Showing posts with label Cancel Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancel Culture. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11

Lizzo Offers Fresh Take

Grammy-winning singer Lizzo offered a "fresh take" on cancel culture on Twitter Sunday, arguing that the term is no longer being correctly applied.

"This may be a random time to say this but it’s on my heart.. cancel culture is appropriation," Lizzo tweeted. "There was real outrage from truly marginalized people and now it’s become trendy, misused and misdirected. I hope we can phase out of this & focus our outrage on the real problems."

Mumford & Sons co-founder Winston Marshall called it a "fresh take." Marshall experienced what it was like to be "canceled" last year when he tweeted his support for an anti-Antifa book. The backlash became so deafening that the banjo player decided to leave the band.

Several commenters agreed with Lizzo's description, arguing that while cancel culture used to mean consequences for individuals who may have deserved it, it is now being weaponized against good people that simply made mistakes. Others said it was effectively silencing those who have different opinions.

"Absolutely," user Jessica Ballinger tweeted. "There are very real issues that warrant outrage… I sometimes wonder if cancel culture stems from people feeling impotent against those bigger issues, so they go after simpler targets to feel better about themselves, like they did something."  READ MORE...

Monday, July 4

Cancal Culture & the 4th of July


While we struggle with the proper way to socialize around Fourth of July celebrations because of COVID-19, there are questions about what it is that we celebrate. Statues are dismantled, torn down, or moved and there is a reassessment of once-venerated and heroic figures.

So what is it, exactly, that is being celebrated with fireworks and hamburgers? In part, it is the declaration of independence from Great Britain. But the holiday is also meant to honor the document to which people put their signatures and therefore their fortunes and their lives on the line.

The first sentence of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is arguably as well-known as any sentence in the world. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It has served as the clarion call for those seeking freedom and it holds up an ideal that touches the core of what it means to be human.

Shouldn’t every American take pride on this American holiday? Not everyone does today and not everyone has in the past.

In fact, celebrating the colonies’ revolt against the mother country has been contested by blacks in America since the founding of this country. One gap in America’s consciousness is that approximately 3,000 Black Loyalists left on British ships for Canada at the end of the Revolutionary War, mainly formerly enslaved people who chose the British side because it was they who gave them freedom, not the patriots, many of whom were slaveholders.

A similar picture emerged during the second war with Great Britain. Here is an excerpt from my novel, Where We Started, which is based on real events in 1812.

“Frank preached on Freedom Day. The yearly occasion, on the 1st of January, marked the anniversary of the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade five years earlier. Since blacks were excluded from participating in the Independence Day commemorations, slaves and free men and women from Delaware to New England shunned Fourth of July as a white man’s holiday.”

While Freedom Day had dropped from importance as a celebration in the African American community, July Fourth remained problematic for many before the Civil War, as this passage by Black abolitionist William Whipper makes clear. “Though the right to be free has been deemed inalienable by this nation, from a period antecedent to the Declaration of Independence, yet a mental fog hovered over this nation on the subject of slavery that had well-nigh sealed her doom, were it not that in the Providence of God a few noble spirits arose in the might of moral power to her rescue.”  READ MORE...

Wednesday, February 9

The Minority of the ELITE

noun. \ ā-ˈlēt , i-, ē- \ 

Essential Meaning of elite. 

1 : the people who have the most wealth and status in a society : the most successful or powerful group of people. 

2 US : a person who is a member of an elite : a successful and powerful person.

The most important characteristic of this so-called ELITE, is the fact that they are always in a MINORITY...  and, if they are in a minority, then the majority should be able to exercise their collective powers and force them out-of-the-picture...

For example:
There are more Canadian Truckers than there are police or tow trucks so they have the advantage over the government who is in a minority.

There are less highway patrol people on the highways than there are drivers, so if the drivers got together and organized they could drive at any speed they wanted to.

There are more whites in America than there are blacks so why are the whites allowing the blacks to push them around

There are more workers in the USA than there are owners or bosses if the workers collectively don't want to work then the workers have the power.

There are less wealthy people than there are others who are not wealthy and yet the wealthy can control our society...  they can do this because we do not collectively stand up against them.

COVID-19 has showed us that the majority once collectively joined can stand up to the elite minority...
  • Parents against the VA school Board
  • Canadian Truckers against the government
  • Unemployed workers against companies
  • Americans against facemasks
  • Americans against vaccines
  • Americans against government control
  • Americans against lockdowns
  • American against critical race theory
  • Americans against being WOKE
  • Americans against the cancel culture
  • Americans against crime and violence


Saturday, September 18

Cancel Culture

The vast expansion of online learning forced by the coronavirus crisis has led to a high-tech crackdown on free speech by teachers and students, according to a groundbreaking review of America’s new classrooms.

The report by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni found that the rapid shift to Zoom-type learning preceded a new wave of bullying by participants who cut and paste comments they didn’t like into social media posts, in some cases leading to firings, bullying, and shaming.

In one noted case, a Georgetown University professor was fired for stating that black students tend to cluster near the bottom of her classes. In another, the report said that “Marquette University even threatened to rescind an admissions offer to a student because she posted a video to TikTok expressing support for President Trump.”

The report, shared with Secrets prior to its release later today, warned that free speech is being threatened by the new and selective social media shaming that comes with online learning.

“The lifeblood of the liberal arts is debate, dialectic, inquiry, and challenge,” said Michael Poliakoff, the president of ACTA, a nonprofit organization that promotes academic freedom.

“In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that has threatened the strength and even the survival of so many institutions, online education moved to the fore. We have seen that it can bless us with access to a vibrant exchange of ideas, but it also has the potential to eliminate the opportunity for growth of character and intellect,” he told us.

Over 44 pages, the report showed examples of the "canceling" of speech on campus and the muting of those who don’t want to be shamed for speaking their mind.

“Why is the crisis getting worse? Simple: Self-censorship is a perfectly reasonable reaction when students and faculty are being investigated, harassed, or punished for their speech,” it said in comparing the reactions to a “public stoning.”

What’s more, the report found that rules put in place to protect free speech are being junked because institutions are too afraid that their reputation might be hurt by a rogue comment.

The group also provided survey data to accompany its guide, titled “Building a Culture of Free Expression in the Online Classroom”  READ MORE

Friday, July 2

We All Make Choices

Some of our choices, we find out after we make them...  are good to excellent, while other choices are horrible to piss poor...  and, we wish we had never had the opportunity to even make the first choice...  and, each choice thereafter brings the same concern that it could be a bad choice...

However, some of us, don't really give a shit whether or not our choices are good or bad...  as we have the frigging right to make these choices regardless...  nor would these people care how their choices impacted others...

Which brings me to the heart of my thought...

Our current political administration in WashDC believes and perceives that they are making the right choices for the American People...  and, they think this way because it is the fundamental belief of their political party and therefore, since they are in that party then they must believe as their party believes.

To think and act otherwise would be political suicide.

BUT, these choices will not fully be know and/or understood for several years as the results are interpreted by historians and political scientists.  And, if they were good...  then great...  but if we find them to be bad choices...  then, guess who pays the price...



I think the following movements are wrong:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Cancel Culture
  • Defunding Police
  • Holding conservatives hostage via the media
  • Becoming WOKE

Black Lives Matter teach separation not unity

Critical Race Theory teaches separation not unity

Cancel Culture teaches separation not unity

WOKENESS teaches separation not unity

Yes, this is my personal opinion

Yes, I am not well known or famous

Yes, I am not wealthy

I cannot imagine anything positive happening to us if we push for becoming a divided country...


Sunday, June 27


Illegal Immigration is a problem for this country because when those people are integrated into the general population, it will change the overall structure of this country in certain areas...  like the cities where jobs are mainly available.

Immigrants came to this country for a better opportunity and that opportunity is not living off the handouts of our federal government but working and moving up through the ranks with or without education...  but, with hard work.

These type people are not supporters of SOCIALISM...  they are supporters of capitalism and the free market enterprise way of life...

DEMOCRATS and LIBERALS and PROGRESSIVES have made a miscalculation and they will soon pay for it...

Other problems that they will encounter will revolve around:

  • Defunding the police
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Becoming WOKE
  • Cancel Culture
2022 will be the telling factor as more and more people realize that what Biden and his bulldogs are doing is hurting not helping their way of life.

Thursday, June 24

I Am Not WOKE nor Am I Awake...


One of the members of the SQUAD recently said that if
someone was against Critical Race Theory then that meant that they were a RACIST.

When I hear people say that shit, all it does is makes me more angry at their stupidity and generalizations and trying to blame lack of agenda support on racism.  As we say in EAST TENNESSEE, that dog don't hunt...

Using that logic I must be against God and Religion because I support a woman's right to choose...  I must be against the Second Amendment because I don't want to own a firearm.  I must be against the Progressives because I believe in the FIRST FRIGGING AMENDMENT...   now that dog do hunt...

Because of the Black Lives Matter Movement, I don't want to do a damn thing to help the blacks...  And, because of Critical Race Theory, I am not even more supportive of the Confederate South and all that it stands for...  except, I think that slavery is fundamentally flawed because we should only be slaves to God...

I think half of the UNITED STATES right now is AGAINST:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Being WOKE
  • Support Cancel Culture
AND...  I think the blacks might have just OVER-PLAYED their hand on this one.  Think about this one:


Monday, June 7

Uniting America

One of the KEY POINTS of the 2020 Presidential Election was the FACT that BIDEN wanted to UNITE AMERICA because TRUMP had divided America...

One of the basic foundations of the concept of UNITING AMERICA is to bring ALL Americans together...  but, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, the WOKE Mob, and the new Cancel Culture are not concepts that are specifically designed to UNITE ANYTHING...  as they are specifically designed to HIGHLIGHT OUR DIFFERENCES...

If you are that STUPID not to see the difference, then you do not need to be in a position of leadership that tries to influence the general public.

We are not black Americans or white Americans or red Americans or brown Americans...  if you really want to know the real truth, then you must only see us as AMERICANS...

AMERICANS have hurt and continue to hurt other Americans but we are still Americans and those bad apples should be punished...  but, that is it...

To tell me that my whiteness has screwed AMERICA then my first thought is KISS MY ASS then my second thought is GFY...

  • My whiteness is GOD GIVEN...
  • Your blackness is GOD GIVEN...
  • Your brownness is GOD GIVEN...

Americans did not set the colors of people into motion and for the most part does not see one color as better or worse than the other...  and, was fine until you tried to bring it to our attention that Americans had different skin colors...  NO SHIT MORON...

Tuesday, June 1

Raising Taxes

PERSONALLY...  I really really really really really really like the idea of the WEALTHY paying more in taxes so the rest of us lazy slobs can continue to be lazy; BUT, unless you are like Bezos, Gates, or Zuckerberg who are actually thrilled at the prospect of pay more taxes to an inefficient, incompetent, depressed Federal Government, then you are going to find some way to HIDE your frigging money away from the prying eyes of the IRS, typically in offshore bank accounts or relocating your operations to a jurisdiction that has less taxes, so that you can in turn sell your lower cost goods to an unsuspecting American public at a substantially higher profit than you were earning before...

Come to think of it, you might be the ones who are encouraging the Democrats to raise taxes...

It does my heart good to see wealthy people, especially those who are arrogant and egotistical and look down their noses on the rest of us to finally be backed into a corner by a halfwit Democratic President and a Vice President who thanks the good Lord that she WAS NOT born white.  But, I have no idea is she really believes in a higher power or not, so I cannot say that this comment has any merit to it or not.

All I can say now is that it is a good thing that Forrest Gump was released in 1994 and not 2021 because if it were the latter then it would have been cancelled before the first seat ticket was sold.

Wednesday, May 19

Just How Long With The Majority Be SIlent?

The first recorded Africans in English America (including most of the future United States) were "20 and odd negroes" who came to Jamestown, Virginia via Cape Comfort in August 1619 as indentured servants.
Source:  Wikipedia

And yet, even with their natural, god given ability to multiply their numbers, the African American Community in the USA is still only 12% of the overall population while whites or Caucasians represent 60% of the overall population in the USA.

Am I trying to make a point...  you bet I am...  our country is being turned upside down because a group of people five times smaller than the majority is trying to get our government to pay them special attention...  and, that is WRONG from the GETGO.

I would be the first to admit that the USA has/or:
  • racist cops that should be removed from employment
  • is embarrassed by slavery and wish it had never happened
  • a biased judicial system towards wealth and color
  • a biased employment system
  • a biased educational system
  • a biased pay scale relative to race and gender
BUT...  not everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is a friggin' racist.

There are many Blacks, African Americans, or People of Color who have decided NOT TO BITCH and have made the WHITE FOCUSED SYSTEM work for them.  As far as I am concerned, blacks should emulate those successful people and/or get them to help black communities change from within and become successful.

PERSONALLY, I have never like OUR WEALTY WHITE SYSTEM of BUSINESS and COMMERCE... and consequently have made the choice not to be a part of it, unless I absolutely had to in order to survive.  I did this by remaining in the SOUTH, either in NC, TN, SC, or KY for all of my career opportunities where salaries are traditionally lower than in the NORTH.  AND...  my subsequent lifestyle changed as a result...  and, while I disliked those WHITE MANAGERS in CHARGE, I was able to financially survive until I was financially able to retire at 67 years of age.

If I can do this...  then so can a BLACK do this...

HOWEVER, with all this BITCHIN' and HOLLERIN' that is being pushed out by BLM, ANTIFA, Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory, the WHITE PEOPLE, sometimes called CAUCASIANS or NON HISPANIC WHITES are going to finally get a MOUTH FULL and start PUSHING BACK...

Can you imagine what will happen with half of the 60% start pushing back or even ONE THIRD or 20%?


AND...  talk about divided...  this is the last thing that our Federal Government wants...  especially since it will be difficult to control with DEFUNDED POLICE DEPARTMENTS.








Thursday, April 22

TEAR IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!


Mount Rushmore is a National Monument in the Black Hills region of South Dakota...  It was completed in 1941 under the direction of Gutzon Borglum and his son and depicts US Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln... 

We know that Washington and Jefferson were slave owners and while Lincoln did not own any slaves his wife's family owned slaves.  However, most historians will agree that Roosevelt was a racist and had no problems sharing his views with others...

CONSEQUENTLY...  this National Monument is the wake of the CANCEL CULTURE and the WOKE Mob needs to be torn down IMMEDIATELY...  otherwise, we will have a crisis on our hands that will negatively manifest itself as more and more blacks become aware of this national monument.

I would not have thought about this until the BLACKS brought it to my attention...  NOW, every time I think about Mt. Rushmore, I am going to think about my ancestors and how bad they treated blacks back then...  even though I do not know if my ancestors even owned slaves...  I am still going to feel bad for blacks...

If blacks want PITY from me because of what their ancestors endured through slavery...  then PITY they will have...  but, nothing else...  the rest they can earn by themselves...  PITY IS FREE...

Monday, April 12

On Opposite Sides We Stand... or sit...

For as many years as I can remember, citizens of the United States have divided on just about every issue that one can imagine...  from race to education to wealth to religion to sports teams concerning which team should win and why...  oftentimes relying on personal opinions rather than on actual facts.  It did not matter if who was right as long as both sides had an equal opportunity to express their opinions...  and, it got to the point where the following was stated:  "opinions are like assholes...  everybody's got one."

TODAY... that is not being allowed to play out unfortunately as our CANCEL CULTURE friends and neighbors only want their opinions to be heard and believed as actual fact...  If you disagree we (the CC) will destroy you and quite possibly your family members as well like a HIT SQUAD for the Mafia.

Needless to say...  this closed minded opinion PISSES ME OFF and should PISS OFF most Americans who take pride in and honor our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS...

HOWEVER...  if you want to rewrite our US Constitution and eliminate our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS then since we live in a Democracy you are free and welcome to do so...  although, I strongly believe that you are going to encounter some resistance from many Americans.

RACISM is one of those issues that DIVIDES AMERICANS...  right now, Racism mainly pertains to the ethnic struggles between  whites and blacks as a result of SLAVERY and the fact that most of people who settled and founded the United States of America owned slaves...  and, many blacks today believe that our country is still controlled by whites who have found a new and different way to enslave blacks....

This enslavement happens in the following areas:
  • black communities in the cities
  • black educational opportunities
  • black work opportunities
  • black wealth opportunities
  • black political opportunities
What I personally find amusing is the fact that there are many blacks who have been successful and become wealthy in spite of all the whites that are supposedly working against them...  even though they had to work harder than whites in order to get where they got...

The government cannot really change people's opinions and beliefs but what they can do is force people to do what they do not want to do...  that is to say...
  • hire blacks whether they want to or not
  • educate blacks whether they want to or not
  • promote blacks whether they want to or not
But, that practice will not stop the question of:  HOW'D YOU GET YOUR JOB?

But, there is also racism between the:
  • light blacks and dark blacks
  • African blacks and European blacks
  • American blacks and Jamaican blacks
  • blacks/whites and Mexicans
  • blacks/whites and Hispanics
  • blacks/whites and Asians
And...  this racism had nothing to do with slavery and everything to do with immigration and their ability to want to work and not receive handouts and welfare from the Federal Government.

UNFORTUNATELY, no government will be able to stop or suppress differences of opinions...
  • Athletic abilities
  • Musical abilities
  • Artistic abilities
  • Physical abilities
  • Mental abilities
  • Motivational abilities
  • Determination abilities
  • Personality abilities
  • Speaking abilities

Tuesday, April 6

Well... well... well... Cancel Culture

While Coca Cola and Delta are being influenced by the cancel culture not to have anything to do with Georgia or it brand of Southern Politics, it would appear that the Professional Golfers in Georgia are not that TEED-OFF and are deciding to hit that little white ball around the green grass despite having to do without being able to drink in Coca Cola products.

It would appear that golfers are FLIPPING A BIG FAT BIRD to the cancel culture as the rest of us should be doing instead of caving in to these assholes.

I, for one, have decided not to drink any Coca Cola products ever again...  but, the fact of the matter is that I stopped drinking coke years ago because of the taste...  and, ever since then I have been drink PEPSI which in my opinion is a much better soft drink...  although, I prefer unsweetened tea.

As far as Delta is concerned...  it pisses me off that they have allowed themselves to be DOPED by the cancel culture, especially since Delta is the only airlines on which I like to fly.  I have a Delta American Express credit card and will continue to rack up points by using it, but do not plan to fly Delta ever again.

I am not much for the cancel culture nor do I support anyone who supports the cancel culture.  It is sad that the cancel culture is an off shoot of the BLM movement because that is a movement that I would have supported had they not turned into assholes also.

While I personally detest GOLF, I am supportive of the golfers who have decided to play through the controversy.

ALSO...  MLB is a sport that I grew tired of, the minute I entered high school and have not cared much for that sport ever since.  I much prefer basketball and football and might have liked soccer if I had ever known how to play the damn game.

In the future, I will SUPPORT GEORGIA anyway that I can...  and, I say this because the cancel culture has DIVIDED AMERICA and I will always be on the side against THEM...

Monday, April 5

Cancel Me Please...

Cancel culture
(or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to have been "cancelled".

Woke is a slang term that is easing into the mainstream from some varieties of a dialect called African American Vernacular English (sometimes called AAVE). In AAVE, awake is often rendered as woke, as in, “I was sleeping, but now I'm woke.” 'Woke' is increasingly used as a byword for social awareness.

As someone who earned a BA in English, the explanation of WOKE really bothers me because it is grammatically incorrect...  and yet, it is so popular that I would bet that WEBSTER's Dictionary will include it in their book going forward soon...

BUT...  right now these two concepts are filtering through America like a FART AT A SOCIAL GATHERING in a room with no windows.   

Almost everyday, I learn that something new has been cancelled because of one reason or another...  typically because they are beinjg referred to as RACIST...

The problem I have with being a RACIST is the fact that the only people who have been called RACISTS are WHITES...  I have never heard of a BLACK being called a RACIST...  and yet, RAP MUSIC LYRICS speak often about waging war against the whites and killing whites...  but, this is not RACIST...

It is this hypocrisy that will eventually kill the movement once people realize that they have been played as FOOLS...

It is my HOPE and DESIRE that the BLACK RACE cancels me...  and, the reason why I say this is because I don't want to find myself in public enjoying life in East TN...  and, not living in an urban area where BEING WOKE is destroying those cities...

CANCEL ME and keep me here...

Saturday, March 6

Cancel Culture

 [ [ [  [  Cancel Culture  ]  ] ] ]

We live in a society that for all intents and purposes has been turned upside down and the mainstream media seems to be supporting this approach without researching to see what the downside of this approach might be...

If I do not agree with you, then I am cancelled...

Opposing views are not being allowed...

Is this democratic? ? ?

I have spent my entire life opposing those people who want me to believe like they believe or wanting to believe like they want me to believe...  consequently, I have lost my job 10 times during a 45 year career...  because I refused to do this...  and, I would suspect that there are many other people out there who are like me...  perhaps, a little more diplomatic but they are there nonetheless...

The United States is quickly becoming a country that is losing the respect of other countries throughout the world.  The United State used to be a country where opposing views were encouraged and no other country in the world had the freedom of speech like we had...  that is changing...


Friday, March 5

Countries that Censor Freedom of Speech

TOP COUNTRIES that censor Freedom of Speech

1. Eritrea
2. North Korea
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Ethiopia
5. Azerbaijan
6. Vietnam
7. Iran
8. China
9. Myanmar
10. Cuba

all I can say here is aren't you glad that you live in the US of A...  where censorship does not happen...  and, opposing views are allowed to ripen on the vine like grapes and be harvested...

have I spoken too quickly?
Do we really have FREEDOM OF SPEECH here in the US of A where all views are tolerated...  Twenty years ago, I would have said yes!!!
Ten years ago, I would have said yes!!!
2015 changed everything here in the US of A...

LIBERAL VOICES, THOUGHTS, and OPINIONS are the only ones that are being tolerated these days...  and conservative voices, thoughts, and opinions are trying to be suppressed...

We are living in the years of the CANCEL CULTURE...
We are living in the years of the WOKE MOB...

It is these two groups who do not want opposing views...
It is these two groups who want only their voices to be heard...


Thursday, March 4

Cancel Culture


If you do not agree with me I will simply cancel you out as if you never existed at all...  

The last time something like this took place was in NAZI Germany and their specific target was the JEWS and all those who sympathized with the Jews...  the Jews were taken to concentration camps and medically experimented upon and subsequently killed in gas chambers.

Cancel Culture in America wants to do away with the conservative voice and all those who support or sympathize with the conservative voice.  Cancel Culture in America has teamed up with Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA basically because they believe that they will NEVER BE SUCCESSFUL unless the white race is destroyed...  specifically, the conservative white race because the liberal white race is sympathetic to their cause...

Cancel Culture in America wants to defund with police and take those monies and set up programs for blacks so that they have a better chance of being successful.  

Cancel Culture in America wants to do away with the CONSTITUTION and write a new constitution that is partial to the black man instead of all Americans.

Cancel Culture in America wants to rewrite the history books and remove all connections to slavery as if it never existed and those references to slavery will state HOW EVIL THE WHITE MAN IS and continues to be against the blacks.

Is America really willing to let something like this happen???