Showing posts with label WOKE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOKE. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31

Immigration in France

Far-right polemicist Éric Zemmour has vowed to reverse the immigration he blames for undermining France’s identity and core values if he wins the country’s upcoming presidential election. FRANCE 24 spoke to his supporters who gathered by the thousands in Paris on Sunday.

A writer and talk show pundit known for his polarising attacks on Muslims and immigrants, Zemmour emerged as the election’s dark horse early on in the campaign, drawing from both the mainstream conservative camp and voters disappointed by the far right’s traditional champion, Marine Le Pen. He has since slipped down the table in voter surveys, polling at around 10-11 percent, though his supporters still rank among the most raucous and motivated ahead of the first round of the election on April 10.

On Sunday, tens of thousands gathered at the Trocadéro in Paris, facing the Eiffel Tower, hoping to inject new momentum into his campaign. They included veteran far-rightists, staunch Catholics, anti-LGBT activists and anti-vaxxers for whom Zemmour is the best candidate to halt immigration, restore order and uphold traditional French values.

Donning a “Zemmour 2022” cap and a baptism medal wrapped around her neck, 18-year-old Eugénie is getting ready to cast her very first ballot on April 10 – and she could hardly be more thrilled about her choice of candidate. “I never thought I’d support someone with such fervour,” she says. “I’m lucky to be casting my first vote for a candidate I really like.” The philosophy student was just 9 years old when she first took part in a Paris rally, back in 2013, to oppose marriage for same-sex couples. Nine years on, she’s back on the streets of the French capital to “prove that Zemmour is not alone, contrary to what the media claim”.

A practising Catholic, Eugénie stresses the former pundit’s “love of France (...) and the fact that he’s the only candidate to defend Christian values”. He’s also “the only one to challenge the transhumanist movement [advocates of human-enhancement technologies]”, she argues, praising Zemmour’s conservative stance on “bioethical debates that undermine society”. While she acknowledges that transhumanism is a niche concern, even for the far-right candidate, Eugénie wholeheartedly subscribes to his core policy: his pledge to halt, and indeed reverse, immigration.  READ MORE...

Wednesday, February 9

The Minority of the ELITE

noun. \ ā-ˈlēt , i-, ē- \ 

Essential Meaning of elite. 

1 : the people who have the most wealth and status in a society : the most successful or powerful group of people. 

2 US : a person who is a member of an elite : a successful and powerful person.

The most important characteristic of this so-called ELITE, is the fact that they are always in a MINORITY...  and, if they are in a minority, then the majority should be able to exercise their collective powers and force them out-of-the-picture...

For example:
There are more Canadian Truckers than there are police or tow trucks so they have the advantage over the government who is in a minority.

There are less highway patrol people on the highways than there are drivers, so if the drivers got together and organized they could drive at any speed they wanted to.

There are more whites in America than there are blacks so why are the whites allowing the blacks to push them around

There are more workers in the USA than there are owners or bosses if the workers collectively don't want to work then the workers have the power.

There are less wealthy people than there are others who are not wealthy and yet the wealthy can control our society...  they can do this because we do not collectively stand up against them.

COVID-19 has showed us that the majority once collectively joined can stand up to the elite minority...
  • Parents against the VA school Board
  • Canadian Truckers against the government
  • Unemployed workers against companies
  • Americans against facemasks
  • Americans against vaccines
  • Americans against government control
  • Americans against lockdowns
  • American against critical race theory
  • Americans against being WOKE
  • Americans against the cancel culture
  • Americans against crime and violence


Sunday, August 1

WOKE and the Military

Army Gen. Mark Milley is getting kudos from the media for telling Congress that the military hasn’t become “woke,” even as its leadership urges soldiers and sailors to absorb woke ideas. The brass is trying to have it both ways on this issue, and that may ultimately undermine its core mission.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs told the House Armed Services Committee Wednesday that he “personally” found it “offensive” that Republicans have accused general officers of being “woke.” A pair of Florida Congressmen had been criticizing Gen. Milley over seminars at West Point about “white rage.” 

The Chief of Naval Operations has recommended “How to Be an Antiracist,” a book that proposes “future discrimination,” ostensibly against white people, on his professional reading list for sailors.

Gen. Milley has to be sensitive to the political realities in the White House, but he was clearly exercised about the criticism, saying it’s “important actually for those of us in uniform to be open-minded and be widely read.” 

He later added: “I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist.” So, he asked, “what is wrong” with “having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?”

Of course sailors and Marines should read widely. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday said similarly last week that he was merely exposing sailors to new ideas. 

But one can still wonder why “How to Be an Antiracist,” a book promoting sectarian racism, is on the reading list as “foundational” material on par with Jim Hornfischer’s classic naval histories.   READ MORE


By Phillip Stutts

(Part I in this series can be found here).

Also seen on Outkick.

If you listen carefully, you can feel the tremors collectively shaking around the sports world….

1. The University of Connecticut football team just opted out of their upcoming season (the first major university to do so).

2. A cascade of NFL players are now opting out of their upcoming season.

3. Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred threatened to cancel the season when players tested positive for Covid-19.

4. PAC 12 football players have revolted against their conference leaders demanding to be compensated or they plan to sit out their season.

5. Stanford University just eliminated 11 scholarship sports due to budget deficit concerns.

6. The NBA’s return was a rating’s bust.

7. ESPN has a subscriber decline of 6% in 2020 — the largest decline ever posted -and has seen a ratings collapse, ranking 19th amongst the top TV networks falling behind the the Hallmark Channel, Home and Garden Television, and a network called “Investigation Discovery.”

Most of these tremors were caused by the Coronavirus disruption when our leaders in medicine, government, media, and sports convinced us last spring that if we just flattened the pandemic curve, they could see sports settle back to normality soon enough.

But that isn’t going to happen now.

The disease has become a political football, wokeness has erupted everywhere, and major sports is teetering on the brink of collapse.

Five months since the lockdowns went into effect, the 21/90 rule has been adopted by many Americans and its impact on sports is a ticking timebomb.

What’s the 21/90 rule?

To quote: “It takes 21 days to build or break a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle. If you want to make most things a cornerstone to your life, understand that it won’t feel like second nature to you until about the 90-day mark.”

140+ days into the Covid-19 nightmare and many (not all) fans have lost their passion for sports (as evidenced by the ratings). They’ve found other routines, different ways to find “escapism”, and this impact will have devastating effects on the economic future of sports.

And when you add to the mix how the Woke Cancel Culture has invaded corporate America, media, universities, and athletes, these tremors are quickly turning into a massive economic earthquake.

What does this all mean?  READ MORE

Friday, July 2

We All Make Choices

Some of our choices, we find out after we make them...  are good to excellent, while other choices are horrible to piss poor...  and, we wish we had never had the opportunity to even make the first choice...  and, each choice thereafter brings the same concern that it could be a bad choice...

However, some of us, don't really give a shit whether or not our choices are good or bad...  as we have the frigging right to make these choices regardless...  nor would these people care how their choices impacted others...

Which brings me to the heart of my thought...

Our current political administration in WashDC believes and perceives that they are making the right choices for the American People...  and, they think this way because it is the fundamental belief of their political party and therefore, since they are in that party then they must believe as their party believes.

To think and act otherwise would be political suicide.

BUT, these choices will not fully be know and/or understood for several years as the results are interpreted by historians and political scientists.  And, if they were good...  then great...  but if we find them to be bad choices...  then, guess who pays the price...



I think the following movements are wrong:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Cancel Culture
  • Defunding Police
  • Holding conservatives hostage via the media
  • Becoming WOKE

Black Lives Matter teach separation not unity

Critical Race Theory teaches separation not unity

Cancel Culture teaches separation not unity

WOKENESS teaches separation not unity

Yes, this is my personal opinion

Yes, I am not well known or famous

Yes, I am not wealthy

I cannot imagine anything positive happening to us if we push for becoming a divided country...


Sunday, June 27


Illegal Immigration is a problem for this country because when those people are integrated into the general population, it will change the overall structure of this country in certain areas...  like the cities where jobs are mainly available.

Immigrants came to this country for a better opportunity and that opportunity is not living off the handouts of our federal government but working and moving up through the ranks with or without education...  but, with hard work.

These type people are not supporters of SOCIALISM...  they are supporters of capitalism and the free market enterprise way of life...

DEMOCRATS and LIBERALS and PROGRESSIVES have made a miscalculation and they will soon pay for it...

Other problems that they will encounter will revolve around:

  • Defunding the police
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Becoming WOKE
  • Cancel Culture
2022 will be the telling factor as more and more people realize that what Biden and his bulldogs are doing is hurting not helping their way of life.

Thursday, June 24

I Am Not WOKE nor Am I Awake...


One of the members of the SQUAD recently said that if
someone was against Critical Race Theory then that meant that they were a RACIST.

When I hear people say that shit, all it does is makes me more angry at their stupidity and generalizations and trying to blame lack of agenda support on racism.  As we say in EAST TENNESSEE, that dog don't hunt...

Using that logic I must be against God and Religion because I support a woman's right to choose...  I must be against the Second Amendment because I don't want to own a firearm.  I must be against the Progressives because I believe in the FIRST FRIGGING AMENDMENT...   now that dog do hunt...

Because of the Black Lives Matter Movement, I don't want to do a damn thing to help the blacks...  And, because of Critical Race Theory, I am not even more supportive of the Confederate South and all that it stands for...  except, I think that slavery is fundamentally flawed because we should only be slaves to God...

I think half of the UNITED STATES right now is AGAINST:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Being WOKE
  • Support Cancel Culture
AND...  I think the blacks might have just OVER-PLAYED their hand on this one.  Think about this one:


Friday, June 18

Back Porch Cogitations

The Valley was hot today...  in the 90's but the humidity was low so it was rather comfortable out on the back porch.  However, the cats prefer outside in the warmth rather than inside in the air.  The day reminded me of some of those old movies that take place in the south and there is always a big ole hound dog or two laying around on the wooden porch or dirt ground.

I waited until after 6:00 pm to mow the lawn to keep out of the heat of the sun so that I could continue to wear shorts and a t-shirt rather than cover up with long sleeves.  There was no one else outside, but then again, there seldom is as our neighbors like to spend most of their time indoors.   And, for that matter so do I but for different reasons, I suppose.

I watched only a little news this morning as it was SOS and please don't confuse this with the SOS served in the Navy mess halls...  but, it appears that national news stations get fixated on one or two topics and then spend the rest of the day and week, running those topics into the ground with redundant coverage.

Chicken Noodle News (CNN) was the first to do this when they started 24/.7 news coverage.

We have had several Hollywood actors decide to get into politics and their reasons are unclear other than they want to use their celebrity status to acquire votes so that they can attempt to force their thoughts and beliefs on others whether they are right for the people or not seems not to be of any concern to them.

I suppose they have a "right" to do this but I doubt very seriously if they would be kind towards a politician who tried to make it in Hollywood...  but for many...  turnabouts is never fair play.    Still that does not seem to matte...  especially to those who woke up being WOKE.

I have no sympathy for woke  people, nor do I have any sympathy for those cities where crime and violence is on the increase because they have defunded the police departments so that money can be diverted to helping black people can have better SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS on their way from childhood to adulthood.

I also don't give a rat's ass about being told that I am an oppressor because I was born white and free, like the lions in Africa.  I am not who my father was nor his father nor his father nor his father or the one before that.  I am me from 1947 to the present...  no more no less...  and, my grandfather was a druggist but neither was my father or me...  so, there was no influence there...  

My father worked for the federal government all of his career while staying in the naval reserves and when he retired he received TWO PENSIONS...   I did not work for the government, nor did I work anywhere long enough to have received a pension.  How frigging different can I be than that?

I was born in NC which makes me a Southerner.  And, like I said, I was born white and free.  I was born with natural athletic abilities that were never developed and I was born with artistic abilities that were never developed either.    I am not as wealthy as my father was and I have no idea if I am more happy or not.

I enjoy who I am and what I have become.

Thursday, June 10

The WOKE Left

 I joined the us military so that I could protect the freedoms of the united states so that the woke mob could operate freely and with prejudice or discrimination...

And, I would do it again if asked or if needed...  because I believe in freedom that much...
In other words:
  • If the US wants to become Socialistic...  that's fine
  • If the US wants to become Marxist...  that's fine
  • If the US wants to destroy competition...  that's fine
  • If the US wants make the wealthy pay...  that's fine

What freedom means is that we have the freedom to become whatever it is that we want to become as long as a majority of the people in this country feel that way...  and, that is also the one FLAW associated with any DEMOCRACY and that is the fact that a DEMOCRACY can VOTE itself out of being a DEMOCRACY any time it wants to...

The other issues here are, at least for me, I am 73 years old, and will probably only live another 20 years or so.  I am not going to have anymore children nor will I have any grandchildren...  so whatever the WOKE mob wants to do, will not impact me or my family.

And, I am too old to give a shit about other families or the children of other family or their children...

My only real concern and I actually have most of that financially covered is INFLATION...

All I really have to worry about financially, economically, educationally, philosophically, or militarily is my wife and I...  SO...  if our government turns socialistic, all that means to me is that they will take more money away from the wealthy and redistribute it to the poor or people like me...  

My healthcare services may suffer a little because everyone's healthcare is going to be free so the ERs in the hospitals are going to be SLAMMED all the time and no doubt people will die in the hallways while they wait for attention.


Monday, June 7

Uniting America

One of the KEY POINTS of the 2020 Presidential Election was the FACT that BIDEN wanted to UNITE AMERICA because TRUMP had divided America...

One of the basic foundations of the concept of UNITING AMERICA is to bring ALL Americans together...  but, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, the WOKE Mob, and the new Cancel Culture are not concepts that are specifically designed to UNITE ANYTHING...  as they are specifically designed to HIGHLIGHT OUR DIFFERENCES...

If you are that STUPID not to see the difference, then you do not need to be in a position of leadership that tries to influence the general public.

We are not black Americans or white Americans or red Americans or brown Americans...  if you really want to know the real truth, then you must only see us as AMERICANS...

AMERICANS have hurt and continue to hurt other Americans but we are still Americans and those bad apples should be punished...  but, that is it...

To tell me that my whiteness has screwed AMERICA then my first thought is KISS MY ASS then my second thought is GFY...

  • My whiteness is GOD GIVEN...
  • Your blackness is GOD GIVEN...
  • Your brownness is GOD GIVEN...

Americans did not set the colors of people into motion and for the most part does not see one color as better or worse than the other...  and, was fine until you tried to bring it to our attention that Americans had different skin colors...  NO SHIT MORON...