Showing posts with label liberal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberal. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18

What is Critical Race Theory?

Is “critical race theory” a way of understanding how American racism has shaped public policy, or a divisive discourse that pits people of color against white people? Liberals and conservatives are in sharp disagreement.

The topic has exploded in the public arena this spring—especially in K-12, where numerous state legislatures are debating bills seeking to ban its use in the classroom.

In truth, the divides are not nearly as neat as they may seem. The events of the last decade have increased public awareness about things like housing segregation, the impacts of criminal justice policy in the 1990s, and the legacy of enslavement on Black Americans. But there is much less consensus on what the government’s role should be in righting these past wrongs. Add children and schooling into the mix and the debate becomes especially volatile.

School boards, superintendents, even principals and teachers are already facing questions about critical race theory, and there are significant disagreements even among experts about its precise definition as well as how its tenets should inform K-12 policy and practice. This explainer is meant only as a starting point to help educators grasp core aspects of the current debate.
Just what is critical race theory anyway?

Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

The basic tenets of critical race theory, or CRT, emerged out of a framework for legal analysis in the late 1970s and early 1980s created by legal scholars Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Richard Delgado, among others.

A good example is when, in the 1930s, government officials literally drew lines around areas deemed poor financial risks, often explicitly due to the racial composition of inhabitants. Banks subsequently refused to offer mortgages to Black people in those areas.  TO READ MORE ABOUT CRT, CLICK HERE...

Saturday, June 26

First & Second

America is supposed to be a civilized nation when compared to other countries around the world and yet, I believe we are no better than any other country....  our only difference really are the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution.  Freedom of speech and the right to bear arms even though there is some justification to believe that our right to bear arms was temporary and only necessary until we were able to form a military and subsequent local police...  yet, our FOUNDING FATHERS did not remove the right once our military was formed, so most everyone believes that right was meant to stay...

However, our Freedom of Speech has never been challenged to the degree that our right to bear arms right has and while we can question why that might have been, it really is not necessary because our LIBERAL side of the house wants to censor ALL CONSERVATIVE VIEWS, so there is no need to question its existence.

This really annoys me because like so many closeted transgenered people, I straddle the fence between being LIBERAL and being CONSERVATIVE...  I like the idea of a balance budget, the elimination of debt, and I am against welfare because it is typically abused by Americans.  Sometimes, people need some help and I think that we should help them...  but, many welfare people have been on welfare for years...  shouldn't we try to help them off?

I am in favor of abortion in the sense that a woman has the right to choose what she wants to do with her body and not the government 

I favor the right to bear arms but I will never own a firearm myself

I want a strong, KICK ASS military, but I am against war, especially endless wars where nothing is achieved

I am against discrimination in all forms, such as:

  • against blacks
  • against whites
  • against women
  • against Muslims
  • against Russians
  • against Chinese

I am in favor of free education but not watered down education just so everyone can earn a degree.

I want our federal government to balance our bedget

I want our federal government to pay down the debt

I want a small federal government and low taxes

I want the BILLIONAIRES to take us into outer space

I want a flat tax with no exzemptions

I don't want American to fight anymore foreign wars

I don't think the wealthy should bear the tax burden


MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD...  is a phrase Iwill never forget.

Thursday, June 10

The WOKE Left

 I joined the us military so that I could protect the freedoms of the united states so that the woke mob could operate freely and with prejudice or discrimination...

And, I would do it again if asked or if needed...  because I believe in freedom that much...
In other words:
  • If the US wants to become Socialistic...  that's fine
  • If the US wants to become Marxist...  that's fine
  • If the US wants to destroy competition...  that's fine
  • If the US wants make the wealthy pay...  that's fine

What freedom means is that we have the freedom to become whatever it is that we want to become as long as a majority of the people in this country feel that way...  and, that is also the one FLAW associated with any DEMOCRACY and that is the fact that a DEMOCRACY can VOTE itself out of being a DEMOCRACY any time it wants to...

The other issues here are, at least for me, I am 73 years old, and will probably only live another 20 years or so.  I am not going to have anymore children nor will I have any grandchildren...  so whatever the WOKE mob wants to do, will not impact me or my family.

And, I am too old to give a shit about other families or the children of other family or their children...

My only real concern and I actually have most of that financially covered is INFLATION...

All I really have to worry about financially, economically, educationally, philosophically, or militarily is my wife and I...  SO...  if our government turns socialistic, all that means to me is that they will take more money away from the wealthy and redistribute it to the poor or people like me...  

My healthcare services may suffer a little because everyone's healthcare is going to be free so the ERs in the hospitals are going to be SLAMMED all the time and no doubt people will die in the hallways while they wait for attention.


Wednesday, May 19

Not Wanting to be Political

I am neither Democrat nor Republican, but I am a liberal as well as a conservative and I think, overall POLITICS SUCKS and ever since JFK we have not had the RIGHT PERSON as our President.  Trump was a flaming asshole of a person and probably as a leader as well, but he put into place some good policies that economically helped this country before the pandemic hit.

Biden on the other hand, is the first cousin of being an IDIOT in the first degree...  and, not because he is intellectually stupid (although that might be true as well) but I classify him as an IDIOT because he is not his own man...  someone is pulling his strings...

I say this because Joe Biden has served the public as a Politician for over two decades and you don't survive Washington DC politics unless you know how to kiss the ass of people on both sides of the aisle and he no longer seems interested in doing that.

Perhaps, it is his age...  perhaps not...

But, one thing is for sure and that is OUR ECONOMY and QUALITY OF LIFE have deteriorated in the 4 months since Biden took the Presidential Oath of Office.

  1. Inflation is on the rise - due to government spending
  2. Increase in Taxes
  3. Loss of trust in government
  4. Unemployment is not going down
  5. Government spending is going up
  6. Cost of living is going up - due to increase in prices
  7. Immigration is out of control
  8. Racism in USA is getting worse
  9. Division in the USA is getting worse
  10. We are again experiencing gasoline shortages
  11. The wealthy are getting wealthier
  12. High Tech is controlling our lives
Side Issues
  • Defund police
  • Anti-second Amendment
  • Censoring the conservative voice
  • 1619 Movement
  • Move toward Socialism/Marxism
  • Devaluing of the US dollar
  • Credit status of USA - determined by IMF
  • Anti-Trump blaming
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Closed States/cities
  • Closed Public Education
  • White Privilege/Supremacy
  • Violence in our cities
  • Law Enforcement bias
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Cancel Culture
  • Becoming WOKE
Global Issues
  • Rise in Chinese Military
  • Rise in Chinese Naval Forces
  • Rise in Chinese Economy
  • China declaring desire to control the world
  • Russia Hacking/Cyber Crime
  • Russia invasion of Ukraine
  • Russia/Chinese/Iran coalition
  • Russia/Chinese North Korea Coalition
  • Iran Nuclear Deal
  • North Korea becoming nuclear
  • Growth of Terrorist Groups Again
  • Palestine/Israel Conflict
  • Middle East Hatred of USA
  • Global UFO sightings
  • Gigantic amount of UFO sighting in Chile

Friday, April 30

Americans and Politics


Most Americans...  and, I use that word liberally...  don't give a rat's ass about politics...  that is to say that they are either liberal or conservative but they do not let the opposing party's leadership negatively influence their day-to-days lives...  They work and play regardless of what party is in power and regardless of immigration and regardless of taxes or the cost of living...

Most Americans simply try to do the best they can, given their opportunities and limitations and don't piss and moan if things do not go their way...  like a lot of these BLACKS are doing...

Most Americans are white (60% of the population) but they do not think their lives have been based or predicated upon WHITE PRIVILEGE...  although, they do believe that the WEALTHY WHITES have been living a life based upon or predicated upon white privilege...  but, there is really nothing that they can do about it...  so they just GO WITH THE FLOW...

Personally...  I really don't give a shit about the wealthy whites or black lives matter or cancel culture, the WOKE Mob, the tearing down of Confederate Statues, Slavery, or the Defunding of the police...  in fact, I hope the police are reduced or re-indoctrinated or restructured...  BUT what I cannot tolerate is TAX INCREASES...

If illegal immigrants move into my location, I will simply ignore them as I have always done...  My retired life will continue regardless of what happens here...  if America changes...  then, it frigging changes...  Life goes on for me...

Friday, May 1

Month of May

What will this month bring?

  1. warming temperatures
  2. gradual opening back up of the economy
  3. COVID-19 cases will continue to increase
  4. COVID-19 deaths will continue to increase
  5. Democrats will blame Trump
  6. candidate Joe Biden will deny all claims
  7. stock market will continue fluctuating
  8. Americans will resent what happened to them
  9. FBI will continue to be disgraced
  10. Mainstream Media will continue to hide the TRUTH

By now you must be thinking that I'm a REPUBLICAN...


I am a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT who has substantial leanings towards the conservative side of America's finances who is SOLIDLY AGAINST SOCIALISM other than the SOCIALISM that we already have in the country...

With that said, I am not actually against SOCIALISM as much as I am AGAINST taking money away from the WEALTHY to pay for it...

That is WRONG no matter how it is spun or played...


My brother is a multi-billionaire who is completely against BEING FORCED TO SPEND HIS MONEY ON HIS BROTHER AND SISTER AND THEIR FAMILIES...

And, why should he be forced?


Sunday, March 29


WTF does that mean?

Well...  first and foremost, I am a liberal and share many of the ideas as well as many of the ideals that liberals and the Democratic share inside the party.

I am in favor of
  • LGBTQ+ rights even though I don't understand what the "Q+" means...
  • a female's right to choose but against late term abortions
  • legalizing marijuana but not cocaine, opium, or heroin
  • the Second Amendment
  • a balanced budget and a reduction of debt
  • a strong military
I am against Labor Unions

I don't think that the Government should BAIL OUT businesses because if the finances get that bad then it is the fault of MANAGEMENT...

I don't think that CEO's or anybody for that matter is worth a salary of $1,000,000+ each year...

I think profits should be invested back into the company for expansions and new products and with the employees who got them those profits in the first place...

I watch FOX NEWS because it is the least BIASED of all the media outlets... like CNN, CBS, MSNBC, and ABC...

I have literally compared FOX NEWS with the other outlets and they either do not report what FOX reports or they slant it so that it does not favor the President.

While I did not vote for President Trump, I do think that what he does and says should be reported in a balanced and fair manner...

President Trump acts like a jerk in so many ways and often but he did create and build a very strong economy even if it was first started by the previous President.  Many companies are started by a father or grandfather and the next generation takes what was already there and grows it 10 times...  who should get credit for that?

The one who started the company?

The one who grew the company?

I am debt free and have been debt free for over 12-15 years (cannot remember exactly) and I believe that our Government should be debt free as well...

The only time our Government should borrow money is when we are at war or when we have a crisis like COVID-19 or some other kind of natural disaster.

This is basically why I am against SOCIALISM...  because we cannot afford.

Socialism is nothing more than what we saw on TV when we watched Star Trek...  that was Socialism at its best...  and, I am in favor of everything that the series shared with us AS LONG AS WE CAN PAY FOR IT...

It is wrong to finance Socialism by forcing the wealthy to pay for it...


... the older I get the more conservative I become...