Showing posts with label American History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American History. Show all posts

Thursday, March 4

Cancel Culture


If you do not agree with me I will simply cancel you out as if you never existed at all...  

The last time something like this took place was in NAZI Germany and their specific target was the JEWS and all those who sympathized with the Jews...  the Jews were taken to concentration camps and medically experimented upon and subsequently killed in gas chambers.

Cancel Culture in America wants to do away with the conservative voice and all those who support or sympathize with the conservative voice.  Cancel Culture in America has teamed up with Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA basically because they believe that they will NEVER BE SUCCESSFUL unless the white race is destroyed...  specifically, the conservative white race because the liberal white race is sympathetic to their cause...

Cancel Culture in America wants to defund with police and take those monies and set up programs for blacks so that they have a better chance of being successful.  

Cancel Culture in America wants to do away with the CONSTITUTION and write a new constitution that is partial to the black man instead of all Americans.

Cancel Culture in America wants to rewrite the history books and remove all connections to slavery as if it never existed and those references to slavery will state HOW EVIL THE WHITE MAN IS and continues to be against the blacks.

Is America really willing to let something like this happen???