Showing posts with label Liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberals. Show all posts

Friday, June 9

Kamala Harris is the Problem

Like Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, in an effort to sound more sympathetic to the working class, is fond of telling stories.

But these anecdotes often drive Republicans up the wall. A tale from back in March is one that is sure to rile the right.

Harris told the insulting anecdote while talking to attendees in Colorado on March 6 at the city of Arvada’s Center for the Arts and Humanities.

Kamala Harris: What Did She Say Now?
She recalled her childhood in which she asked, “Why are conservatives bad, mommy?” This question came out of nowhere because Harris was supposed to be talking about environmentalism and climate change.

Harris seemed to think Republicans were the bad guys at a young age.

Here Is Some More Background Behind This Story
Let’s offer some more context around Harris’ cringeworthy question.

Harris was on stage with rock climbing pro and moderator Sasha Digiulian and Colorado Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen. The vice president was trying to recount how she became environmentally conscious at a young age.

“We called it ecology at the time. So, some of us who were born around that time know what I’m saying. And we talked about it in the context of conservation,” Harris said.  READ MORE...

Friday, February 3

SOROS Attempts to Influence US Politics

George Soros speaks at an event on day three of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020. (Simon Dawson/Bloomberg)

On a very warm day in late June 2019, I got onto the tram near the Budapest train station. I found a seat between people holding bouquets, beaming. We were all going to the Palace of Arts for Central European University’s last graduation in Budapest.

CEU was founded by George Soros in the early 1990s. It was meant to be both a place where students from the region could get a first-class education and, maybe more importantly, a counter to the nationalism that could have easily consumed Central and Eastern Europe after the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc. It became a world-renowned institution of higher education. So, too, did it become a target of Viktor Orbán’s government, which passed a law that essentially forced most of CEU’s operations out of the city. From the beginning, it had been an improbable reality, attacked by politicians when convenient. But that, to those who loved it, just underscored its importance. On the one hand, Soros himself created something that would not have existed without his billions. On the other, all those billions were not enough to create conditions in which that something could persist.

I’ve thought of this often in the year that’s followed. I think of it, for example, when conspiracy theorists allege that Soros is the puppet master controlling protests against police brutality. It’s a ludicrous claim, one that strips agency from the individuals fighting for an end to systemic violence against black Americans. But it resonates in part because Soros has given money to, among other things, criminal justice reform. Here, too, there is a befuddling irony: Soros’s money has arguably led to real gains in the criminal justice space. And yet, if money was less concentrated, especially in the hands of men like Soros, perhaps people would not need to rely on billionaire philanthropists for change.

“That is a real conversation that has really erupted in a mainstream way … the question is, how do you give in ways that reduce the power of rich people?” Anand Giridharadas, author of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World,” told me. “I do think he really has an opportunity here.”

Soros has, in his own way, thought about these issues, or at least about how to more equitably distribute wealth. Scrolling through my phone as I waited for the ceremony to begin back at the Palace of Arts, I noticed that Laura Silber, Open Society’s top communications official, had tweeted out a New York Times article. It was about an open letter published on the website Medium in which a collective of very rich individuals called for “a moderate wealth tax on the fortunes of the richest one-tenth of the richest 1 percent of Americans — on us.”

Signatories included Abigail Disney, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, and George Soros, whose photo the Times had selected to adorn the virtual page. “A Message from the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us,” the headline read. Alexander Soros, the son who Soros has signaled is interested in carrying on his work, had signed on, too.  READ MORE...

Thursday, February 2

What is an OPEN SOCIETY?

Liberals trying to articulate a vision of decent political order often invoke the concept of the “open society,” made famous by philosopher of science Karl Popper in his 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies, and later by the various incarnations of the Open Society Foundation of philanthropist George Soros, who was originally inspired by Popper’s work. Popper, trying to defend liberal democracy against the forces that he believed had led to Soviet and Nazi totalitarianism, distinguished open societies, in which human beings are capable of freely expressing their rational judgments about social conventions, from closed societies, in which such questioning is forbidden and uncritical obedience imposed. The division between closed and open societies is by these lights self-evident, and history is the record of human progress from closed to open in the face of periodic threats of catastrophic regression.

The outlines of Popper’s account remain part of many American liberals’ mental sketch of politics, even if they have never read The Open Society or heard of its author. Liberalism appears to its defenders as a regime founded on discussion and debate, in which free individuals participate without fear of censorship or undue moral pressure. Citizens in a liberal society are “open” to new ideas and to argument about them. They are, moreover, “open” to the influence of such ideas to reshape their lives; they are not committed to inflexible norms inherited from their tradition but are able, through their interactions with other open-minded interlocutors, to choose their own trajectories. Liberals neither receive from the past nor transmit to the future a commitment to maintain a specific set of truths, values and practices; all social and personal values are subject to ceaseless contestation and change. The open society and its members are thus open all at once to reason (as opposed to irrational prejudices binding them to convention), debate (as opposed to unspeaking conformity or the parroting of ideological scripts), and change (their personal and collective futures, which they will determine for themselves, being at present unknown).

Emphasizing rationality and human agency, however, may suggest that the open society forecloses humanity’s need for morality and religion. If society is essentially a debating club, in which individuals exchange and refine their opinions, how can the voices of either moral duty or of God be heard? As our traditions record them, these seem to speak to us not in a register of deliberation and mutual questioning but in sometimes terrifying imperatives. Illiberals of the right and left have thus long accused liberals of promoting freedom of speech, democratic deliberation, and skepticism about absolute truth as means of deafening themselves to the call of conscience. From such a moralizing perspective, the open society is open in the manner of a cloaca or a wound.

The tension between our desires for freedom and morality, however, was not unknown to the thinker who established the distinction between “open” and “closed” societies. He was not Karl Popper, but the French Jewish philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941), in his last major work, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion (1932). Bergson had spent most of his career offering bold restatements of our experiences of time, knowledge, and the permanence or transformations of objects and perceptions. In The Two Sources, however, he turned to politics. Rather than arguing, as Popper would, that the open and the closed are distinct forms of society, separated by the chasm between reason and unreason, he held that a rhythm of opening and closing is the heartbeat of every society, and every social institution and practice.

Society, Bergson insisted, begins “closed” and cannot survive without to a great extent remaining so. In this, he took inspiration from his former classmate Emile Durkheim, the founder of French sociology, who argued that society dominates and shapes its members to a degree many of his contemporary readers found horrifying to contemplate. Like Durkheim, Bergson argued that human beings are compelled to uphold social norms and fulfill our duties to each other, often in opposition to our own desires. We experience these compulsions, which constitute our moral sense, as coming at once from inside and outside us. In order to be effective, our feeling of duty must be automatic, compelling us to act without hesitation in predictable ways. It can be so only if the field of situations in which it would apply—that is, the whole of society—is itself stable, regular and relatively unchanging. A “closed society,” in Bergson’s view, both requires and generates a compulsory “closed morality” among its inhabitants. In a chilling comparison that he repeats throughout the book, he adds that a such a society and such a morality are as natural to human beings as an anthill is to ants.

The human anthill of the closed society, in which people are unconsciously compelled to follow social norms, is disturbed by the power of individual thought. In order to function, society requires individuals to cooperate, make sacrifices, and defend the collective against its enemies. Thinking, however, “counsels egoism.” It sets the thinker, who now becomes the judge of his own case, against the demands of others and of his own conscience.  READ MORE...

Tuesday, August 9

Relax... Don't Worry...

Dan Bongino took Rush Limbaugh's spot on talk radio and moved from NYC to Florida and is a regular guest on FOX News...  Today he was interviewed on FOX News as a result of the FBI's raid of former President Trump's home in Florida...   claiming that Trump took classified documents when he left the Whitehouse, knowing that his defense would be, I declassified them before I left office...  but they did the deed anyway.

Dan was LIVID, to say the least and while he said that he was a conservative and therefore a Republican but not because of the current Republicans in Congress because they are a DO NOTHING group of politicians and need to immediately be removed.  Dan said the GOP now TALKS BOLD AND BIG but when it comes to action, they accomplish nothing.

Dan Bongino pretty much reflects my sentiments about all of the Congressional Republicans except for Lindsey Graham and a couple of others that FOX News interviews regularly...

The Democrats play dirty but piss, bitch, and moan when others play dirty against them...

The Democrats lie and really do not feel guilty about their lies as they continue to make these lies daily...

The Democrats are moving closer and closer to a Socialistic form of government where the government provides you with everything -- just like the movie/show STAR TREK...

The Democrats have mainstream media covering the ASSES, networks like CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, PBR...

If this is the kind of government that you want...  then have it...  and, the reason that I say this is because HISTORICALLY all socialistic governments FAIL...

History always repeats itself whether we like it or not and regardless if this is what some of want or don't want...

In order to have a socialistic government, two things have to happen.

First - the government must insure that it can collect taxes from the WEALTHY in order to pay for the socialistic society...  USA millionaires and billionaires already have their money shelter away from taxes in the Grand Caymans.

Second - the government must insure that ALL BUSINESSES will be willing to pay their fair share of whatever...  or be taken over (OWNED) by the federal government...  then the government can manage the business any way they like.

Do you really think first or second will happen in the US of A?

Right now, about 70% of what we receive is considered to already be SOCIALISTIC in nature, such as:

  • Public Education
  • Public Transportation
  • Public Parks and Recreation
  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • Unemployment Insurance

These programs already cost the country so much money that we are ASSHOLE deep in debt with CHINA owning ONE-THIRD of that debt...  can you imagine that China owns 1/3 of our debt?

What do we do when they DEMAND their money back?

Saturday, February 12

Biden's Burden(s)

Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle

COVID - 19  Confusion

Increasing Inflation

Supply Chain SNAFU

Illegal Immigration Invasion

Sporatic Lockdowns

Sporatic Facemask Mandate

Democrats retiring from Congress

Patronizing Mainstream Media

Not Willing to Answer Questions

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Potential

China Invasion of Taiwan Potential

North Korea Testing Long Range Missiles

Iran Nuclear Program Escalating

Terrorist VOW Destruction of America

After being our President for a year now, the above are the indisputable accomplishments of the Biden Administration...

I remember when Biden won the election, I received an email that read:  OUR NATIONAL NIGHTMARE IS FINALLY OVER...   If I were to send that person an email now, it would read:  OUR NATIONAL NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN...

Sad to say, but I believe that the Republicans will win control of the House and Senate after the 2022 midterms and the balance of power will shift back to the conservatives...

It could also mean that in 2024, the Republicans could acquire the Presidency and REVERSE all the orders that Biden put into place just like he REVERSED all the orders that Trump had put into place...

Who wins with this type of seesaw government?

Friday, February 11

Miserable Liberals

Stephen Moore, Replacing former President Donald Trump with President Joe Biden was supposed to bring joy to the land from sea to sea.

We were going to be a united people at last. Every problem known to man would get solved by cradle-to-grave government. Biden was even going to save us from the rise of the oceans.

I’m the kind of guy
Who never used to cry
The world is treatin’ me bad

— The Beatles

But just the opposite: A survey by the University of Chicago found that record percentages of people in 2021 described themselves as “unhappy.”

For most of the past 50 years, about 1 in 10 people have described themselves as unhappy. In 2021, 1 in 4 say they are unhappy. Typically, almost 1 in 3 say they are “very happy,” and now less than 1 in 5 do. The happiness index is falling like a stone. People are depressed.

Gee, I wonder why the public is so glum all of a sudden.

Let me count the ways. First, there is isolation and loneliness from lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions. Then there is out-of-control crime and a significant rise in business failures (from lockdowns), both clearly associated with depression. People are still worried about their health two years into the pandemic that Biden promised to shut down. The border is out of control.

Then there is the financial stress on families from everything being more expensive. Children are depressed because schools are still doing remote learning or they are stuck wearing masks for eight hours a day. The “woke” movement has people feeling like they are tied inside a social straitjacket. Nothing is funny anymore. Don’t you dare say an off-color joke or you will be banished.

People are afraid to laugh at anything for fear of offending someone somewhere. When was the last time you saw a funny movie?

But here’s what’s most interesting about the results of the happiness survey. The people with the most significant happiness deficiencies are Democratic voters. Liberals are miserable. Only 1 in 6 Democratic voters say they are “very happy.” Almost twice as many Republicans say they are “very happy.”

Why is that? I have several admittedly unproven hypotheses. I will toss them out, and readers can decide for themselves if they agree or disagree.

First, liberals are much less religious, patriotic and interested in getting married and having children than conservatives. It’s a Grand Canyon-sized division between liberals and conservatives. I’d venture to say that the love of country, God and family make people happy.

If you don’t believe in these things, you will likely believe in false idols, such as big government, as your savior. That’s hardly a path to happiness.

Liberals are less likely to be working and more likely to be on government assistance. But every study shows that work is highly associated with happiness. Giving a person a fish rather than teaching a person to fish leads to very different life satisfaction outcomes.  READ MORE...

Saturday, December 11

Rainy Day Thoughts

 It is raining in the Valley today and quite naturally my thoughts turn to recent events of which we must all by now be aware...  Jussie Smolett was convicted on 5 of the 6 charges related to lying to the police about being mugged...

What I found most interesting about this case is that former President Obama, Presidential candidate Biden, and Vice Presidential candidate Harris ALL STATED how horrible it was for something like this to have happened here in America and blamed it all on President Trump for causing all this hatred to flourish.

Two years later and we find our that Jussie Smolett LIED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT, neither Obama, Biden, or Harris are commenting...  GO FIGURE???

FIRST THOUGHTSShould leaders jump to conclusions?

But...  what gets to me more than anything else is how EVERYONE has been and continues to blame Trump for everything...   now, I did not vote for him mind you, but I think the way he was treated was horrible, especially when one compares Trump to Biden in terms of accomplishments.

Thanks to Biden, we now have:

  • Highest inflation in 40 years
  • Highest Illegal Immigration in our history
  • A Supply Chain Shortage
  • Increases in urban crime and violence
  • Influx of illegal drugs from Mexico
  • Distrust of all our Allies
  • Repercussions of an Afghanistan withdrawal debacle
  • CRT being taught in public schools
  • Highest government spending ever
  • Potential of tax increases
  • Highest debt level ever
  • Judging people on color not character
  • People leaving law enforcement
  • A weakened military
  • A decreasing quality of education
  • A reduction of STEM students

Did Jussie Smolett cause all of this?  HELL NO...
Did Trump cause all of this?  HELL NO...

America is being influenced by Liberals, Progressives, and Radical Blacks who apparently do not like America as she presently has developed...   Sadly, no matter what anyone does whether it is conservatives, liberals, progressives, or blacks, THE WEALTHY will continue to get WEALTHY...  that is just the way that economies aamre set up...  The only way to keep the wealthy from getting wealthy is to have our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT own everything...

Can you imagine our Federal Government owning:
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Dell
  • The Stock Market
  • ALL Banks
  • Walmart
  • Lowes
  • Hollywood
  • All music companies
  • Sam's
  • Starbucks
  • Dillards
  • John Deere
  • All airlines
  • All Train companies
  • All commerical bus companies
  • All Trucking companies
  • All grocery stores
  • All Professional Sports Teams

UNFORTUNATELY, most of us 80%-90% WILL NEVER BE WEALTHY no matter who owns what...

Democrats cannot stop the wealth

Republicans cannot stop the wealth

Progressives cannot stop the wealth

Blacks cannot stop the wealth

Socialism cannot stop the wealth

Friday, September 17

Saluting Biden's Leadership


The Supreme Leader of the United States and her military forces is President Joe Biden...  who has been accused of NOT BEING RIGHT ON FOREIGN POLICY FOR THE LAST FOUR DECADES...

Be that as it may, our President Biden has accomplished the following in less that 10 months in office:

  • Opened our borders to non stop immigration
  • Spent so much money that it has caused inflation
  • Slowed down our economic recovery after COVID
  • Mandated COVID Vaccines
  • Botched the Afghanistan withdrawal
  • Caused our global allies to lose respect
  • Raised taxes on everyone
  • Censored the conservative voices
  • Promoted Critical Race Theory and being WOKE
  • Caused Americans to be more divided
  • Failed on climate change

We have 3 more years of this clown and there is no telling what he has yet to accomplish...  and, this comment in tongue-in-cheek and is more surreal than bestowing praise...  and, what bothers me more than anything else about this country, is the fact that so many people we against TRUMP and did everything they could to remove him from office...

We have gone from BAD TO WORSE...

Saturday, September 4

Another Weekend in East TN

My neighbor was taken to the hospital in Knoxville last week by ambulence because she had a heart attack but was aware enough to call 911 herself.  Her heart issues were on the right side and even though she had 19 stents, she still suffered a powerful enough attack, to cause her to undergo a quardruple bypass operation.  She was released this morning and I talked with her son after helping her inside her home.

One of the issues that we talked about was the fact that east tn, at least where we were living was, for the most part, isolated away from all the garbage that was happening in the big cities.

While we were experiencing higher prices, our increase in prices were not as high as those increases up north.  We were not seeing an increase in illegal immigrants being flown to our location, nor did we have the crime and violence that we had been reading about or watching on the news.  No one in our area was ambushing police in an effort to try and wound or kill them.

  • No one in our area wanted to defund the police.
  • No one in our area wanted to teach critical race theory.
  • No one in our area was concerned about black lives matter.
  • No one in our area want to remove monuments or rename buildings.
  • No one in our area wanted to wear or mandate facemasks except hospitals and healthcare facilities.
  • No one in our area wanted to ban conservative thoughts, comments, or actions.
  • No one in our area supported abortion
  • No one in our area wanted to do away with the 2nd Amendment.

BTW...  did I mention that my neighbor is BLACK???

AND...  did I mention that on the other side of my neighbor's house lives a mexican immigrant that neither of us knew whether he and his family were legal or not and neither of us really gave a shit either way.

Oh yes...  I am white...  and, interestingly enough, I have been white all my life...  and, the only living beings that were ever opposed by me because of my white supremacy attitude ghaniswere my CATS...  because I refused to let them go outsde...  inside cats actually live longer on average than outside cats.

Neither of us voted for TRUMP but both of us feel that our current President...  What's His Name...  is doing a horrible job and we are both tired of him lying to the public about what he supposedly believes...  we are also tired of the mainstream media covering his ass all the time pretending like he is doing a great job.

Neither my black neighbor nor I care about which political party controls the politics of the county because we have the same problems today that we had back in the 1960's which means both Democrats and Republicans are responsible for maintaining the status quo.

My black neighbor like to fish in one of our two man made Public Works lakes...  but, I do not...  So...  I suppose that we are different in that regard...  but, we don't fight about it nor do we get upset because we like to do different things...

I also have no idea if he sees me as white or just as his neighbor....  it never much mattered to me...

Friday, August 20

A Conservative Liberal's Opinion


I was raised a Democrat by my Democratic parents and I remained a Democrat until 1980 when I earned an MBA from the Babcock Graduate School at Wake Forest University and realized that the economic policies of the Democratic Party were not conducive nor were they in line with our Free Market Enterprise System and Capitalism.

Yes...  it is true that Capitalism has created a multitude of Millionaires and Billionaires but it has also created the most POWERFUL ECONOMY in the world and that is not an easy task...

However, I still hold onto many of my liberal beliefs that have nothing to do with the economy because I believe that people have RIGHTS that should not be enfringed... like the right to choose or the right to own a firearm or the right of free speech and religion.

Most Importantly, I believe that our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should NOT TELL its citizens what they can or cannot do.  I also believe in a small government, low taxes, a strong military, and a viable educational system that is focused on the retention of knowledge and not on grades.  I am totally opposed to debt or increasing the debt to provide services to the citizens just because a group of people think we should regardless of the cost.

We should provide only those services that we can afford and as long as we can afford them, then we should provide as much as we can, to show the rest of the world that the USA is a great place to live, work, raise a family, and retire in.

  • What the Democrats are doing is not just WRONG but economically FOOLISH...  
  • What the Democrats did in Afghanistan tells our allies that the USA cannot be trusted...
  • What the Democrats are doing by allowing illegal aliens to enter the USA shows a complete disregard for our laws...
  • What the Democrats have done when it comes to defund the police is idiotic but moronic as well and shows a complete lack of judgement and insight...
  • What the Democrats have done with Critical Race Theory has and will continue to increase the bitterness and divide that already exists between blacks and whites in this country...
  • What the Democrats are doing by using Capitalism to pay for Socialism is irresponsible given that no socialistic country has ever been successful...

It is doubtful that the Democrats will ever change their mindset of their party platforms...  so, my return to the Democratic Party will never take place in my lifetime...

It is a shame that I feel this way because I affiliated with the Democratic Party not because of my parents influence on me but because of John F. Kennedy...  the democratic party today is not anywhere close to the democratic party of JFK...  and that mistake will never be corrected as long as its present leaders continue to believe the way they do.

Monday, August 16

AMERICA: Living Off the Government

One of the main lessons that my parents engrained and/or imprinted upon me was the concept of NEVER LIVING OFF THE GOVERNMENT...  to pull myself up from my own bootstraps, calling upon family or friends for help, if necessary, but never the government.

However, under the Biden Administration and the new Progressive Democrats, our Federal Government has put itself in a position of attempting to arrange as many Americans as possible to start living off the government with:

  • unemployment benefits
  • healthcare benefits
  • food stamp benefits
  • education benefits
  • housing benefits

And...  the biggest problem that all of this spending has created in not just inflation but an increase in the National Debt and a DEVALUATION of the American Dollar...  while at the same time CHINA is putting pressure on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to change the international currency of trade from the US Dollar to the Chinese YUAN...

The Democratic THEORY is that the WEALTHY AMERICANS are going to be paying for this...  Most of the Democrats are themselves WEALHY...  do you really believe that they are going to increase taxes on THEMSELVES???

If you think they wealthy will pay...  then, I wonder what you will want to do when you realize that you were WRONG...

Sunday, June 27


Illegal Immigration is a problem for this country because when those people are integrated into the general population, it will change the overall structure of this country in certain areas...  like the cities where jobs are mainly available.

Immigrants came to this country for a better opportunity and that opportunity is not living off the handouts of our federal government but working and moving up through the ranks with or without education...  but, with hard work.

These type people are not supporters of SOCIALISM...  they are supporters of capitalism and the free market enterprise way of life...

DEMOCRATS and LIBERALS and PROGRESSIVES have made a miscalculation and they will soon pay for it...

Other problems that they will encounter will revolve around:

  • Defunding the police
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Becoming WOKE
  • Cancel Culture
2022 will be the telling factor as more and more people realize that what Biden and his bulldogs are doing is hurting not helping their way of life.

Wednesday, May 19

Cancel Culture Being Cancelled

 An amazing thing happened in this country during the Presidential Election of 2020... and that was the unprecedented fact that the United States of America was divided 50/50 which is also reflected in the political make-up of the US Senate.

NO PRESIDENT or POLICITICAL LEADER can say with authority and absolute certainty that their plans is what a majority of the voters want...  and, if they do, then they are bold-faced lying to you and knowing Biden, he is doing it with a shit-eatin' grin of a smile.

With this 50/50 divided thoroughly embedded in citizens from the west coast to the east coast and from out northern borders to our southern borders, which incidentally also includes Alaska and Hawaii...  NOTHING IS GOING TO GET DONE WITH 100% success.  The Senate can pass shit with a one vote margin, but the citizens of the USA...  at least half of them WILL REJECT IT...

We see business leaving the States of:  California, Washington, Oregon, and New York because the other 50% believe in liberal policies that are causing increased taxes, increased drugs, increased unemployment, and increased crime.

Not only are businesses leaving these areas and those major cities inside each of the States, but couple and families are leaving as well...  and I am not 100% confident that all of the people leaving are those who are attached to the 50% that don't want Biden as President...  so, there may be some conversions going on.

What is ever more spectacular is the fact that the 50% that oppose the LIBERAL points-of-view and finally fighting back and their pushback is getting attention from both the liberals as well as the conservatives.

The conservatives are finally saying that we have had enough of this cancel culture shit and are standing up to their bullshit.  The comedian Bill Maher who had no problems waving his anti-Trump flag on his nationally syndicated television show, is now adamantly against THE CANCEL CULTURE...

This right here is frigging amazing!

I hope we return to the decade of the 1960's when our antiwar protests CHANGED A GENERATION AND A NATION...  some say it was for the worse but who the hell really knows.


Monday, May 3

Day 3 at Destin

Yesterday was incredibly overcast and rather chilly on the Gulf Coast at the panhandle of Florida...and once again I am up at 7:00 am and after drinking a couple of YETI cups of coffee with Cappuccino Mix, I prepare 2 eggs with green onions, green peppers, turkey sausage, and mini tomatoes while watching FOX News on the local cable that is provided free-of-charge with the rental agreement.  And, once again I am inundated with the stupidity of the Democratic Party as I listen to unbiased news...  because I took the time to also compare my intake of news with CNN and CBS and have once again seen with my own two eyes and heard with my own two ears, a biased version of the news with much of the news omitted from broadcast...

And that censorship pisses me off, especially since I am a LIBERAL who thrives on TRUTH regardless of whether or not I like it or approve of the TRUTH...  as heard and understood.

I am fundamentally IN FAVOR OF providing goods and services to the poor and disadvantaged...  but, I am also fundamentally OPPOSED to going into debt in order to do this which includes TAXING THE WEALTHY to pay for this.  The wealthy should not be penalized financially simply because they are wealthy and lived their lives with the intent of becoming wealthy unlike those who lived their lives in order to avoid becoming wealthy.

If the wealthy want to share their wealth well that is altogether different.

We have a crisis with:

  • Illegal Immigration
  • National Debt Increase
  • Citizens using illegal drugs
  • A struggling economy
  • A divided country
  • Piss Poor Education K-12
  • China's building military
  • China's building economy
  • China/Russia/North Korea Alliance
  • China/Russia/Iran Alliance

Not Our Fault

There is a crisis at our Southern Borders with the influx of Immigration from Mexico, Central and South America, many of whom cross over into the United States illegally and President Biden says that it is not my fault...  even though it is on his watch that it is happening...  and, even though he has reversed all the restrictions that the previous administration had imposed...  yet, it is not his fault...

I don't mean to be rude, but that is a careless, reckless, and a totally irresponsible and illogical statement to make...

How many days, months, years will it take for the present administration to STOP BLAMING THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION?

AND...  how long will it take for mainstream media to come to their senses and realize how stupid these comments really are because it does not reflect the reality of the situation...

The irresponsible mainstream media believes beyond a shadow of a legal and reportable doubt that:::>

  • Liberals good
  • Conservatives bad
  • Democrats good
  • Republicans bad


The Liberals, Democrats, and Progressive Democrats basically believe that a large Federal Government is good while a small Federal Government is bad...  and that everything that society needs should be paid for by the wealthy regardless of whether or not the wealthy approve of that logic.

First...  let me state that government bureaucracy is more incompetent than it is competent.  Government workers are not effective or efficient in their output because being fired or reprimanded is never going to happen so why should they work hard?

Second...  the wealthy for the most part is not stupid or ignorant and knowing that they are going to be heavily taxed by the Democrats, understand that they MUST HIDE THEIR MONEY in tax shelters to substantially reduce their tax burden.

Third...  the rest of the world does not give a shit about our internal problems other than the fact that it is easier to take over and/or surpass a divided country than it is a united country.

Fourth.... having a little debt is necessary and offers a certain degree of financial leverage but having a lot of debt is financially irresponsible and will eventually bite those in debt in the ASS and that bite is like a snapping turtle...  it ain't about to loosen its grip.

Wednesday, April 28

Democrats and Liberal Progressives

 As far as I am concerned, these people can do whatever the hell that they want to as long as my taxes do not increase that much...  a little increase in taxes is fine and can be easily accommodated  but a substantial increase in taxes should only be directed towards the wealthy.

Conservatives believe that if you tax the wealthy they will not put as much money back into the society as they did before the tax increase in terms of jobs, investments, and donations...  I find that to be a load of horseshit...

The wealthy are going to invest their money regardless of their tax burdens into ventures and investments that are going to make them more money...  because they are financially greedy.  And...  their greediness will never slow down or stop...  it is their nature.

Since I am no longer working in the marketplace, I don't give a damn if jobs go to the unqualified or not...  yes, it does mean that the US will no longer be as competitive but that trend started a long time ago when this country lost its STEM focus.

While Democrats are fighting Republicans, and Liberals are fighting Conservatives and Blacks are fighting Whites, CHINA is gaining SUPERIORITY over the US in both the economy and in the military...  and, no doubt, it will soon be seen in SPACE as well.


Wednesday, April 7


As a Liberal Democrat who became a Conservative Liberal Democrat (if that is even possible), I am OFFENDED by:
  • White Supremacists
  • Black Lives Matter
  • White Privilege
  • Black Reparations
  • Cancel Culture
  • Critical Race Theory
As a 73 year old Retiree who is also a Vietnam Veteran, I have had enough of PEOPLE (both white and black) who think that there is something wrong with the United States and it needs to be fixed.

Aside from the fact that illegal immigration is bringing in DRUGS and TERRORISM, these frigging illegal immigrants are coming to the United States because the United States is a GREAT PLACE in which to work and live and retire....  not a bad place to live as these LIBERALS claim...


Thursday, March 25

 We don't care if government is layered with bureaucracy 

and incredibly inefficient...

  • We demand bigger and bigger government
  • We demand higher and higher taxes on the wealthy
  • We demand an end to corporate greed and profits
  • We demand higher wages and lower costs
  • We demand increased employment for the unqualified
  • We demand higher quality products
  • We demand an end to built-in obsolescence
  • We demand an end to CEO bonuses
  • We demand an end to employee at will laws
  • We demand a 4 day work week
  • We demand 4 week paid vacations
  • We demand 2 weeks paid sick leave
  • We demand no weekend work
  • We demand more minority hiring
  • We demand more minority in management
  • We demand an end to time cards
  • We demand 50% of base pay for retirees
  • We demand that all products be made in USA
  • We demand that all out-of-pocket medical expenses be paid by the employers
  • We demand that labor hires management
  • We demand that employees be give stock options at reduced prices

Our Federal Government should CONTROL IT ALL...  The Democrats and the LIBERALS know what's best for AMERICANS...  They like to spend money and I for one like to receive money...  let the wealthy pay for it.

Wednesday, March 24

Transformation of America

THANK GOD FOR THE LIBERALS...  except the Liberals do not believe in God or in the resurrection or in the life everlasting...  what they believe in is the HERE AND NOW...

BUT... back to the main point...  the LIBERALS are turning America upside down...  and, in the process they will destroy all the good that was the United States of America and believe me...  I for one am glad that they are doing this.

I may be white, but I am ashamed that I am white and I am ashamed that I was raised in a lower middle class family and I am ashamed that I enlisted in the military and I am ashamed that I have an MBA...  because all I can think about is that my life should have been given to a BLACK PERSON and I should have been raised in the ghettos of NYC or Chicago or Baltimore or Cleveland...

I am ashamed that I had an average life and through my own merits was able to live better than a black person.

I am ashamed that my white ancestors were slave owners and that they created a Constitution that favors white people...   and, I hope that the blacks will one day become our leaders and pay back the white people with the same abuse that they suffered...

THANK GOD FOR THE LIBERALS because they are allowing thousands of immigrants to enter the United States without kind of vetting...   and, it is my hope that these immigrants will stay in the United States for the rest of their lives and that our United States Government will financially take care of them and their families forever.  

It is my hope that our Federal Government will give them free food, free shelter, free clothing, free education, free healthcare, and a guaranteed annual income that equals the average monthly wage of our American Workers so that they will never have to work another day in their lives...