some features, some of the strange Miocene apes.  TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE...

Monday, May 17

Biden Says...

 Our new President this morning announced that our border is closed...  and, that his announcement means that no more illegal immigrants will be allowed into the US of A...  However, our new President did not informed Border Patrol or Homeland Security to officially close the border nor did he inform whatever agency is responsible for letting people cross over the border into our country...

So, what exactly do these WORDS MEAN?

Do they mean that the border is closed but really open?

Do they mean that the border is open but really closed yet open if you really want to come here?

How strange these words are that this new President speaks and he smiles so nicely and talks so softly, elevating his voice just a tad when it comes to words he really, really wants to emphasize...  it is difficult not to believe this UNCLE JOE.

It reminds me of what Dr. Fouci said when questioned by Congress...  He said that the money that he gave the WUHAN LAB in China was not giving money to fund the study of the COVID virus...

This is like saying that we gave money to PLANNED PARENTHOOD but was not supposed to go to fund abortions...

What the hell else does PLANNED PARENTHOOD do other than fund abortions?

One of the days and I may be asking for too much here, the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is going to wake up and realize that the Democrats have been giving them the big chili up the brown eye...

And, I just hope that it is not too late.

Male Siamese Cat

My wife and I own a male Siamese cat that has been neutered and unfortunately he still sprays around the house...

My wife wants to kill him since he is ruining everything she says and the guys at Lowes when I went to get a plexiglass screen to put up and just let him spray, said they were shoot it...  obviously, they don't like cats.

Petcare Online says, that if your male cat is neutered, then there could be other issues that are causing him to spray.  These could be:

  • outside feral cats
  • going on vacation
  • change of location (moving)
  • fighting with other inside cats
  • a dirty litter box
  • Inside changes
From our standpoint, we:
  • change the litter box daily
  • there are no feral cats outside
  • we have gone on vacation
  • he does fight with one other inside cat
  • we have not moved
  • nothing has changed inside

So, that leaves us with going on vacation and fighting with another inside cat and more than likely it is this other cat that is causing him stress.  However, this other cat is very special to my wife as he was a rescue cat.

My idea is to just spray with the stuff that is suppose to encourage them not to spray.  Put up covering in case he does continue to spray.  And, try to keep them from fighting for our attention.

It is a circumstance that I don't envy anyone getting themselves into because is one's wife is not happy then one's life is miserable...  and, after a while of being miserable, one gets to the point on simply not giving a shit.  Once you find yourself in that situation, then one's marriage might as well end because it ain't gettin' no better...

Ain't Nothing Free

When I attended Graduate School to pursue an MBA, my Economics Professor, Dr. Peter Peacock lectured to the class that there was no such thing as a FREE LUNCH...  from the standpoint that someone had to pay for the lunches that others got free...  I am sure that there were many lessons learned from his class but this lesson is the one that stayed with me all my life.

So...  when our Federal Government says that its citizens will now be receiving free education or free healthcare or free meals...   someone else in the country will be paying for that who may or may not want to give people free education or free healthcare or free meals because they had to earn the money and pay for all of that themselves...  so why can't these other people do the same?

Our Federal Government using the TAX Codes and Laws steals money away from others for these purposes...   I say steal because our Democratic Republic from of governments has been authorized by the US Constitution to protect us, negotiate trade deals and treaties with other governments, and enforce the laws but really nothing else.

It is not the government's responsibility to provide:
  • public education
  • public housing
  • public mail service
  • public healthcare
  • public transportation
  • public parks and recreations
  • Social Security
  • Unemployment Insurance
And yet...  this is exactly what our country does...  and, they do this by collecting taxes...  and, anytime the Federal Government want to offer more to its citizens, in order to do that they need to raise taxes or reduce spending in other areas which is not an option.

The question is, what do WEALTHY people think about giving more money because the rest of us are basically lazy and do not want to work as hard as they do.

If you have a wealthy relative how often do they volunteer to share their money with you?  Typically, if you want any of their money you have to ask for it...  and, when you do ask for it, they typically then RESENT the fact that you have asked.

BUT, our Federal Government can TAKE THEIR MONEY whether they like it or resent it or not...  however, most of the wealthy people have their money in tax shelters and AVOID paying more taxes...  and, one would think that our GOVERNMENT would finally realize that they are GETTING PLAYED by the wealthy.

Mystifying Monuments

A mysterious group of ancient monuments first discovered in Saudi Arabia in the 1970s, known as mustatials, predate the first Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge by over 2,000 years, making them the world’s oldest ritual landscape, archaeologists now say.

Scattered across 77,000 square miles of desert in northwest Arabia, the mustatils (the name comes from the Arabic word for “rectangle”) were built between 8,500 and 4,800 years ago, during the period known as the Middle Holocene, according to a report published last week in the journal Antiquity.

Through satellite imagery, helicopter and ground surveys, and excavations, the study identified more than 1,000 mustatils, typically built in clusters. That’s more than double the number previously thought to exist.  

The project, led by a team from the University of Western Australia, is being funded by the Royal Commission for AlUla, which is hoping to drive tourism to the nearby site of AlUla.

Experts had previously raised numerous theories as to the structures’ purpose, including as animal enclosures, burial sites, or territory markers. But the new study shows that the mustatils‘s walls would have been too low to prevent animals from escaping.  

Saturday, May 15

Time's Mistress

 Age had time
as its mistress,
lingering not
in the past
or the present,
but with speed
towards the end.
10 May 2021

It appears to the layman that life is bound up in layers of confusion that seldom gets sorted out until the end of life approaches and/or the mind becomes so incapacitated that we simply have no idea what it going on...  Both of these possibilities happen but there are a lot of other possibilities as well most of which deal with coming to grips with the reality of life in that life does not happen as a result of the choices that we make but happens because it has been willed to happen that way long before we were given our first breath of life.

Are we then looking at a religious awareness or understanding in our later years?

No...  not at all...  and while religion is not at the heart of life like many religious followers perceive it to be, there is a CREATOR and there is no doubt in my mind that this is a fact; however, all our other religious beliefs and concepts were given to us by extraterrestrials who visited earth in the early years of our existence...   and, who altered our DNA to the point that human beings became the creatures that they are today rather than moving in another direction that might have kept us in the same realm as apes or monkeys who share similar DNA structures.

Our lives...  we thought and/or perceived, were created so that we could worship the Gad who had given us life.  and, while there is some truth to that belief, our lives were really created for us to learn to survive and not just survive with other human beings but with land animal, water animal, air animals as well as the environment.

Our arrogance has taken us into a different direction and that direction will take us into space and once in space, we will eventually meet the extraterrestrials who were responsible for giving us life...  and perhaps our CREATOR as well.

To this end, our lives have been pre-determined that is to say that if one exists on the edge of the universe and has the ability to look back or down or across at earth, they will see that spacetime on earth moves faster than the spacetime where they are located moves.  Knowing that relationship and dynamic, those who dwell at the edge of the universe can see our future happening before we experience it

Since they know what our future is going to be like, then they can make adjustments should they desire in certain events in an effort to alter or change that future and then can witness the new realities unfold just like the old realities unfolded.

After many years traveling through space and coming into contact with different knowledge, we too will one day have their same level of awareness and can evoke our wills onto other civilizations just as they have done to us...  and, no doubt that is our future.

Light from the sun takes 8 minutes to get to earth...  so past light illuminates our present, allowing the past and the present to happen at the same time which logically should not happen at all.  And, the only way that it it happening is when we compare the light from the sun relative to its arrival on earth...  knowing that it is traveling at the speed of light.

Similarly, our future relative to whoever is living at the edge of the universe is their present which logically should not happen either, but it does which is why they can see our future before it happens to us relative to our present.

Only a CREATOR can create a universe where these kinds of things are happening on a regular basis...  we are not the byproduct of evolution although human being have experience evolutionary changes in their bodies...  And, these changes happened faster than they should have happened which leads us to believe that someone altered our DNA.

SO...  does death as we understand it...  really happen?