Showing posts with label Free Lunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Lunch. Show all posts

Monday, May 17

Ain't Nothing Free

When I attended Graduate School to pursue an MBA, my Economics Professor, Dr. Peter Peacock lectured to the class that there was no such thing as a FREE LUNCH...  from the standpoint that someone had to pay for the lunches that others got free...  I am sure that there were many lessons learned from his class but this lesson is the one that stayed with me all my life.

So...  when our Federal Government says that its citizens will now be receiving free education or free healthcare or free meals...   someone else in the country will be paying for that who may or may not want to give people free education or free healthcare or free meals because they had to earn the money and pay for all of that themselves...  so why can't these other people do the same?

Our Federal Government using the TAX Codes and Laws steals money away from others for these purposes...   I say steal because our Democratic Republic from of governments has been authorized by the US Constitution to protect us, negotiate trade deals and treaties with other governments, and enforce the laws but really nothing else.

It is not the government's responsibility to provide:
  • public education
  • public housing
  • public mail service
  • public healthcare
  • public transportation
  • public parks and recreations
  • Social Security
  • Unemployment Insurance
And yet...  this is exactly what our country does...  and, they do this by collecting taxes...  and, anytime the Federal Government want to offer more to its citizens, in order to do that they need to raise taxes or reduce spending in other areas which is not an option.

The question is, what do WEALTHY people think about giving more money because the rest of us are basically lazy and do not want to work as hard as they do.

If you have a wealthy relative how often do they volunteer to share their money with you?  Typically, if you want any of their money you have to ask for it...  and, when you do ask for it, they typically then RESENT the fact that you have asked.

BUT, our Federal Government can TAKE THEIR MONEY whether they like it or resent it or not...  however, most of the wealthy people have their money in tax shelters and AVOID paying more taxes...  and, one would think that our GOVERNMENT would finally realize that they are GETTING PLAYED by the wealthy.