Showing posts with label Border Patrol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Border Patrol. Show all posts

Monday, May 17

Biden Says...

 Our new President this morning announced that our border is closed...  and, that his announcement means that no more illegal immigrants will be allowed into the US of A...  However, our new President did not informed Border Patrol or Homeland Security to officially close the border nor did he inform whatever agency is responsible for letting people cross over the border into our country...

So, what exactly do these WORDS MEAN?

Do they mean that the border is closed but really open?

Do they mean that the border is open but really closed yet open if you really want to come here?

How strange these words are that this new President speaks and he smiles so nicely and talks so softly, elevating his voice just a tad when it comes to words he really, really wants to emphasize...  it is difficult not to believe this UNCLE JOE.

It reminds me of what Dr. Fouci said when questioned by Congress...  He said that the money that he gave the WUHAN LAB in China was not giving money to fund the study of the COVID virus...

This is like saying that we gave money to PLANNED PARENTHOOD but was not supposed to go to fund abortions...

What the hell else does PLANNED PARENTHOOD do other than fund abortions?

One of the days and I may be asking for too much here, the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is going to wake up and realize that the Democrats have been giving them the big chili up the brown eye...

And, I just hope that it is not too late.