Friday, May 21

Friday Evening in the Valley

While many of my neighbors are celebrating the no facemask
required announcement by going places without wearing their facemasks, I am simple sitting at home enjoying the day with my Siamese cat, Piper, named after the actor and the fact that I needed a 2 syllable name.

My Friday started with coffee and Cappuccino Mix and Fox News with Bill Hemmer and his female cohost whose name I cannot remember but who is not impressive because she talks too fast...  although, I am sure that some people like that style.

SOS for the most part, so I switched the channel to Below Zero about people supposedly living OFF THE GRID in Alaska, but all those damn shows are scripted, so you gotta take the "reality" part with a grain of salt.

Once my body was satiated with a sufficient amount of coffee, I finished sanding down the wall that I had fixed with spackling and after making sure that it was a smooth as a baby's butt, I let my wife know that it was ok to paint...  a chore which I would do if she did not care to do it.

I've always hated that phrase, "I don't care to do it," because to me it means I don't want to do it but to the people in this area, it means I don't mind doing it...  it is all rather confusing to a North Carolinian.

Next, I vacuumed our outside pool which is stupid to say it that way since very few people in these parts have inside pools...  and poured some kind of crap into the pool that the pool people gave us because something in the water was either too high or too low.  I did not have to mix it with anything, just walked around its perimeter and sprinkled a little bit at a time into the pool.

WIth that done, it was time for my first meal of the day...  oatmeal, peaches, and cinnamon but only 1/2 cup of dry ingredients which is heart healthy and only 175 calories.

This meal allowed me to start working on my blogs and the novel I am writing which took me into mid afternoon and I had my first snack of rice cakes and unsweetened tea.  For about 90 minutes I watched 2 episodes (fast forwarding through the commercials) of Ancient Aliens and got especially interested in the Book of Enoch that was left out of the Christian Bible.  It had some very interesting shit in it about a group of extraterrestrials called the Watchers getting humans pregnant and their off springs were these damn giants...  even the Bible mentions giants as well as Enoch even though it don't include his book.  

I know I should have used doesn't instead of don't but I felt a little frisky...

Second snack was then consumed of a 1/8 portion of a small brick of cheese and 5 saltine crackers...  totaling 160 calories.

If you don't give a shit about my caloric intake then just read past it.

Once my second snack was "down the hatch," I proceeded to do a little more research on The Dead Sea Scrolls and Spectral Imaging which can bring out words even after the page is burned...  now that is some cool shit.

Black beans, corn, diced tomatoes, rice, onion, peppers, mushrooms, and garlic is my last meal recording a whopping 320 calories but my daily overall total still remains under 1,600 and my range these days is 1,400 to 1,800.

The day concludes with me checking my stats on my four blogs, setting the thermostat to turn on the air, and writing this last post...

Is this a typical Friday?
Yes...  it is when I am at at home in the Valley...

I have been mowing my lawn on Thursdays this time around instead of Fridays or the weekend because we left early Friday morning several weeks ago for our first of many vacations after the pandemic lost its power over us.  And, I am still waiting for the world to get PISSED OFF at China...  but I doubt that will ever happen.

Darkness outside my window cause me to flip the light switch and now Piper and I have some light by which to see each other.

Tomorrow will be a brief day outside as we lower the steps down into the pool and stake up a dozen tomato plants that were planted a couple of days ago.  Other than that, I plan to spend the rest of the day inside, piddling around with my writing and eating my low calorie meals and snacks.

But, what the hell, it gives this retired Veteran something to do each day and I don't have to spend any time at all at work refusing to KISS THE ASS of my supervisor.

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