Showing posts with label Mandarin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mandarin. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 5

Democratic Disaster in America


I have always been told that opinions are like assholes, everybody has got one...  and, it would appear that these comments do in fact bear resemblance to the truth...  My opinion(s) is/are as follows:

First>  the open door policy to illegal immigration will eventually bite us it is just unknown if that bite will be sooner or later.  Why do I think that?  Well, it is because of jobs, drugs, disease, crime, justice, education, drain on resources, and a bias towards politicians.  Rebuttal - well, our country has been based upon immigration and the fact that immigration has made us stronger rather than weaker.

Second>  spending tax dollars like a drunken sailor on 96 hours of liberty.  This will force taxes to be raise.  This spending will cause inflation.  This spending will increase our National Debt.  This spending will put a financial burden on future generations.  This spending will allow our enemies and competitors to become stronger both economically and militarily.  Rebuttal -  it will make our society stronger because it redistribute wealth and offers more equity and equality.

Third>  defunding the police movement (a byproduct of BLM)  and the killing of George Floyd by a racist law enforcement officer who was later convicted of murder.  Crime needs to be regulated, controlled, and contained.  Crime does not need to be allowed to flourish.  Defunding or Redirecting Police Funds to help BLACKS become more aware of their options, will not stop crime.  Rebuttal - Americans are intelligent enough to monitor, control, and regulate themselves.

PERSONALLY...  I don't give a shit or a rat's ass what the democrats do or don't do because being a retired person living off of social security, these democratic policies will simply give my wife and I more income and advantages that our children's children will have to pay for...  My wife and I will be long dead by then...

I also am concerned (just a tad) that because of what the democrats are doing will bring us closer to being forced to learn to read, write, and speak mandarin chinese.  The reason why I think this way is that mandarin is extremely hard to learn and i fear that only about 20% of americans have the intellectual capacity to learn mandarin easily...