Showing posts with label George Floyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Floyd. Show all posts

Friday, June 4

Domestic Terrorism

Domestic terrorism or homegrown terrorism is a form of terrorism in which victims "within a country are targeted by a perpetrator with the same citizenship" as the victims.  There are many definitions of terrorism, and none of them are universally accepted. The United States Department of State defined terrorism in 2003 as "premeditated, politically motivatedLady violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience."  There is no Federal criminal offense designated as domestic terrorism.  Source:  Wikipedia

So, one might conclude that all the violence that we see being perpetrated on the streets of our cities are for the most part, examples of domestic terrorism...

Back in the 60's when the CHICAGO SEVEN trial was being conducted as they were charged with crossing state lines to incite riots and violence, that could have been construed as an act of domestic terrorism, even though we had minimal terrorist activities taking place in the rest of the world other than those conducted by the PLO and Yasser Arafat. 

BUT...  no one is charging the Black Lives Matter with domestic violence because all of their actions have been justified as a result of the George Floyd killing...  so, as long as a group has MORAL JUSTIFICATION then there is no chance that they are going to be charged with domestic terrorism...

As black continue to assassinate WHITE COPS, I wonder how long it will be before the DOJ starts charging them with domestic terrorism...  if they ever do...

It would appear that Lady Justice is not blind after all or maybe she is and cannot see what is going on in the street of our cities. 

Thursday, April 22

Alright Then

Special Instructions for WHITE PEOPLE...  (see left photo)  and these instructions are doing nothing to unite whites and blacks, instead they further divided whites from blacks...  at least in the eyes of some whites...  who now, will NEVER VISIT this site or any other BLACK SITE now or ever in the future,.

Blacks can have their special instructions to whites if that's how they want to play the game but the more they move in this direction, the more the white people are going to back away from them and keep their distance.

I had a black nurse putting in my IV line to receive chemo this morning but if this keeps up then I am going to refuse to let a black nurse deal with me...   and, since this is a public hospital, if I bitch loud enough the management team will have to listen...  and, now doubt other white cancer patients will follow suit...

I am glad that Derek Chauvin was found guilty of ALL COUNTS by the jury and will spend time in jail for the CRIME he committed but as far as heeding any special instructions by blacks well...  they can kiss my ass...

I have never had any problems with blacks until they started demanding CRAP because their ancestors were enslaved by my ancestors...  GET OVER IT...  that happened years ago and you don't deserve any special compensation...  and if, there are whites that are racist then deal with them...  THAT DOES NOT MEAN I AM RACIST...  at least not now, but there is good possibility I will turn racist if this stuff keeps building...

Either we unite or we don't and if the latter happens, then on opposite sides of the street we will walk and AMERICA will never be UNITED AGAIN...

Better learn to speak Mandarin...

Tuesday, April 20

The George Floyd Trial

Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA might have just given themselves a fatal blow with the recent comments of Congress Woman Maxine Waters about protesting until you get the verdict you want...

As soon as the Judge in the Trial was made aware of those comments, he told the Defense Attorney that he now had grounds for an APPEAL regardless of the verdict reached by the JURY.

How stupid can one person be?

Derek Chauvin will more than likely be found guilty of something...  at the very least MANSLAUGHTER but could have that verdict overturned as a result of Maxine Water's comments and the influence that could have had on the JURY.

This is worse that anything former President Trump might have done or said and the Democrats and BLM are finally going to realize that they have gone too far in a country where only 13% of the population are black.

It would appear that Maxine Water's comments will be the first step in the white majority taking back control or at least undoing what the BLM movement has tried to or actually has accomplished.

This is NOT GOOD for America...


  • Because it further DIVIDES our country
  • It demonstrates nothing really is ever going to change

Thursday, April 15

The Killing of George Floyd Trial

DEREK CHAUVIN is on trial for killing George Floyd and unless you got your head up your ass, you are aware of this trial and the circumstances of George Floyd's death that caused race riots all over the United States...  There is no doubt or little doubt in the minds of the general public that extraordinary measures were taken by the police officer as George Floyd was being detained...  and that because of these extraordinary circumstance, his unnecessary death resulted.  The police officer in question was charged with several counts of murder...  and now a jury will decide his fate.

It is entirely likely that when this police officer goes to jail and no matter how long his sentence is, the fact remains that BLACK INMATES at his location are going to find some way to KILL HIM...  or execute him as he executed George Floyd.

If the sentence of Derek Chauvin (this killing policeman) IS NOT what the BLACK COMMUNITY WANTS then ALL HELL is going to break loose all over the US as blacks take to the streets, burning, rioting, and looting...  I don't know this for sure, but one can easily guess that this will happen, especially since it happened right after the killing.

JUSTICE IN AMERICA is biased in this case in order to achieve a greater purpose to ease racial tensions...  but, is this the underlying intent of JUSTICE...  ignoring the TRUTH in favor of future convenience?

What I have heard on the TV News and/or read, this policeman IS GUILTY of taking this man's life...  but, did he do this intentionally or with premeditation.  He was obviously racially biased and should have never been in law enforcement to begin with...  the vetting process should be evaluated and modified to prevent people like this from being employed...