Showing posts with label taxes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taxes. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14

Gambling With Our Money

Countries that have adopted and enacted socialist ideas and policies to various degrees, and have seen success in improving their societies by doing so, are Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand.

So...  one cannot say that Socialism is bad for a country because the evidence above would contradict  that statement.

However, let's look at these countries and ask a couple of questions:
  1. Do any of the countries have great militaries?
  2. Do any of the countries have great economies?
  3. Do any of these countries have great technology?
  4. Are any of these countries exploring outer space?
  5. Do any of the countries help other countries with their wars and/or natural disasters?
  6. Are any of the countries Global Leaders?
  7. Do any of these countries have the same freedoms as the US has?
  8. Do any of these countries have the quality of life that the US has?
We must understand that life has tradeoffs and in this case, socialistic countries do no have the resources or the financial support to become super powers...  and, it is this super power status that puts the US in a position to lead the world.

We claim that we can have both providing our wealthy Americans are willing to pay their fair share in taxes...  BUT THEY ARE NOT...  and have their money sheltered in tax free accounts off shore...  typically in the Grand Caymans.

If going GREEN weakens our economy to the point that China becomes a greater economic and military power, we will regret that decisions for generations...  many of these democratic progressives do not think that will happen...  but they are assuming that the money will be there from taxes...

This is a huge gamble...  and, could be a huge mistake...

Friday, October 15

A Recession Looms

The U.S. economy appears to be sliding into another recession based on declining consumer sentiment – even though employment and wage growth suggest otherwise, according to two academic economists.

New research published last week by David Blanchflower of Dartmouth College and Alex Bryson of the University College London suggests that consumer expectations indexes from the Conference Board and the University of Michigan tend to predict economic downturns up to 18 months in advance in the U.S.


Every recession since the 1980s has been precipitated by at least a 10-point drop in the expectations indices, they found. Other reliable indicators include a single monthly rise of at least 0.3 percentage points in unemployment and two consecutive months of employment rate declines.

"The economic situation in 2021 is exceptional, however, since unprecedented direct government intervention in the labor market through furlough-type arrangements has enabled employment rates to recover quickly from the huge downturn in 2020," Blanchflower and Bryson wrote. "However, downward movements in consumer expectations in the last six months suggest the economy in the United States is entering recession now (Autumn 2021)."


The Conference Board’s gauge of expectations declined in September to the lowest since November last year, marking the third consecutive month of declines. At the same time, the University of Michigan's gauge actually increased last month.

The economists highlighted data suggesting the Conference Board expectations peaked in March 2021 and then fell by 26 points through September 2021. The Michigan data, meanwhile, likely peaked in June 2021 and fell by 18 points by August, they found. 


Monday, May 17

Ain't Nothing Free

When I attended Graduate School to pursue an MBA, my Economics Professor, Dr. Peter Peacock lectured to the class that there was no such thing as a FREE LUNCH...  from the standpoint that someone had to pay for the lunches that others got free...  I am sure that there were many lessons learned from his class but this lesson is the one that stayed with me all my life.

So...  when our Federal Government says that its citizens will now be receiving free education or free healthcare or free meals...   someone else in the country will be paying for that who may or may not want to give people free education or free healthcare or free meals because they had to earn the money and pay for all of that themselves...  so why can't these other people do the same?

Our Federal Government using the TAX Codes and Laws steals money away from others for these purposes...   I say steal because our Democratic Republic from of governments has been authorized by the US Constitution to protect us, negotiate trade deals and treaties with other governments, and enforce the laws but really nothing else.

It is not the government's responsibility to provide:
  • public education
  • public housing
  • public mail service
  • public healthcare
  • public transportation
  • public parks and recreations
  • Social Security
  • Unemployment Insurance
And yet...  this is exactly what our country does...  and, they do this by collecting taxes...  and, anytime the Federal Government want to offer more to its citizens, in order to do that they need to raise taxes or reduce spending in other areas which is not an option.

The question is, what do WEALTHY people think about giving more money because the rest of us are basically lazy and do not want to work as hard as they do.

If you have a wealthy relative how often do they volunteer to share their money with you?  Typically, if you want any of their money you have to ask for it...  and, when you do ask for it, they typically then RESENT the fact that you have asked.

BUT, our Federal Government can TAKE THEIR MONEY whether they like it or resent it or not...  however, most of the wealthy people have their money in tax shelters and AVOID paying more taxes...  and, one would think that our GOVERNMENT would finally realize that they are GETTING PLAYED by the wealthy.

Wednesday, May 5

Democratic Disaster in America


I have always been told that opinions are like assholes, everybody has got one...  and, it would appear that these comments do in fact bear resemblance to the truth...  My opinion(s) is/are as follows:

First>  the open door policy to illegal immigration will eventually bite us it is just unknown if that bite will be sooner or later.  Why do I think that?  Well, it is because of jobs, drugs, disease, crime, justice, education, drain on resources, and a bias towards politicians.  Rebuttal - well, our country has been based upon immigration and the fact that immigration has made us stronger rather than weaker.

Second>  spending tax dollars like a drunken sailor on 96 hours of liberty.  This will force taxes to be raise.  This spending will cause inflation.  This spending will increase our National Debt.  This spending will put a financial burden on future generations.  This spending will allow our enemies and competitors to become stronger both economically and militarily.  Rebuttal -  it will make our society stronger because it redistribute wealth and offers more equity and equality.

Third>  defunding the police movement (a byproduct of BLM)  and the killing of George Floyd by a racist law enforcement officer who was later convicted of murder.  Crime needs to be regulated, controlled, and contained.  Crime does not need to be allowed to flourish.  Defunding or Redirecting Police Funds to help BLACKS become more aware of their options, will not stop crime.  Rebuttal - Americans are intelligent enough to monitor, control, and regulate themselves.

PERSONALLY...  I don't give a shit or a rat's ass what the democrats do or don't do because being a retired person living off of social security, these democratic policies will simply give my wife and I more income and advantages that our children's children will have to pay for...  My wife and I will be long dead by then...

I also am concerned (just a tad) that because of what the democrats are doing will bring us closer to being forced to learn to read, write, and speak mandarin chinese.  The reason why I think this way is that mandarin is extremely hard to learn and i fear that only about 20% of americans have the intellectual capacity to learn mandarin easily...

Tuesday, April 6

It's Just The Way It Is

It really does not matter what our Federal Government wants to do anymore because whatever it is that they do will not really impact a majority of Americans other than increasing taxes.  Taxes pretty much effects everyone, but if we move into actual socialism what will change?  The poor will get more but they still will not have as much as the rest of us.

The poor will still be able to afford to do any of the following:
  • Attend musical concerts
  • Professional Sports Events
  • Buy a $200,000 homes
  • Buy a Luxury Cars
  • Book passage on Cruise Ship
  • Fly to Europe or Hawaii
  • Join the Country Club
  • Buy new clothes every year
  • Pay down their debt
  • Earn a 6 figure income
  • Gamble at Los Vegas

NOTE:  however it is possible to get seats in the nose bleed section of an outdoor arena and stadium but it is doubtful that the individual will be able to see unless there is a large movie screen...  and, if you are watching the action on a screen, it is really no better than staying home.

There is always the possibility that poor people can borrow money to do these things but after a while their credit will sour when they don't pay anything off.

Still...  if this new administration grants free college tuition to people then those poor people who dropped out of high school or just barely graduated from high school will be able to attend college...  but, are the odds on their side to pass courses?  YES...  because the schools they are attending will DUMB DOWN education for them.

The other question is will they get hired by employers and if so, how long will they remain employed when they have trouble producing?

As Americans receive more and more from their Federal Government, people like me who are RETIRED and don't need anything more, will also receive more from their Federal Government...  and, since our income is low, our tax burden is low as well.

TAXES will come from CORPORATIONS and the WEALTHY...

But, will the WEALTHY be allowed to put their money in offshore accounts to reduce their tax burdens?

And, will CORPORATION hire less people and/or increase prices to compensate for higher taxes?

Whatever happens will happen and whatever happens was supposed to happen from the getgo...  because...


Tuesday, March 16


The requirement to pay taxes to the Federal Government will never work like it was intended until our Federal Government does two issues....

First --  remove all the tax loopholes that allow individuals to shelter their money

Second  --  eliminate the ability for wealthy people to hide their money in offshore bank accounts in the Caymans

Right now we have a PROGRESSIVE TAX STRUCTURE that increases with one's taxable income, and many people favor a FLAT TAX that incorporates no deductions.

TAXES in America are not FAIR and EQUIABLE because we allow deductions and exemptions and oftentimes, the wealthy actually pay less taxes that do the not so wealthy.


Because the wealthy can influence the politicians with their contributions to their re-election campaign.  Politicians care more about their re-election than they do about doing WHAT'S RIGHT for the American People.

Saturday, November 21

Where Do Our Taxes Go?

Information provided by USA TODAY...

Biggest tax spenders

Total spending by the federal government in 2018 was $4.22 trillion. But some programs actually raised money, such as leases for the Outer Continental Shelf, which lowered the total 2018 outlay to $4.11 trillion.

The majority of tax dollars helps to fund defense, Social Security, Medicare, health programs and social safety net programs such as food stamps and disability payments, along with paying off interest on the national debt.

Here’s how it breaks down.
  1. Social Security: $987.8 billion or 23.4% of total federal spending
  2. National defense: $631.2 billion or 15% of total spending
  3. Medicare: $588.7 billion or 14% of total spending
  4. Health: $551.2 billion or 13.1% of total spending
  5. Social safety net programs: $495.3 billion or 11.8% of total spending
  6. Interest on debt: $325 billion or 7.7% of total spending
* * * * * * * * * * 
What really surprised me was that Social Security represented more of our Federal Budget than what we spend on our NATIONAL DEFENSE...

AND...  if you look closely at all the programs that are actually forms of SOCIALISM, you will easily see that 62% of our tax dollars goes in that direction.  Only 15% is spent on our protection and less than 8% is spend on our NATIONAL DEBT which is increasing because of all the social welfare type programs.

NOW...  when I think about it, I am very pleased that our tax dollars are spent this way because I am living off of Social Security and Medicare pays all my healthcare bills along with my supplement...

I personally spend about $600 each month on medical expenses or about $7,200 each year and because of me having two cancers, my medical bills are approximately $500,000 each year which as you can imagine is a very good deal.

AND...  when Biden and Harris finally take over the reigns of government, I feel confident that my Social Security will increase along with my Medicare Benefits putting me into a much better financial situation.

AND...   as long as we keep what the government pays on our NATIONAL DEBT, it will be FUTURE GENERATIONS that will be responsible for paying it off...  which pleases me and it should please you.

Saturday, May 9


One million people have fled New York City and the tri-state area—which encompasses  Jersey, Connecticut and Long Island—in the last nine years. According to Bloomberg, almost 300 people are moving out of the area per day.

This trend is not exclusive to the New York metropolitan area. Many similar regions are seeing their residents migrate to other states. Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco, as well as Connecticut’s Hartford, Bridgeport and New Haven, have all experienced a substantial exodus of people.

United Van Lines, the large moving truck company, keeps statistics on the flow of people. The company reports that three states in the Northeast—New Jersey, New York and Connecticut—are among the top places from which people are moving the fastest.     READ MORE





Tuesday, April 7


IN MOST COUNTRIES...  the freedoms that Americans take-for-granted do not exist in other countries...  and for that, we should consider ourselves lucky...  but, therein lies the problem because most Americans make no considerations at all in this regard; instead, they are controlled and ultimately influenced by those who have POWER and/or WEALTH.
  • 20% of Americans are wealthy
  • 60% of Americans are average
  • 20% of Americans are poor

Then we have,
1% of the whole are extremely wealthy
1% of the whole are extremely poor

STATISTICALLY, we have a perfect bell-shaped curve...

On the far left-hand side of our diagram are the 1% wealthy whereas the 1% poor are on the far right-hand side.  On either side of the middle "-2 to +2" we will find the 60%.  From the center to the right, wealth gradually increases and to the right, wealth gradually decreases.

From the model, we can also conclude that WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE gradually increase from the center out to the left and gradually decrease from the center out to the right.

ALL AMERICANS BELIEVE VERY STRONGLY...  that they have free will and make their own choices...  but, that is simply not true...  If you don't have wealth and power, then your free will and choices are influenced and controlled by those who do have wealth and power.

However...  and, this is your right, you may not believe this to be true, especially since everyone makes choices all the time some of which influence one's life and one's life direction substantially; but, those choices are still influenced indirectly by wealth and power whether you realize it or not.

You drive the speed limit when there is a cop in sight...  that is power
You pay your taxes each year...  that is power
You receive a salary from your employer...  that is wealth and power
You are regulated by medicine...  that is wealth and power
You do what your supervisor tells you to do...  that is power
You obey the lifeguard at the beach...  that is power
You are quiet in Church...  that is power
You make monthly debt payments...  that is wealth and power
You control the choices your children make...  that is power