Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19

A Little Light Thinking is in Order


The trinity of the homo sapiens...  and that unique characteristic that differentiates from animal, fish, and fowl, no matter how large...  while we share different bodies and similar organs in some species as well as a limited capability mind, no other creature or species is in possession of a soul...  even though some believe that our soul is the spark of life...  Our spark of life is the fertilization of an egg, but then we still have a soul.  So, what is it that our soul is connected to?  

Some believe it is a vast cosmic consciousness that appears to float aimlessly in our universe.  Others believe it to be the spiritual connection to the trinity of God.  Still, others believe that our soul enables us to distinguish good from evil...  However, in the realm of the universe, there is no good or evil, just existence or non-existence, action, and opposing action.

Each part of the homo sapiens trilogy must be acknowledged and nourished if one is to live a fulfilling life....  with the understanding that a fulfilling life is the equality of the trio.  Oftentimes, we address one of the three and sometimes two of the three but never all three simultaneously...  which seems a little odd to me given our so-called common sense and intelligence.

Typically lacking is the soul or spirit if you prefer but it is not about being religious or not religious...  it is about being spiritual and spirituality is not necessarily a religion or belief as much as it is an understanding of a concept.  The concept is that something extremely superior to us created this universe as well as its purpose.  Religious Faith points to a God, Jesus, and a Holy Spirit and if one believes in Jesus then one has a pathway to heaven and eternal life.  Given the size of the universe (that is still expanding) that concept no longer seems to fit, if it ever did...  and yet, there must be a creator.

Can you imagine the explanations that will be tossed around by religious leaders when science finally proves the existence of multiple dimensions and multiple verses in which there is an over-abundance of life as if the universe was some well-stocked fishing pond.

Wednesday, April 13

Life Flashes Before the Eyes

A new study suggests that life flashes before the eyes upon death (via Wikimedia Commons)

It’s been an age-old trope in works of literature, poetry, and art for ages, but now science confirms it’s true: Life does indeed flash before your eyes when you die.

When an 87-year-old epilepsy patient unexpectedly passed away during a brain scan, the scan found that his brain seemed to replay memories in the 30 seconds before and after his heart stopped beating, according to a recent study published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

The patient, whose name was kept private, suffered a heart attack, and due to his do-not-resuscitate status, the scientists were able to track his brain waves throughout the final moments of his life. The scan was conducted by an international team of 13 neuroscientists led by Raul Vicente of the University of Tartu in Estonia.

The scientists were originally conducting electroencephalography (EEG) scans on the patient to detect and treat seizures. When he unexpectedly died, the EEG machine kept running, providing the scientists a first-of-its-kind glimpse into the brain activity of a dying human.

“This is why it’s so rare, because you can’t plan this,” Ajmal Zemmar, one of the co-authors of the study, told Insider. “No healthy human is gonna go and have an EEG before they die, and in no sick patient are we going to know when they’re gonna die to record these signals.”

The EEG brain scan found an oscillatory brain wave pattern in which activity in the brain’s alpha, beta, and theta bands relatively decreased and activity in the gamma band relatively increased. It’s thought that these oscillatory patterns, and an increase in gamma waves, suggest memory recall (the gamma band decreases external interference, allowing for deep inward concentration like recalling memories). Similar brain oscillations occur during meditation and dreaming.

This is the first time this has been proven in a human, although the concept looms large in our collective imagination. It comes back to us from people who have experienced near-death experiences, defined as when the brain has transitioned into preparing for death. Research into these experiences has reported intense memory recall and a panoramic review of one’s life. They have also reported a hallucinatory and meditative state and a sense of transcendence and bliss. These accounts cross cultures and religionsREAD MORE...

Friday, October 29

Constructor Theory

Constructor Theory is a new approach to formulating fundamental laws in physics. Instead of describing the world in terms of trajectories, initial conditions and dynamical laws, in constructor theory laws are about which physical transformations are possible and which are impossible, and why. 

This powerful switch has the potential to bring all sorts of interesting fields, currently regarded as inherently approximative, into fundamental physics. These include the theories of information, knowledge, thermodynamics, and life.

Thursday, August 5

What is Life

In 1943, one of the fathers of quantum mechanics, famous for his equation and his cat, Erwin Schrödinger, turned his attention to a problem that was seemingly simple but defied an easy answer. As World War 2 raged, he published a book titled What is Life?

Based on a series of lectures given in Dublin, the book’s theme was to answer the question: “how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?”

In other words: What is Life? Or, from a physicist’s point of view, how can life arise from inanimate matter.

Much of the lecture discussed the requirement for genetic material and some sort of encoding as well as how life related to thermodynamics — the laws governing energy, heat transport, and disorder.

Although their success largely depended on Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction experiments, Francis and Crick would also credit Schrödinger’s work for inspiring their research resulting in the discovery of the DNA double helix.

Schrödinger’s primary insight is that life creates order from disorder. In a universe governed by the 2nd law of thermodynamics, that all things tend to maximal disorder, living things maintain small enclaves of order within themselves. Moreover, if you look down to the atomic level, you find that the interiors of living things are extremely chaotic. Heat and molecules diffuse through rapid motion. Everything seems random. Yet the living thing persists, turning all that small scale chaos into large scale order.

Human built machines, by contrast, attempt to maintain order down to the smallest relevant levels. Microchips, for example, depend on orderly transfer of data down to nanometers. Precision machine tools, likewise, function because they have an exact specification at nearly the molecular level. The result is that human tools require careful protection and maintenance and break easily when subjected to the elements.

Life, on the other hand, has withstood the elements for billions of years precisely because it is able to build order out of chaos.  READ MORE

Tuesday, June 1

A Complete Life


At 73 years of age and easily looking down the road and seeing the end of my journey, it is confidentially easy for someone like me to look back on their life and state with complete certainty that my life has been complete...

Obviously, I was raised WHITE which to many blacks is a sign of automatic privilege but that was not the case with me, although, I was raised to have solid religious beliefs and a propensity towards the Democratic Party as it relates to the general public.

But, outside of being WHITE all my life, I graduated high school as well as college and graduate school and spent a few years in the military.  I have been married twice, owned all my homes, achieved a debt free status and maintained it, travel throughout Europe and the Caribbean, as well as the US, Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, and Canada.

I am the father of exceptional daughter who would be exceptional even if I was not her father.  I have experienced the pain of two dying parents and have owned several vehicles, stereo equipment, electronics, and home theater systems.

I am a survivor of two still on-going cancers (Melanoma and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) and have also survived a lethal heart attack because I had kept my body healthy earlier.  No other internal organ damage done as a result of over 12 years of chemo, radiation, surgery, chemo, and immunotherapies.

I have had the mental determination and ability to stop smoking without any other aids, loose weight, and complete a 45 year career reporting pseudo intellectual assholes who by the grace of God had superior positions to my own and could therefore direct me according to their imbecilic plans.

Rather astoundingly, I have managed to actually save enough squirreled away monies to pay the living expenses of our current lifestyles for my wife and I to extend out lives to 95+ plus years should the occasion arise for us to live that long.

All my life, I have maintain the desire to have either cats or dogs live in my house with me, although have pleasantly discovered that cats are easier to take care of than dogs, but in some cases, are not as friendly as dogs or perhaps as stupid in some cases.

I have never been wealthy and never really wanted to be wealthy although I have fantasized about wealth and what all it could do for me, but even if I was in possession of wealth, I doubt that I would change my current lifestyle, except maybe fly first class more often.

I don't play golf and never wanted to and while I was an avid JOCK in high school and college have very little desire to watch, attend, or follow professional or college athletics.  Therefore, all the sports channels on CABLE are irrelevant to me.

My brother and sister and I do not get along and as my brother has told me who is 8 years younger than me, we have nothing in common; although, I believe our parents, if they were still alive, would disagree with him.  The 3 of us have different lifestyles that do not mess when together and the reality of any family reunion results in not have much to share with each other, especially since I am the only cancer/heart attack victim in the family.

If I were to die today, would I have wished for a more complete life than the one I have had...   I don't think so...  but then again, we don't know for sure how that will be until we get there, do we?

Saturday, May 15

Time's Mistress

 Age had time
as its mistress,
lingering not
in the past
or the present,
but with speed
towards the end.
10 May 2021

It appears to the layman that life is bound up in layers of confusion that seldom gets sorted out until the end of life approaches and/or the mind becomes so incapacitated that we simply have no idea what it going on...  Both of these possibilities happen but there are a lot of other possibilities as well most of which deal with coming to grips with the reality of life in that life does not happen as a result of the choices that we make but happens because it has been willed to happen that way long before we were given our first breath of life.

Are we then looking at a religious awareness or understanding in our later years?

No...  not at all...  and while religion is not at the heart of life like many religious followers perceive it to be, there is a CREATOR and there is no doubt in my mind that this is a fact; however, all our other religious beliefs and concepts were given to us by extraterrestrials who visited earth in the early years of our existence...   and, who altered our DNA to the point that human beings became the creatures that they are today rather than moving in another direction that might have kept us in the same realm as apes or monkeys who share similar DNA structures.

Our lives...  we thought and/or perceived, were created so that we could worship the Gad who had given us life.  and, while there is some truth to that belief, our lives were really created for us to learn to survive and not just survive with other human beings but with land animal, water animal, air animals as well as the environment.

Our arrogance has taken us into a different direction and that direction will take us into space and once in space, we will eventually meet the extraterrestrials who were responsible for giving us life...  and perhaps our CREATOR as well.

To this end, our lives have been pre-determined that is to say that if one exists on the edge of the universe and has the ability to look back or down or across at earth, they will see that spacetime on earth moves faster than the spacetime where they are located moves.  Knowing that relationship and dynamic, those who dwell at the edge of the universe can see our future happening before we experience it

Since they know what our future is going to be like, then they can make adjustments should they desire in certain events in an effort to alter or change that future and then can witness the new realities unfold just like the old realities unfolded.

After many years traveling through space and coming into contact with different knowledge, we too will one day have their same level of awareness and can evoke our wills onto other civilizations just as they have done to us...  and, no doubt that is our future.

Light from the sun takes 8 minutes to get to earth...  so past light illuminates our present, allowing the past and the present to happen at the same time which logically should not happen at all.  And, the only way that it it happening is when we compare the light from the sun relative to its arrival on earth...  knowing that it is traveling at the speed of light.

Similarly, our future relative to whoever is living at the edge of the universe is their present which logically should not happen either, but it does which is why they can see our future before it happens to us relative to our present.

Only a CREATOR can create a universe where these kinds of things are happening on a regular basis...  we are not the byproduct of evolution although human being have experience evolutionary changes in their bodies...  And, these changes happened faster than they should have happened which leads us to believe that someone altered our DNA.

SO...  does death as we understand it...  really happen?

Tuesday, May 11

What is Life?

A question from the 1960's that lead to the purpose of life...  our reason for existence...  and, many people from the sixties and from today really don't give a shit about the purpose of life as long as they continue to have opportunities to make money or take advantage of positive situations that have been presented to them...  for example, a friend of mine recently told me that his neighbor "back in the day," convinced him to purchase Walmart Stock at the time that Walmart was just opening its first couple of stores and needed cash.

He purchased that stock for about $1.25/share.  And, over the years, the dividends from that stock paid for college tuition for all of his children.

He was in the right place at the right time and for some reason LISTENED to the advice that he was given by a neighbor...  he could have just as easily ignored that same neighbor...  but, he did not...

SO...  what caused him to take that action?

No one can actually say...

BUT...  some people simply have GOOD FORTUNE on their side while others do not.  so...  is this what life is?

OR...  does life tilt to a religious side of awareness?   There is no doubt in my mind that there is a CREATOR but there are many questions in my mind regarding our global myths of gods and goddesses and the fact that it could be nothing more than visits from extraterrestrials.

OR...  does life focus on SURVIVAL?  The key word for life regarding humans, animals, fish, and fowl revolves around this concept of SURVIVAL...  Our sole purpose on earth is simply do what we can to continue to live.

Life does not have to be just for the wealthy or the well off.  In fact, if we look at those two categories, only about 20% of our population reside in those two categories...  and that 80%  of our population live life for the most part, paycheck to paycheck or perhaps just a little bit better than that.  

And yet, their lives for the most part are just as fulfilling as the wealthy and well off...

Money does not always make you happy...  it just allows you to do what others cannot do...

BUT LIFE IS LIFE...  and DEATH IS DEATH...  and what happens in between is LIFE.

Saturday, April 24

Through My LENS...

The last time I looked...  I was...

  1. Southern Born
  2. Cancer survivor
  3. Heart Attack survivor
  4. A few pounds overweight
  5. Over 6 feet in height
  6. INTJ Personality
  7. Scorpion
  8. Retired
  9. Married
  10. Divorced
  11. Veteran
  12. Educated
  13. Religious  
  14. Teacher
  15. Father
  16. Husband
  17. Writer
  18. Poet
  19. Artist
  20. Male
There is nothing I can do to change the way I am even though I can change my behavior...  but, whatever happens to me, flows through the LENSES of my preconceived ideas and ideals that have been forming and reforming throughout my entire life.  I am not who I was nor will I become who I am today.  Choices help formulate my life and its experiences but my life has already been seen by our Creator who is the past, present, as well as the future.  I am and will become that which I am supposed to become and nothing more or nothing less.  Life conforms to my development and evolution as it revolves around my essence and my essence is what life has given me.

Wednesday, December 23

Life Is Life

There is one undeniable certainty about life and that fact is IT HAPPENS TO ALL OF US ONCE WE ARE BORN INTO IT...

  1. Whites have life
  2. Blacks have life
  3. Latinos & Hispanics have life
  4. Asians have life
  5. Alaskans, Hawaiians, & Native Americans

note:  list in rank order as their percentage of the population

AND...  while that life is hardly ever EQUAL in all aspects of EQUALITY, it is nonetheless life that can only be taken away by the hands of death knowing that those hands of death could be manipulated by a "live" person.

WHOEVER gave us LIFE, did not promise nor did they guarantee WEALTHY, STATUS, POWER, CONTROL, or HATRED...  we got these items on our own of course they are could have been inherited as well.

BUT...  natural talents, natural skills, natural abilities ARE NOT GIVEN to everyone...  and, the ones that receive that extra little gift get it through their DNA...

Government can never be held responsible nor can it be tasked with the authority to regulate the DNA or human beings in an effort to make us all equal.

The life we are given whether rich or poor or somewhere in between is precious even though some of us will NEVER EXPERIENCE what so many others take for granted...  and in that notion is the GREAT FLAW of the HUMAN BEING EXPERIMENT...  even in God's eyes we will never be completely equal because HE gave us DNA...  and, it is this DNA that gives us some of our unique characteristics and differences.

But, in LIFE as in DEATH we are equal in that we are all born and we all die...  and this happens regardless of our DNA.

What is it about life that makes it SO SPECIAL in that people either want to keep it or take it away from others?

  • We eat, sleep, defecate, feel, smell, procreate, protect, and survive...
  • We earn money, build houses, have children, and thrive...
  • We worship or not, giving back to our community or not as well...
  • AND...  in many ways what we do is a celebration of the life we have been given

LIFE GIVEN...  is the correct word to use here...  and while life comes from the seeds of our parents, the first set of parents had to be given this gift from somewhere otherwise we would be walking around like animals with no concept of being alive...  

That spark of AWARENESS is given...  it does not evolve...

With LIFE comes the desire to SURVIVE and with the desire to survive comes the need to CONTROL so that survival can happen.  Power shifts from one people to another and then back again.  Sometimes, we are on the top, sometimes we are on the bottom.  But, regardless of the outcomes, one group WILL ALWAYS CONTROL until resentment from the other group(s) grows...

AND...  the interesting thing about control is that the group under control is ALWAYS LARGER than the group doing the CONTROLLING...

Tuesday, November 24

What Is Life Exactly?

Life is life and nothing more, I suppose...  but, it means different things to different
people depending upon where one lives, one's financial means, and one's personality, motivation, and determination.  

And, while that may not sound abundantly clear at first, let me try to explain.

Growing up in the South is different than growing up anywhere else even if you have the same parents and the same financial status because the South has different cultures than anywhere else...  and those difference are not easily understood until one lives in Southern jurisdictions.

Similarly, growing up pretty much anywhere in the United States is different that growing up in Europe:  Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Russia, and countries from the former Soviet Union.  It is also different growing up in South America, Canada, Africa, China, Asia, or Australia.

Each of these countries and/or locations have different:  values, ethics, personalities, and integrities even though we are all human beings.

Since we are all human beings what do we have in common?
  • Inside our bodies are the same as well as outside although we have different features
  • We are all born and we all die
  • We eat, defecate, and procreate
  • We have spirits, minds, and thoughts although some are different and not so understandable
  • We all have the instinct to survive and experience greed
  • We are all susceptible to various diseases
  • We all have the ability and capabilities to learn
  • We all have skill albeit different
AND YET, life is different for every single one of us...
  • some want power and fame
  • some want wealth and glory
  • Some want to be in the military and go to wars
  • some want to be artists and musicians
  • some want to be athletes and coaches
  • some of us want to write while others want to read
  • some want to control
  • some want to be controlled
  • some of us just want to be left alone
  • some of us want what we can never have
  • some of us have what we never wanted
  • some of us have faith while others have spirituality
AND...  while life is basically vastly different for each of us, we all still one inescapable truth that we share and that is the passing of TIME...

SO...  life represents the passing of TIME and what each of us does with or uses it.

Wednesday, July 1

Just Another Fairy Tale...

I started this BLOG in March 2020 because after writing down my thoughts each day since 2001, I decided what the f _ _ _, I might as well share them with others as I really have nothing to lose and perhaps nothing to gain either but at least it gave me something to do each day now that I was retired...

In just 3 quickly passing months and while my readership is still not as high as readers would like, I have been visited by people from TEN FRIGGING COUNTRIES...  and, for me that is a success...  and, worth my continued writing...  although, if no one had visited this BLOG I still would be writing and posting here because I am still retired and have nothing better to do...  seriously...

I retired 5 years ago after working for 45 years and it was not a day too soon either as I had gotten pretty fed up with the bullshits that exists in the workplace by little people who have acquired a little power...  and, what they have not realized yet is that power is not taken, it is earned and given to that person by the people who are their subordinates.

Similarly, in a DOMINANT/submissive relationship, the POWER given to the DOMINANT has been given willingly and voluntarily by the submissive...  so, who really has the power? 

ALSO similarly, are our lives here on earth and the fact that our lives (none of whom asked for birth) were given to us as a gift by GOD or our CREATOR or by whatever other name you want to use...  our birth did not come because any of us asked for it and our death will not arrive either because any of us asked for it...  OUR LIVES ARE BEING CONTROLLED by HE who some of us worship and in so doing give HIM power and DOMINION over us whether we want it or not...   and, that my friends is TRUE POWER...

Why were YOU in particular given birth by your parents???
And, did your mom really give birth to you in the sense of allowing you to grow in her womb?
Was your birth location predetermined?
Were your parents predetermined?
Was your face predetermined?


was this some crazy result of SCIENTIFIC EVOLUTION OF SPECIES...  that miraculously took place over millions of years...  starting with the BIG BANG and later a POOL OF LIFE from which the first one celled animal grew which later created animals with millions of cells which later and after numerous cell and DNA mutations created MANKIND and over time, evolution quite unscientifically created white, black, brown, olive, and red creatures all of whom would fight each other for domination...  because that fighting survival GENE had evolved from their original DNA...


Wednesday, April 29



What is our PURPOSE here on this planet earth?

How often do you find yourself wondering how to answer this question?

I would suspect that the answer is HARDLY EVER...

And yet, LIFE has NO MEANING without PURPOSE...  Do you have a sense of Life's Meaninglessness?  And, if you do, then what do you do to give your life meaning and purpose?


  1. I would say that after birth you trained by your parents
  2. If religious, you are trained by various members of the church
  3. Then you are trained by your teachers
  4. Once you graduate you are trained by your employers
  5. If you decide to enter the military, they train you
  6. If you decide to marry, you are trained by your spouse as you learn to live together
  7. Your community trains you
  8. Your State trains you
  9. Your Federal Government trains you
  10. Your doctors train you
  11. Investors/bankers train you
  12. Then...  you die...

BUT...  whatever was your PURPOSE?

  • to acquire knowledge
  • to acquire experience
  • to acquire wealth
  • to acquire a family
  • to acquire a legacy
  • to acquire faith, hope, and belief
  • to acquire patience
  • to acquire loyalty
  • to acquire fighting skills
  • to acquire spirituality

Many of us go though life without ever KNOWING or CARING as to OUR PURPOSE...

We were given LIFE through BIRTH without OUR CONSENT

Some of us never know or understand LOVE

Only 2% of us ever become very WEALTHY

Some of us get CANCER

Some of us DIE EARLY

80 to 100 years we live and then what?

Tuesday, April 7


IN MOST COUNTRIES...  the freedoms that Americans take-for-granted do not exist in other countries...  and for that, we should consider ourselves lucky...  but, therein lies the problem because most Americans make no considerations at all in this regard; instead, they are controlled and ultimately influenced by those who have POWER and/or WEALTH.
  • 20% of Americans are wealthy
  • 60% of Americans are average
  • 20% of Americans are poor

Then we have,
1% of the whole are extremely wealthy
1% of the whole are extremely poor

STATISTICALLY, we have a perfect bell-shaped curve...

On the far left-hand side of our diagram are the 1% wealthy whereas the 1% poor are on the far right-hand side.  On either side of the middle "-2 to +2" we will find the 60%.  From the center to the right, wealth gradually increases and to the right, wealth gradually decreases.

From the model, we can also conclude that WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE gradually increase from the center out to the left and gradually decrease from the center out to the right.

ALL AMERICANS BELIEVE VERY STRONGLY...  that they have free will and make their own choices...  but, that is simply not true...  If you don't have wealth and power, then your free will and choices are influenced and controlled by those who do have wealth and power.

However...  and, this is your right, you may not believe this to be true, especially since everyone makes choices all the time some of which influence one's life and one's life direction substantially; but, those choices are still influenced indirectly by wealth and power whether you realize it or not.

You drive the speed limit when there is a cop in sight...  that is power
You pay your taxes each year...  that is power
You receive a salary from your employer...  that is wealth and power
You are regulated by medicine...  that is wealth and power
You do what your supervisor tells you to do...  that is power
You obey the lifeguard at the beach...  that is power
You are quiet in Church...  that is power
You make monthly debt payments...  that is wealth and power
You control the choices your children make...  that is power