Showing posts with label Hating Whites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hating Whites. Show all posts

Friday, August 6

BLM Accomplished NOTHING

We are in the process of ending another week...  and, I am looking at the last weekend before the next week begins and I find myself with 4 medical appointments...  a CT scan, fasting blood work, an IVIG infusion, and an Opdivo Infusion...  then, there is another complete week before we leave, two weeks from today, for Myrtle Beach...

The morning news is always the same ole shit from the day before just reheated a little like leftovers.  The immigrants coming into our souther border is out-of-control...  There is an increase in violence in many of our major cities...  the Democrats want to spend money faster than a daily bowel movement...  and, we still cannot decide whether to wear facemasks or not or if students should return to school...


I look back on this last year and the focus that has been given on BLACK LIVES MATTER, tearing down confederate statues, renaming buildings, taking money away from law enforcement, and making the claim that America is a RACIST country and we should be ashamed to live here because of our heritage and past history.

Has the Black Lives Matter movement really changed anything?

I don't believe anything in the black communities has changed at all...

I know nothing has changed in whte communities...

But, isn't it interesting that I say describe life in the USA like that as if it is as normal as can be...  white and black communities...  how in the world are we supposed to change our racist beliefs if we still continue to live in those two completely different types of communities???

Because of all the media coverage as to how bad the white man is, I am not only offended by the implications of that statement but now I am going to bend over backwards to never have anything to do with BLACK PEOPLE...  If I am so bad, let them stay away from me...  and, I will stay away from them!!!

Black Lives Matter will always be associated with marches, violence, protests, burning, and looting...   IT WILL NEVER BE ASSOCIATED WITH CHANGE...