Showing posts with label BLM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLM. Show all posts

Friday, August 6

BLM Accomplished NOTHING

We are in the process of ending another week...  and, I am looking at the last weekend before the next week begins and I find myself with 4 medical appointments...  a CT scan, fasting blood work, an IVIG infusion, and an Opdivo Infusion...  then, there is another complete week before we leave, two weeks from today, for Myrtle Beach...

The morning news is always the same ole shit from the day before just reheated a little like leftovers.  The immigrants coming into our souther border is out-of-control...  There is an increase in violence in many of our major cities...  the Democrats want to spend money faster than a daily bowel movement...  and, we still cannot decide whether to wear facemasks or not or if students should return to school...


I look back on this last year and the focus that has been given on BLACK LIVES MATTER, tearing down confederate statues, renaming buildings, taking money away from law enforcement, and making the claim that America is a RACIST country and we should be ashamed to live here because of our heritage and past history.

Has the Black Lives Matter movement really changed anything?

I don't believe anything in the black communities has changed at all...

I know nothing has changed in whte communities...

But, isn't it interesting that I say describe life in the USA like that as if it is as normal as can be...  white and black communities...  how in the world are we supposed to change our racist beliefs if we still continue to live in those two completely different types of communities???

Because of all the media coverage as to how bad the white man is, I am not only offended by the implications of that statement but now I am going to bend over backwards to never have anything to do with BLACK PEOPLE...  If I am so bad, let them stay away from me...  and, I will stay away from them!!!

Black Lives Matter will always be associated with marches, violence, protests, burning, and looting...   IT WILL NEVER BE ASSOCIATED WITH CHANGE...

Friday, July 2

We All Make Choices

Some of our choices, we find out after we make them...  are good to excellent, while other choices are horrible to piss poor...  and, we wish we had never had the opportunity to even make the first choice...  and, each choice thereafter brings the same concern that it could be a bad choice...

However, some of us, don't really give a shit whether or not our choices are good or bad...  as we have the frigging right to make these choices regardless...  nor would these people care how their choices impacted others...

Which brings me to the heart of my thought...

Our current political administration in WashDC believes and perceives that they are making the right choices for the American People...  and, they think this way because it is the fundamental belief of their political party and therefore, since they are in that party then they must believe as their party believes.

To think and act otherwise would be political suicide.

BUT, these choices will not fully be know and/or understood for several years as the results are interpreted by historians and political scientists.  And, if they were good...  then great...  but if we find them to be bad choices...  then, guess who pays the price...



I think the following movements are wrong:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Cancel Culture
  • Defunding Police
  • Holding conservatives hostage via the media
  • Becoming WOKE

Black Lives Matter teach separation not unity

Critical Race Theory teaches separation not unity

Cancel Culture teaches separation not unity

WOKENESS teaches separation not unity

Yes, this is my personal opinion

Yes, I am not well known or famous

Yes, I am not wealthy

I cannot imagine anything positive happening to us if we push for becoming a divided country...


Sunday, June 27


Illegal Immigration is a problem for this country because when those people are integrated into the general population, it will change the overall structure of this country in certain areas...  like the cities where jobs are mainly available.

Immigrants came to this country for a better opportunity and that opportunity is not living off the handouts of our federal government but working and moving up through the ranks with or without education...  but, with hard work.

These type people are not supporters of SOCIALISM...  they are supporters of capitalism and the free market enterprise way of life...

DEMOCRATS and LIBERALS and PROGRESSIVES have made a miscalculation and they will soon pay for it...

Other problems that they will encounter will revolve around:

  • Defunding the police
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Becoming WOKE
  • Cancel Culture
2022 will be the telling factor as more and more people realize that what Biden and his bulldogs are doing is hurting not helping their way of life.

Thursday, June 24

I Am Not WOKE nor Am I Awake...


One of the members of the SQUAD recently said that if
someone was against Critical Race Theory then that meant that they were a RACIST.

When I hear people say that shit, all it does is makes me more angry at their stupidity and generalizations and trying to blame lack of agenda support on racism.  As we say in EAST TENNESSEE, that dog don't hunt...

Using that logic I must be against God and Religion because I support a woman's right to choose...  I must be against the Second Amendment because I don't want to own a firearm.  I must be against the Progressives because I believe in the FIRST FRIGGING AMENDMENT...   now that dog do hunt...

Because of the Black Lives Matter Movement, I don't want to do a damn thing to help the blacks...  And, because of Critical Race Theory, I am not even more supportive of the Confederate South and all that it stands for...  except, I think that slavery is fundamentally flawed because we should only be slaves to God...

I think half of the UNITED STATES right now is AGAINST:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Being WOKE
  • Support Cancel Culture
AND...  I think the blacks might have just OVER-PLAYED their hand on this one.  Think about this one:


Monday, June 7

Uniting America

One of the KEY POINTS of the 2020 Presidential Election was the FACT that BIDEN wanted to UNITE AMERICA because TRUMP had divided America...

One of the basic foundations of the concept of UNITING AMERICA is to bring ALL Americans together...  but, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, the WOKE Mob, and the new Cancel Culture are not concepts that are specifically designed to UNITE ANYTHING...  as they are specifically designed to HIGHLIGHT OUR DIFFERENCES...

If you are that STUPID not to see the difference, then you do not need to be in a position of leadership that tries to influence the general public.

We are not black Americans or white Americans or red Americans or brown Americans...  if you really want to know the real truth, then you must only see us as AMERICANS...

AMERICANS have hurt and continue to hurt other Americans but we are still Americans and those bad apples should be punished...  but, that is it...

To tell me that my whiteness has screwed AMERICA then my first thought is KISS MY ASS then my second thought is GFY...

  • My whiteness is GOD GIVEN...
  • Your blackness is GOD GIVEN...
  • Your brownness is GOD GIVEN...

Americans did not set the colors of people into motion and for the most part does not see one color as better or worse than the other...  and, was fine until you tried to bring it to our attention that Americans had different skin colors...  NO SHIT MORON...

Friday, June 4

Domestic Terrorism

Domestic terrorism or homegrown terrorism is a form of terrorism in which victims "within a country are targeted by a perpetrator with the same citizenship" as the victims.  There are many definitions of terrorism, and none of them are universally accepted. The United States Department of State defined terrorism in 2003 as "premeditated, politically motivatedLady violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience."  There is no Federal criminal offense designated as domestic terrorism.  Source:  Wikipedia

So, one might conclude that all the violence that we see being perpetrated on the streets of our cities are for the most part, examples of domestic terrorism...

Back in the 60's when the CHICAGO SEVEN trial was being conducted as they were charged with crossing state lines to incite riots and violence, that could have been construed as an act of domestic terrorism, even though we had minimal terrorist activities taking place in the rest of the world other than those conducted by the PLO and Yasser Arafat. 

BUT...  no one is charging the Black Lives Matter with domestic violence because all of their actions have been justified as a result of the George Floyd killing...  so, as long as a group has MORAL JUSTIFICATION then there is no chance that they are going to be charged with domestic terrorism...

As black continue to assassinate WHITE COPS, I wonder how long it will be before the DOJ starts charging them with domestic terrorism...  if they ever do...

It would appear that Lady Justice is not blind after all or maybe she is and cannot see what is going on in the street of our cities. 

Tuesday, May 25

Wake Up America

 A few days ago, we experienced the result of a Russian Hacking on our Colonial Pipeline, and many Southern States were without gasoline for their vehicles for about 7-10 days in some cases.

Where we live in East TN, we experienced some gas stations closed while others remained open and the lines to wait for gas were minimal.  The main gas station at which we get all of our gas because it is about 7 cents less now has gasoline in plenty of supply.

It reminded me of the gas lines of the 1970's only it was not as severe.

If we had electric vehicle, we would not have been impacted by the Colonial Pipeline shutdown...  but, what the mainstream media idiots do not realized that if the Russian Hackers could shut down the electronics of the Oil People, they will be able to shut down our FRIGGiNG ENERGY GRID which would at that time control our electric vehicles.

Are they stupid or what?

Our future is totally contingent upon stopping the CYBER HACKERS and the current administration seems not to have THE BALLS to do anything about it because they are more concerned with defunding the police for blacks or teaching critical race theory for blacks.

Now, I am not opposed to blacks or their pursuit for happiness but I am against teaching stuff that has little bearing on our society outside of the small white circle of billionaires who regulate the direction of our society.

The ordinary white man does not GIVE A SHIT who is black or white or brown or red or a sliding scale of color variations.

Cops don't hate blacks, but a few cops do hate blacks and that does not justify changing the system because we are experiencing special cause variation instead of common cause variation.

I really do feel sorry for those who are intellectually ignorant and have retained minimal knowledge from their education...  it is really sad...  but our government cannot force idiots to learn.

Wednesday, May 19

Just How Long With The Majority Be SIlent?

The first recorded Africans in English America (including most of the future United States) were "20 and odd negroes" who came to Jamestown, Virginia via Cape Comfort in August 1619 as indentured servants.
Source:  Wikipedia

And yet, even with their natural, god given ability to multiply their numbers, the African American Community in the USA is still only 12% of the overall population while whites or Caucasians represent 60% of the overall population in the USA.

Am I trying to make a point...  you bet I am...  our country is being turned upside down because a group of people five times smaller than the majority is trying to get our government to pay them special attention...  and, that is WRONG from the GETGO.

I would be the first to admit that the USA has/or:
  • racist cops that should be removed from employment
  • is embarrassed by slavery and wish it had never happened
  • a biased judicial system towards wealth and color
  • a biased employment system
  • a biased educational system
  • a biased pay scale relative to race and gender
BUT...  not everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is a friggin' racist.

There are many Blacks, African Americans, or People of Color who have decided NOT TO BITCH and have made the WHITE FOCUSED SYSTEM work for them.  As far as I am concerned, blacks should emulate those successful people and/or get them to help black communities change from within and become successful.

PERSONALLY, I have never like OUR WEALTY WHITE SYSTEM of BUSINESS and COMMERCE... and consequently have made the choice not to be a part of it, unless I absolutely had to in order to survive.  I did this by remaining in the SOUTH, either in NC, TN, SC, or KY for all of my career opportunities where salaries are traditionally lower than in the NORTH.  AND...  my subsequent lifestyle changed as a result...  and, while I disliked those WHITE MANAGERS in CHARGE, I was able to financially survive until I was financially able to retire at 67 years of age.

If I can do this...  then so can a BLACK do this...

HOWEVER, with all this BITCHIN' and HOLLERIN' that is being pushed out by BLM, ANTIFA, Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory, the WHITE PEOPLE, sometimes called CAUCASIANS or NON HISPANIC WHITES are going to finally get a MOUTH FULL and start PUSHING BACK...

Can you imagine what will happen with half of the 60% start pushing back or even ONE THIRD or 20%?


AND...  talk about divided...  this is the last thing that our Federal Government wants...  especially since it will be difficult to control with DEFUNDED POLICE DEPARTMENTS.








Wednesday, May 5

Democratic Disaster in America


I have always been told that opinions are like assholes, everybody has got one...  and, it would appear that these comments do in fact bear resemblance to the truth...  My opinion(s) is/are as follows:

First>  the open door policy to illegal immigration will eventually bite us it is just unknown if that bite will be sooner or later.  Why do I think that?  Well, it is because of jobs, drugs, disease, crime, justice, education, drain on resources, and a bias towards politicians.  Rebuttal - well, our country has been based upon immigration and the fact that immigration has made us stronger rather than weaker.

Second>  spending tax dollars like a drunken sailor on 96 hours of liberty.  This will force taxes to be raise.  This spending will cause inflation.  This spending will increase our National Debt.  This spending will put a financial burden on future generations.  This spending will allow our enemies and competitors to become stronger both economically and militarily.  Rebuttal -  it will make our society stronger because it redistribute wealth and offers more equity and equality.

Third>  defunding the police movement (a byproduct of BLM)  and the killing of George Floyd by a racist law enforcement officer who was later convicted of murder.  Crime needs to be regulated, controlled, and contained.  Crime does not need to be allowed to flourish.  Defunding or Redirecting Police Funds to help BLACKS become more aware of their options, will not stop crime.  Rebuttal - Americans are intelligent enough to monitor, control, and regulate themselves.

PERSONALLY...  I don't give a shit or a rat's ass what the democrats do or don't do because being a retired person living off of social security, these democratic policies will simply give my wife and I more income and advantages that our children's children will have to pay for...  My wife and I will be long dead by then...

I also am concerned (just a tad) that because of what the democrats are doing will bring us closer to being forced to learn to read, write, and speak mandarin chinese.  The reason why I think this way is that mandarin is extremely hard to learn and i fear that only about 20% of americans have the intellectual capacity to learn mandarin easily...

Wednesday, April 21

One Step At A Time

Personally...  I am glad that Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts yesterday by the jury because the jury really had no other choice if they wanted to keep black people from revolting, rioting, burning, and looting...  and, we must always remember what one of the BLM leaders said when being interviewed by the media:


Perhaps...  he is right...  who knows?

But...  one thing is for sure and that is that the BLACKS will not stop here with their demands and requests...  they will not stop until they perceive that they have gotten all that they can from the white majority in this country...  Blacks are only 13% of the population in the United States and right now, the whites are listening...  and, making an effort to APPEASE...  but, at some point-in-time, this appeasement will STOP and the whites will retaliate in the only way that they know how and that is through their MAJORITY STATUS.

What is curiously interesting and absent in these debates about what the blacks demand is the fact that WEALTHY BLACKS are not making any comments at all...  or, if they do make comments they are DIPLOMATIC in nature and try not to take sides.


Ever since I was a teenager in the 1960's everyone knew that one could earn more money selling illegal drugs than one could earn with a COLLEGE DEGREE.  And, that fact-of-life has not changed...



and, until you stop Americans from buying illegal drugs our government and our law enforcement agencies will not be able to stop illegal drugs from being sold here...

BUT...  more importantly what will be the FATE OF BLACKS IN AMERICA...  now that BLM and ANTIFA have decided that only violent protests are being recognized and addressed...

AND...  what will happen in AMERICA if police departments are defunded, restructured, and no longer permitted to use DEADLY FORCE???


Tuesday, April 20

The George Floyd Trial

Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA might have just given themselves a fatal blow with the recent comments of Congress Woman Maxine Waters about protesting until you get the verdict you want...

As soon as the Judge in the Trial was made aware of those comments, he told the Defense Attorney that he now had grounds for an APPEAL regardless of the verdict reached by the JURY.

How stupid can one person be?

Derek Chauvin will more than likely be found guilty of something...  at the very least MANSLAUGHTER but could have that verdict overturned as a result of Maxine Water's comments and the influence that could have had on the JURY.

This is worse that anything former President Trump might have done or said and the Democrats and BLM are finally going to realize that they have gone too far in a country where only 13% of the population are black.

It would appear that Maxine Water's comments will be the first step in the white majority taking back control or at least undoing what the BLM movement has tried to or actually has accomplished.

This is NOT GOOD for America...


  • Because it further DIVIDES our country
  • It demonstrates nothing really is ever going to change

Friday, March 26

No Police

 Protect and Serve...

is the slogan that I see on the Police Cruisers that patrol our city streets and interstate highways but it bothers me tremendously when I see law enforcement hiding around corners or in the dips of roads so that drivers of vehicles cannot easily see them unless someone warns them in advance or unless they have been on that road before and actually seen them hiding...

It seems like law enforce is trying to CATCH and APPREHEND more than they are concerned with protecting and serving.

And, what is really interesting is the fact that on Monday through Friday on one of the main road connecting my city to Knoxville that has a posted speed limit of 55 mph...  in the early morning rush hour traffic from let's say 6:00 to 8:00 am, most of the traffic drives in excess of 80 mph and nowhere do you see law enforcement...  so, in essence they are saying that they do not need to protect and serve these workers...

The same kind of logic holds true on the interstate when there is a group of cars exceeding the posted speed limits...  these cars are left alone...  and law enforcement sees no reason there either to protect and serve.  However, if there is a lone car exceeding the posted speed limits then these law enforcement people will bend over backwards to make sure that they protect and serve.

This contradiction is WRONG and not only should be stopped but law enforcement MUST BE REMOVED and told to get another job.  Most drivers of vehicles know their vehicles and know how fast they are driving...  and if, they want to kill themselves and others...  that is their business and the business of lawyers who get to file law suits on behalf of the victims.

I agree with the BLM movement that police departments have abused their power and that they should be defunded, reduced in size, or in some cases eliminated.  People can learn to protect themselves and their own property.  This is one of the reasons that we have street gangs in most of our large cities...  to collect protection money from the local residents and consequently provide protection from inside and outside the neighborhood.  This process seems to be working well.

Thursday, March 4

Cancel Culture


If you do not agree with me I will simply cancel you out as if you never existed at all...  

The last time something like this took place was in NAZI Germany and their specific target was the JEWS and all those who sympathized with the Jews...  the Jews were taken to concentration camps and medically experimented upon and subsequently killed in gas chambers.

Cancel Culture in America wants to do away with the conservative voice and all those who support or sympathize with the conservative voice.  Cancel Culture in America has teamed up with Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA basically because they believe that they will NEVER BE SUCCESSFUL unless the white race is destroyed...  specifically, the conservative white race because the liberal white race is sympathetic to their cause...

Cancel Culture in America wants to defund with police and take those monies and set up programs for blacks so that they have a better chance of being successful.  

Cancel Culture in America wants to do away with the CONSTITUTION and write a new constitution that is partial to the black man instead of all Americans.

Cancel Culture in America wants to rewrite the history books and remove all connections to slavery as if it never existed and those references to slavery will state HOW EVIL THE WHITE MAN IS and continues to be against the blacks.

Is America really willing to let something like this happen???

Wednesday, February 24

A WOKE Mentality

Woke  is a term that originated in the United States, referring to a perceived awareness of issues that concern social justice and racial justice

It derives from the African-American Vernacular English expression stay woke, whose grammatical aspect refers to a continuing awareness of these issues.

First used in the 1940s, the term has resurfaced in recent years as a concept that symbolizes perceived awareness of social issues and movement. 

By the late 2010s, woke had been adopted as a more generic slang term associated with left-wing politics, progressive or socially liberal causes such as anti-racism, LGBT rights, feminism and environmentalism

It has also been the subject of memes, ironic usage and criticism for its methods and consequences.  

Its widespread use since 2014 is a result of the Black Lives Matter movement.  SOURCE:  Wikipedia

Here's the deal Jake from State Farm...
Americans who happen to the BLACK only represent 14% of the American population in 2021...  and WHITES represent about 60% of the American population in 2021...

What this means Jake from State Farm...
 is that there are 4 times as many whites as there are blacks...  and, those white are here to stay in America and they are not going to give up their positions and resources just because blacks perceive that they want or need more...

America has had BLACK PRESIDENT for 8 years and America currently has a BLACK FEMALE VICE PRESIDENT...
  • There are more BLACKS in professional sports than whites
  • There are more BLACKS in professional music than whites
  • There are just as many BLACK actors/actresses as whites
  • There are more BLACKS selling illegal drugs than whites
  • There are more BLACKS in prison than whites
This is an example of your WOKE Grammatical Aspect of life in America...  If BLACKS want something they tend to get what they want...  but, neither whites nor blacks (outside of the wealthy) are given anything...

Tuesday, February 9

Rockin' in East TN

This third round of stimulus checks will give my wife and I either $600/person or up $1,400 per couple depending upon variables that are not totally clear to me at the time...   but, the money is coming....   and, to be quite BLUNT, neither my wife nor I NEED THE MONEY...  even though we are retired and living on Social Security...  we fortunately managed to SAVE MONEY while we were working and that saved money combined with Social Security will see up through until we are both 95 years of age...

And...  while Medicare and Humana Supplement does not pay for everything, we are still in a pretty solid financial situation because of family and friends but especially because of where we live...  here in East TN.

  • There is no BLM movement in East TN
  • There is no ANTIFA here in East TN
  • There is no white supremacists here in East TN
  • Schools are open here in East TN
  • Businesses are open here in East TN
  • Restaurants are open here in East TN
  • Climate is moderate here in East TN
  • Cost of living is lower here in East TN
My wife and I have been debt free for over 10 years now and it has had a dramatic influence on our finances and budget.  We saved money for future cars with the understanding that we would soon go to having only one vehicle...  Our last two vehicles were paid for in cash and were not bought new but were leased vehicles with low mileage.

My 2015 VENSA for example was a year old when purchased and had just a few miles over 5,000 miles when I purchased it.

I can have a perfectly cooked 8 ounce salmon with broccoli and a baked potato for $13 before taxes, right around $20 with taxes, unsweetened tea, and a tip...  which is about what it costs for me to fill up my gas tank with gasoline.     

When the third round of the stimulus checks are received via direct deposit, we will simply transfer the monies over to savings and continue with our lives as if nothing was received at all.

My wife and I feel fortunate that by the time our national debt grows to the point that our government will finally pay attention to it, that it will be future generates that will be forced to BITE THE BULLET, not US...  And, while this may sound a little selfish...  it is nonetheless true as neither political party wants to deal with the growing debt.

Saturday, January 30

Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize


As a US Veteran, I am appalled by this action, even though this nominated came outside of the USA...  it was still made...  and, I am sure that it was made in good faith...  but, without living in the USA where the BLM movement originated, then one does not fully understand or appreciate the actually violence that BLM has generated while offering the world awareness about racism.  BUT...  BLM is causing more racism that it eliminates, simply because it is trying to bring racism to the forefront of American Life.

The fact remains that OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CANNOT FORCE Americans to stop HATING each other...  it can force employers to hire so many blacks and it can force public schools to accept so many blacks...  and, it can force teachers to teach WHITENESS classes in the hopes that white will stop acting like they have privilege in this country...

BUT...  that is where we are headed...   If I HATE BLACKS...  how to change my attitude and/or my behavior?

Thursday, January 21

EAST TN: Ideal Retirement Location

As I have mentioned many times before, I am living in the Tennessee Valley of East TN and as far as I am concerned, it is an IDEAL place to live, especially if one is retired...   because of:
  • its physical location weather protection
  • its physical location geographically
  • 30-60 minute access to everything
  • Oak Ridge National Labs
  • TVA Parks and Recreation
  • Country Life and exposure to nature
  • Tranquil surroundings
  • University of TN
  • its lower cost of living index
  • its lack of urban influences
  • its lack of crime

NOTE:   Not everyone is suited for this type of lifestyle...  but, let me assure you that we have local watering holes that serve beer, wine, and alcohol.  We have illegal drugs being sold to our elementary school children and high school students.  We have local prostitutes and call girls.  We have several members of the Mexican Drug Cartels living in our area as well.  We have political crimes and influence peddling.  We have telephone scams and computer hacking and all sorts of people trying to get access to our data to perpetrate a variety of crimes against us.

  1. Racism
  2. Black Lives Matter
  4. White Supremacists
  5. Police Violence against Black
  6. Blacks killing cops
  7. Protesting and Riots
  8. Burning of city buildings
  9. Pipe Bombs
  10. Domestic Terrorism

there is a light rain falling instead of snow.  The temps are in the 40's but will rise to the 50's but it is doubtful that we will have all the sunshine that we had yesterday.  Each day, the light extends the day against darkness by ONE MINUTE....  so, we are getting closer to spring and the rebirth of nature.  All our bushes will blow and grow.  All our flowers will return.  The Japanese Maple that I cut back will sprout new limbs as will the Crepe Myrle that surrounds our pool.

My physical health and all the cuts I have on my body and all the recent procedures I have had, have kept me out of my HOT TUB for almost a month.  But, as they heal, I will return to its warmth and once again sit in the warmth of its waters and look up and see all the stars in the absolutely clear night sky.

Monday, January 11

UNREST in America

We spent the last six month or more watching BLM and ANTIFA stage riots all across the USA because a WHITE COP KILLED A BLACK MAN...  and, the mainstream media said that these were peaceful riots even when building were burning behind their "live" reporting....  Hypocrisy at its worst....   now, we have TRUMP SUPPORTERS who stormed and entered the US Capital bldg. and they are called DOMESTIC TERRORISTS even though there was no burning of buildings, but there was rioting and looting and some occupation of offices...   DOUBLE STANDARDS...

Even when this latest activity comes under control and the perpetrators are taken to courts, sentenced, and jailed, the part of the USA that voted for TRUMP will still see DOUBLE STANDARDS and will not let this go away.

It is entirely possible that due to DECREASED POLICE FUNDING in certain cities, BLM, ANTIFA, and Trump Supporters will travel to those cities to continue their protests against the government...

CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE is what it is called and it is one of the few tools available to the general public to use against a CORRUPT GOVERNMENT outside of voting...

Thoreau's Civil Disobedience espouses the need to prioritize one's conscience over the dictates of laws. It criticizes American social institutions and policies, most prominently slavery and the Mexican-American War.

Thoreau begins his essay by arguing that government rarely proves itself useful and that it derives its power from the majority because they are the strongest group, not because they hold the most legitimate viewpoint. 

He contends that people's first obligation is to do what they believe is right and not to follow the law dictated by the majority. When a government is unjust, people should refuse to follow the law and distance themselves from the government in general. 

A person is not obligated to devote his life to eliminating evils from the world, but he is obligated not to participate in such evils. This includes not being a member of an unjust institution (like the government). 

Thoreau further argues that the United States fits his criteria for an unjust government, given its support of slavery and its practice of aggressive war.  SOURCE:

Since African American Blacks still perceive that the USA in general support SLAVERY in a variety of ways and since the USA military is still fighting an unnecessary war in the MIDDLE EAST, one could easily make the case for an UNJUST GOVERNMENT still existing in the USA as defined by THOREAU...

The enemy of my enemy is my FRIEND...
Stand up against an UNJUST US GOVERNMENT...

Tuesday, December 29

The Heart and Soul of the SOUTH

The front door to my modest 1,800 square foot home is open and the all glass storm door allows full sunlight to enter.  I am sitting in a recliner just left and back from the front door wearing sweatpants and a fleeced lined sweatshirt jacket because it is a tad chilly inside our home during these months as we keep the thermostat on a constant 68 degrees which ordinarily is fine but as I grow older, I tend to need more warmth wrapped around me.

The outside temperatures have been in the 50's and tomorrow it will reach well into the 60's and whatever remnants of snow remaining will be for sure melted away.  Tomorrow, I will take down and package up our outside Christmas decorations...  well before New Years Day which is the tradition around these parts...  as they say in these parts...

My door is open because I feel relatively SAFE in East TN and not the slightest concerned that BLM along with the help of ANTIFA will be running around this neck of the woods rioting, burning, and looting...  although, we have plenty of black families living in this area...  and, actually not too far away if one were to take a notion to measure.

With a 30 minute drive, I can be in the heart of Knoxville, or Sevierville and if I were to add 30 more minutes, I can be in the heart of NASCAR country or Bristol, TN to the north and to the east Dollywood and/or Pigeon Forge and the resort area of Gatlinburg...  and in none of these places will I find any traces of BLM or ANTIFA...   even though more and more people are visiting these places from those bigger cities where BLM and ANTIFA seem to thrive.

Tennessee was one of the first STATES of our nation and was split in half more or less when we decided to have our Civil War...  as there were places about an hour from here that made munitions for the Union Army...  but, mostly it is a confederate State and because it was and still is in the business of "running moonshine" along the back roads provides the heart and soul of NASCAR...  along with North Carolina as they share The Great Smokey Mountains...  although, North Carolina may be a little more sophisticated.

But...   and, more importantly...  at least to me...  is the fact that on days like today, I can open my front door and let the sunshine in...   and, politics BE DAMNED...  and, I say that quite forcefully being the 73 year old threat that I am because...  politics has changed very little in this damn country of ours...  we have pretty much kept the STATUS QUO which is exactly why the BLACKS are bitching so much...  they see it too...

And, that is the great IRONY about POLITICS...  once you become a POLITICIAN and go that route under the FLAG of CHANGE... and WIN...   you quickly decide that nothing needs to change at all other than one's vocabulary...  in the sense of telling the people what they want to hear...

This is exactly why my front door is open and will continue to remain open while other front doors across the country at SHUT TIGHT and BOLTED.

America's problems lies not with her people but with her LEADERS...

Saturday, November 7

Earth to Earth and Other Places

When I was just a boy who was just a little rebellious, I chanced upon other lads who were in similar situations and we set about doing things that in our youth we should not do like borrowing cars to impress the older girls and breaking into homes just to see other places and before we finished having fun, we took a small boat out on the Potomac for a lark.

It was these fun times that landed me in jail but my parents broke me free when my father became a Diplomat and we moved overseas.  Unlike other places we could have gone, my father decided on Cairo, Egypt because it is the least likely place to have more fun.  So, instead of doing what I used to do, I learned quite quickly that Egypt had the best HASH in the land...  and, with a steady stream of alcohol us teenagers now had a new kind of fun that interestingly evolved into sexual fun and without precautions, we had no idea of the risks that we were taking until a pregnancy occurred and then the females imposed a moratorium.

With 3 years of college and 2 years in the military, I returned to the hallowed halls of academia and pursued my parent's dream of my education.  It was much easier then, since I was older, and hardly ever had to study just attend class and learn to listen.  Grad school was just a few years down the road and soon I was armed for bear which is not such a clever metaphor.

I paid little attention to politics but in case anyone asked I was a Democrat...  just because my parents were too I suppose but they were also more liberal than the stuffed-shirts Republicans who referred to themselves as just being conservative.  I was no conservative and had never been and planned not to be one forever, if that was even possible since forever is such a long, long time.

I hated gun rights because I did not like the violence of the Vietnam War that used guns and other weapons instead of talking...  and, while I did not give a rat's ass if a female had an abortion, I strongly agreed that it was her choice and not the government's.  In fact, I was against the government trying to control my life at all and formed an on paper company just to shelter money to lower my taxes.

A funny thing happened to me on my way (not to the Forum) to old age and that was I lost my LIBERAL ATTITUDE along the way and started leaning in the other direction.  My first sense of anything was my personal debt and the debt of our country.  I eliminated my debt but could not understand why my country would not eliminate their debt.  I saw the liberals as a bunch of individuals who just wanted the rich and wealthy via the government to pay for everything instead of earning it themselves...  and if, they had to cheat and manipulate others to get what they wanted they did and did so without hesitation.

All of a sudden like a psychedelic mushroom flashback, I realized it was the WEATHLY, not the middle class or poor, that provided us with employment even though it made them more wealthy to do so.  In my mind and quite logically I decided that to take money away from the wealthy and use it to give services to others was in actuality being counterproductive not to mention counter intuitive.

And, while the ridiculous battles raged on by our two political parties, behind the scenes were battle fought between the haves and the have nots and then as if a giant FART had exploded out of the government's ass, the black people decided they had not been treated fairly for over 400 years and that our Constitution written in 1776 did not apply to them since they were basically still black and that HATRED between the races was being perpetuated by the CAUCASIAN on a regular and daily basis.

MIND YOU, there were plenty of wealthy male and female black business people, wealthy male and female black musicians and singers, wealthy male and female black athletes, and wealthy male and female black actors...  it's just that there was not enough of them the black community thought and wanted our government to do something about that...  even though the black only represent 13% of America's overall population with Hispanics representing 18% of that same overall population...  and, they had no concerns at all.

HOWEVER, there was an under current growing in the political landscape...  a movement that would take our government from being a Democratic Republic to being a Socialist country where the society cared more about the people than about the wealthy.

Just for your information, there has NEVER BEEN a Socialistic country that has lead the world both economically and militarily since GOD created our universe...  but that little tidbit of information does not really matter...
  • It does not matter to American Liberals
  • It does not matter to America's Enemies
  • It does not matter to America's Wealthy because they have sheltered their money
  • It does not matter to America's Businesses since they will hire fewer people

So, America is in a State of Transition and she will move from being a Great Country to one of Mediocrity and we will have to ask other country to protect us as we can no longer defend ourselves.  And if... you think that I am kidding...  what do you think DEFUNDING POLICE DEPARTMENTS really means?  I know that the liberals said they were going to REDISTRIBUTE monies which is not really defunding...  but that is semantics.

Redistribute means take from one and give to another.  We do it all the time ourselves when we take money out of the VACATION FUND and redistribute it to our MEDICAL FUND.  

Redistribute means police departments will have less funds which means they will have less manpower and less other resources which means YOU will have less protection than before...

Funds from the military will be redistributed as well to pay for social programs and Medicare for ALL...

And, one thing that I have not talked about that comes with an economic slowdown is INFLATION...  if you have not experience that one yet, it can be devastating and you really have to experience it to believe it...

I am finally glad that I am 73 years of age and constantly getting older.