Showing posts with label African Americans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label African Americans. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 4

Some Don't Celebrate our 4th of July

For many people in this country, the Fourth of July represents some very ugly truths hidden within the fabric of America's legacy.

When I was growing up in the late 1970s, I didn’t learn the full truth about America’s history from my teachers. Back then, you only got bits and pieces of America’s past. It wasn’t until college that I became more informed. When the Declaration of Independence was signed, many Black people were still enslaved, and they continued to be used as property for the gain of plantation owners for many years afterward.

When you think of how those in power controlled and manipulated the mindsets of the enslaved for material gain, it’s sickening and disheartening. So, while the government said that all men were created equal, the reality was that the state of the nation was only being changed for certain people. For that reason, the Fourth of July has always been complicated for me.

The Fourth isn’t just about cookouts and fireworks
Learning about history, especially the history of America, has made a lasting impression on me and changed how I celebrate holidays. While I can’t pinpoint the exact time that I came to the realization that America’s Independence Day was not my own, I do recall reading Frederick Douglass’s speech that he gave on the fifth of July one year, and it definitely resonated with me.

I was able to immediately identify that the freedoms he was discussing back then did not necessarily extend to people who look like me today. After reading that speech, the disparities between the Black and White experience lingered in my mind, all throughout my adulthood as well. Even as a child, I remember July 4th as being a holiday that did not carry much weight. We all just enjoyed the day off, had wonderful barbecues, and watched the beautiful fireworks.   READ MORE...

Sunday, February 6

Black History Months Facts

1) The current population of Black and African Americans makes up 46.9 million, the U.S. Census Bureau reports. Also, 89.4% of African Americans age 25 and older had a high school diploma or higher in 2020, as Fox10 Phoenix reported.

2) A founder of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History organization, Carter G. Woodson, first had the idea of this month-long celebration. Woodson was born in 1875 to newly freed Virginia slaves. He later earned a Ph.D. in history from Harvard University. He worried that Black children were not being taught about their ancestors’ achievements in American schools in the early 1900s, as Fox 10 noted.

3) By the late 1960s, Negro History Week — the precursor for this month's celebrations and events — changed into what is now known as Black History Month.

4) The month of February was picked for Black History Month because it contained the birthdays of President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Lincoln was born on Feb. 12, and Douglass, a former slave who did not know his precise birthday, celebrated his date of birth on Feb. 14.

5) ASALH has celebrated Negro History Week and Black History Month for 95 years.

6) Fifty years after the first celebrations, then-President Gerald R. Ford officially recognized Black History Month at the country's 1976 bicentennial. Ford called on Americans to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history," as noted.

7) Forty years after Ford's recognition of Black History Month, then-President Barack Obama delivered this message, in part, from the White House: "Black History Month shouldn't be treated as though it is somehow separate from our collective American history or somehow just boiled down to a compilation of greatest hits from the March on Washington or from some of our sports heroes … It's about the lived, shared experience of all African Americans."

8) Canada also commemorates Black History Month in February.

9) At the time of Negro History Week's launch in 1926, Woodson believed the teaching of Black history was key to the physical and intellectual survival of the race within society: "If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated," he said in part, as the Journal of Negro History reported.

10) While this year's theme for Black History Month is Black health and wellness, past themes have included the family, Black migrations, and Black women in American culture and history, among others.

Friday, February 4

Black History Month

When I think of Black History Month, I no longer think of all the Blacks that have made contributions to America like MLK Jr. and George Washington Carver; instead, I think of the following:

  • The killing of George Floyd
  • Defund the police
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Slavery
  • Crime
  • Violence
  • Killing Cops
  • Racism
  • Blaming whites for everything

Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States, where it is also known as African-American History Month. It has received official recognition from governments in the United States and Canada, and more recently has been observed in Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Wikipedia

There are so many great accomplishments of African Americans but because of all the recent pointing the finger at whites for causing the problem that supposedly exists in the USA, most Americans are looking at the current negative results rather than the positive successes...

Personally, I do not see African American or Mexican Americans, or Greek Americans or Irish Americans or Spanish Americans or Italian Americans...  I see AMERICANS...  and, until the rest of you make this transition, then we will continue to remain DIVIDED...

Wednesday, May 19

Just How Long With The Majority Be SIlent?

The first recorded Africans in English America (including most of the future United States) were "20 and odd negroes" who came to Jamestown, Virginia via Cape Comfort in August 1619 as indentured servants.
Source:  Wikipedia

And yet, even with their natural, god given ability to multiply their numbers, the African American Community in the USA is still only 12% of the overall population while whites or Caucasians represent 60% of the overall population in the USA.

Am I trying to make a point...  you bet I am...  our country is being turned upside down because a group of people five times smaller than the majority is trying to get our government to pay them special attention...  and, that is WRONG from the GETGO.

I would be the first to admit that the USA has/or:
  • racist cops that should be removed from employment
  • is embarrassed by slavery and wish it had never happened
  • a biased judicial system towards wealth and color
  • a biased employment system
  • a biased educational system
  • a biased pay scale relative to race and gender
BUT...  not everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is a friggin' racist.

There are many Blacks, African Americans, or People of Color who have decided NOT TO BITCH and have made the WHITE FOCUSED SYSTEM work for them.  As far as I am concerned, blacks should emulate those successful people and/or get them to help black communities change from within and become successful.

PERSONALLY, I have never like OUR WEALTY WHITE SYSTEM of BUSINESS and COMMERCE... and consequently have made the choice not to be a part of it, unless I absolutely had to in order to survive.  I did this by remaining in the SOUTH, either in NC, TN, SC, or KY for all of my career opportunities where salaries are traditionally lower than in the NORTH.  AND...  my subsequent lifestyle changed as a result...  and, while I disliked those WHITE MANAGERS in CHARGE, I was able to financially survive until I was financially able to retire at 67 years of age.

If I can do this...  then so can a BLACK do this...

HOWEVER, with all this BITCHIN' and HOLLERIN' that is being pushed out by BLM, ANTIFA, Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory, the WHITE PEOPLE, sometimes called CAUCASIANS or NON HISPANIC WHITES are going to finally get a MOUTH FULL and start PUSHING BACK...

Can you imagine what will happen with half of the 60% start pushing back or even ONE THIRD or 20%?


AND...  talk about divided...  this is the last thing that our Federal Government wants...  especially since it will be difficult to control with DEFUNDED POLICE DEPARTMENTS.








Monday, November 30

The US of A is RACIST or So I've Been Told by Blacks

The African Americans, Blacks, American Blacks, People of Color...  BUT NEVER JUST
AMERICANS, would have you believe that all Caucasians or White Crackers or Honkies are racists because several white policemen were racially biased and motivated.

Using this logic then all BLACKS are like MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. and his followers which we KNOW FOR ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY is not the case here in America...

So, why do we have this CONTRADICTION in how the blacks perceive each other and the white Americans with whom they have chosen to live, work, die, and defend against foreign aggression?

If all white Americans were like those racist cops then more black people would be DEAD....

If all black people were like MLK Jr., then there would be no violent protesting or white cops DEAD...
  • But, neither case is true
  • And, neither case has been true
  • And, neither case will be true in this country

Black People and all of those Blacks who want to use their COLOR as an EXCUSE for their FAILURES will ALWAYS CLAIM that the majority race with whom they live are RACIST AS A WHOLE.

Let me make one thing perfectly CLEAR...
  • I don't live with Blacks
  • I don't live with African Americans
  • I don't live with People of Color
  • I don't live with Native Americans
  • I don't live with Asians
  • I don't live with Hispanics or Latinos


Thursday, October 15

Communities of COLOR

When I was growing up in the 1950's and 1960's, we were told to refer to black people as negroes and colored people respectively.  In the 1970's and 1980's, we were told to refer to them as African Americans and all kinds of African American cultural centers opened up all over the US.  In the late 1990's and 2000's, we were told to refer to them as either African Americans or as Blacks but today we are told that they are PEOPLE OF COLOR and that they live in COMMUNITIES OF COLOR.

What I also find interesting is that early in my life I was referred to as WHITE, then later in life I was a CAUCASIAN, and nowadays I am a NON HISPANIC WHITE...

But, what is going on with our BLACK/PEOPLE OF COLOR/AFRICAN AMERICANS especially since they only represent 13% of our US POPULATION?

Why are they getting so much attention?

BUT, going back to our Communities of Color...  why do we have Communities of Color in the first place?

  • Do Blacks not want to live with whites?
  • Do Whites not want to live with blacks?
AND...  here is another interesting question...
Drug Addicts
Drug Sellers
Airline Travel
Law Enforcement
Professional Athletes
Fire Protection Personnel
Airline Pilots
Elected Officials
College Professors
Taxi Cab Drivers
Professional Musicians
Professional Dancers
Financial Bankers & Brokers
Professional Golfers
Professional Tennis Players

For instance,
I live in a community in East TN where there are at least 150 homes and the people who live in those homes are ALL WHITE...
Should our community BE FORCED to have:
  • 13% of our homes be owned by BLACKS/AFRICAN AMERICANS/PEOPLE OF COLOR
  • 18% of our homes be owned by Hispanics/Latinos
  • 6% of our homes be owned by Asians
Why are PEOPLE OF COLOR more important than Hispanics/Latinos?

The fact remains that we have COMMUNITIES OF COLOR in the US because the PEOPLE OF COLOR do not want to live with the CAUCASIANS or NON HISPANIC WHITES...  otherwise, they would be bitching and doing exactly that...

  3. BLACK PEOPLE want their beliefs that OUR CONSTITUTION SHOULD BE REWRITTEN TO REFLECT ONLY THEIR INTERESTS and that our Amendments are not enough for them
  4. BLACK PEOPLE want the WEALTH taken away from WHITES and given to BLACKS
  5. BLACK PEOPLE want the WHITE MILITARY to protect them while they are destroying American rights and liberties