Showing posts with label Ancient Aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ancient Aliens. Show all posts

Saturday, March 26

Pyramids Not Created by Aliens

Because I once made the mistake of dabbling in Egyptology, some ‘friend’ will schwack me every other week with a meme, cartoon or article about people who still believe the pyramids were built by aliens. I have longed for a handy single volume to present to these loons, full of unarguable evidence putting this business past dispute – and Pierre Tallet and Mark Lehner have provided it.

In 2013 excavators in Egypt’s Eastern Desert on the Gulf of Suez uncovered the world’s most ancient harbour installation at Wadi el-Jarf. Here they unearthed a cache containing the oldest extant inscribed papyri (c.2607-5 BCE). And in that they found ‘unique and unprecedented testimony relating to one of the world’s most famous monuments’ which has inspired and perplexed visitors for almost five millennia: the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Little green men or Atlantean speculation is both a failure and an overuse of the imagination. But the pyramids, of course, are mind-boggling. For the Great Pyramid, King Khufu’s quarrymen hand-sculpted more than six hectares of rock to level the plateau and form a basic foundation, to legendary degrees of accuracy with regard to both the Earth and heavens. The block-hauling ramps alone are thought to have contained as much as 400,000 cubic metres of sand and rock – and perhaps only reached a fifth of the way up the edifice. The masons dressed precisely ‘67,127 square metres of the outer surface of the pyramid casing with copper chisels the width of an index finger’. The outer surface!

A ‘human disturbance on a geological scale’, the funerary complex of the Great Pyramid was so large that it incorporated other pyramids. The building site also contained an entire administrative city – ‘a kind of Old Kingdom Egyptian equivalent of Versailles’ – complete with an artificial inland port to take hydraulic advantage of the Nile flood.

In this book, handwritten scribal records – the ‘oldest known explicitly dated Egyptian documents’ – pick up the story of the middle-ranking inspector Merer and his 40-man naval gang. Merer was the captain of ‘Team Great’, an elite, adaptable outfit that transported the ‘grunt’ labour force and maintained the waterways around Giza, ferried limestone blocks up and down the Nile, provisioned and managed stores at the plateau and undertook expeditions to Sinai and Punt – lands, if not of milk and honey, of turquoise, myrrh and much needed copper for stone-working tools. ‘The builders of the gigantic pyramids of the 4th Dynasty must have amassed more copper... than was being accumulated anywhere else in the world.’

Interestingly, Tallet and Lehner argue that Merer and his men represented not vast slave labour, exploited by a biblical despot, but ‘the employment of a highly skilled, well-rewarded workforce’. Team Great worked in proximity to power – also performing royal guard duties and religious rituals – and were part-paid in luxury cloth. But it is also estimated that four teams like Merer’s might have spent 20 years transporting just the facing stone for the Great Pyramid.  READ MORE...

Friday, May 21

The Number Twelve (12)

 What is the significance of this number?

The number twelve carries religious, mythological and magical symbolism, generally representing perfection, entirety, or cosmic order in traditions since antiquity.

  • 12 tribes of Israel
  • 12 disciples of Jesus
  • 12 Imams in Islam
  • 12 gates in heaven
  • 12 angels
  • 12 inches in a foot
  • 12 eggs in a dozen
  • 12 ribs on a human being
  • 12 hours on a clock
  • 12 hours earth orbits the sun
  • 12 is easily divisible by 1,2,3,4,6, and 12
  • 12 months in the year
  • 12 is the symbol of love
  • 12 signs of the Zodiac
  • 12 sided universe
  • 12 gods in Greek mythology
  • 12 sons of the Norse god Odin

And, I am sure that we can think of more, if we wanted to take the time, which we probably do not...

Some think of the number 12 as the perfect number and it has been used often by those who believe that extraterrestrials have visited earth and were actually the ones who imparted than knowledge to the people because 10, instead of 12, would be a more common number to use, especially when considering the early development of mankind...  and the fact that we have 10 fingers and 10 toes...  not 12...  and yet those early civilizations had a mathematical system that was based upon the number 12...

Riddle me that one...

Those Who Know The Future

What will happen to you tomorrow?

Or, the next day?

Or, the next?

No one living on earth really knows, although there are forecasters who claim that they can predict the weather or the economy or the technological trends that will happen in the brief future of let's say over the next few days, or few months, or few years, respectfully.

Any further out and it is shear speculation and/guess work at best.

But, what if someone knew what you would be like or become in 50 years or even 60 years, 80 years or more...  then, would one's life not become predetermined?

Religious people believe that our CREATOR knows the future and what will happen or not happen to all of us, both the believers as well as the non-believers...  however, there are many people on earth that are not religious and do not believe in a CREATOR...   yet, the evidence is strongly favoring that earth has been visited in the past and is still being visited today by extraterrestrials...  and, of those who believe in ET's, also believe that many of our large structures here on earth were built by ancient aliens or ET's.

Even the religious son of God, the Father, the Creator, said, "My Kingdom is not of this world."

These people also believe that ET's have altered our DNA and have created the species we are today...  and, in some cases have given  or infused others with their knowledge to take the rest of us humans to where we need to be faster than we could have achieved it on our own.

So, these ET's might also be able to know or have seen our future, releasing the knowledge that our lives have been predetermined from the getgo..

Yet...  there are still those who say BULLSHIT to this idea.   There ain't no ancient aliens crawling all over earth spreading their knowledge out to only a few and building monuments.  Man achieved these things by shear will power and determination of that will power.


Tuesday, April 13

We've Been Visited

I have taped and now watching the ANCIENT ALIENS series on cable and I find the evidence rather compelling that EARTH has been visited by extraterrestrials during our early existence by understanding that all of the buildings that were constructed thousands of years ago, could not have been built by the people who lived in those areas across the world because they just did not possess the technological abilities to do so...

For example:
  1. How did they move 10 ton stone objects to a height 100 times their height?
  2. How did they cut hard stone with precise angles, squared, and cut?
  3. How did they come up with the ideas to draw and paint on stone walls?
  4. Why do similar structures exist 10,000 miles away?
  5. Why do similar stories/myths exist 10,000 miles away?
Today, we still have UFO's flying around that have been acknowledged do exist by our Governments across the world but no explanation can be derived as to why they are here...  yet, we know UFO's can only come here from another planet.

In all mythologies around the world there are stories of gods coming to earth and providing humans with knowledge and technology.

In all mythologies there is are stories of CREATION by gods or by a single entity including our own Christian God...  all these mythologies speak of a great floor that covered the earth and killed all living creatures.

How could all mythologies be so similar unless it were true?

GENESIS 1:26   26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So...   why use us in the sentence?  Especially if and when we are talking about only 1 God...  For a long time, I thought that this was reference to the TRINITY...  but now...  I am not so sure.

Wouldn't it be nice to finally get the real answer to these questions?

Some believe that our DNA was altered by aliens and as a result we are the creatures we are today...  and, there is a lot of truth to that belief or so it seems to me because I never really subscribed to the belief that HUMANS were products of EVOLUTION...  and, the reason I have never bought into this notion is the fact that HUMANS are simply too damn complicated on the inside to be mere byproducts of evolution...  does not make sense nor is it logical...  not when you look around and see the complexities of all life.

Since evolution is out the window...  that leaves us with CREATION...  and, this makes more sense to me...  and, if we were created by aliens from another planet in another solar system in another galaxy...  well...  that makes even more sense.

Why have we had some simply brilliant people, like:
  • Da Vince
  • Einstein
  • Tesla
  • von Braun
if it were not for aliens messing around with our DNA and/or visiting these people and giving them special abilities...

Friday, May 8



Milky Way Galaxy - over 100 billion stars

Alien civilizations may have explored the galaxy and visited Earth already, a new study says. We just haven’t seen them recently.

The Milky Way could be teeming with interstellar alien civilizations — we just don't know about it because they haven't paid us a visit in 10 million years.

A study published last month in The Astronomical Journal posits that intelligent extraterrestrial life could be taking its time to explore the galaxy, harnessing star systems' movement to make star-hopping easier.

The work is a new response to a question known as the Fermi paradox, which asks why we haven't detected signs of extraterrestrial intelligence.

The paradox was first posed by the physicist Enrico Fermi, who famously asked, "Where is everybody?"  READ MORE

Tuesday, April 28


History Channel
15 Seasons - first episode April 20, 2010
Investigators circle the globe in search of evidence in their quest to determine whether life on Earth began in outer space and if aliens influenced mankind in ancient times. Did extraterrestrial beings visit Earth and share information about technology and influence human religions?

Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods  (first published January 1968) is a work of monumental importance--the first book to introduce the shocking theory that ancient Earth had been visited by aliens. This world-famous bestseller has withstood the test of time, inspiring countless books and films, including the author's own popular sequel, The Eyes of the Sphinx.               
Outside of College textbooks, this was one of the first books that I purchased in the 60's because of limited financial resources.  I remember reading this book 2-3 times before I started acquiring more books on the subject of extraterrestrials visiting earth.  Given the size of our universe, it just seemed highly logical and extremely probable that the human race was NOT ALONE...

SO...  let me give you an idea of how big our universe is.  First of all, you must understand that our EARTH lives inside a solar system and that solar system is a small part of our Milky Way Galaxy.  While  the diameter of the Milky way varies although for the most part is ~ 100,000 light years; therefore, the diameter of the Milky way is roughly 160,256,410 times as wide as the solar system.

Two Trillion Galaxies in the Universe
Just think about this for a minute...  160,000,000+ times as wide... 

It would take TWO BILLION YEARS cross the Milky Way Galaxy at LIGHT SPEED.

NOW, scientist believe there are TWO TRILLION Galaxies in the UNIVERSE.
Given this knowledge, it would be absolutely ludicrous to believe or even perceive that we are the only living SPECIES in the Universe.