Showing posts with label CRT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CRT. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9

The Minority of the ELITE

noun. \ ā-ˈlēt , i-, ē- \ 

Essential Meaning of elite. 

1 : the people who have the most wealth and status in a society : the most successful or powerful group of people. 

2 US : a person who is a member of an elite : a successful and powerful person.

The most important characteristic of this so-called ELITE, is the fact that they are always in a MINORITY...  and, if they are in a minority, then the majority should be able to exercise their collective powers and force them out-of-the-picture...

For example:
There are more Canadian Truckers than there are police or tow trucks so they have the advantage over the government who is in a minority.

There are less highway patrol people on the highways than there are drivers, so if the drivers got together and organized they could drive at any speed they wanted to.

There are more whites in America than there are blacks so why are the whites allowing the blacks to push them around

There are more workers in the USA than there are owners or bosses if the workers collectively don't want to work then the workers have the power.

There are less wealthy people than there are others who are not wealthy and yet the wealthy can control our society...  they can do this because we do not collectively stand up against them.

COVID-19 has showed us that the majority once collectively joined can stand up to the elite minority...
  • Parents against the VA school Board
  • Canadian Truckers against the government
  • Unemployed workers against companies
  • Americans against facemasks
  • Americans against vaccines
  • Americans against government control
  • Americans against lockdowns
  • American against critical race theory
  • Americans against being WOKE
  • Americans against the cancel culture
  • Americans against crime and violence


Monday, July 12

Critical Race Theory

Core Components:

1. The centrality and intersectionality of racism. Racism exists everywhere in American life –from within our own thoughts, to our personal relationships, to our places of work, to our educational and judicial systems. CRT says that racism isn’t just the actions of individuals but that it’s embedded in our institutions, systems, and culture. It is our way of life.
2. The challenge to dominant ideology. In law and other arenas there is a belief that concepts like neutrality, objectivity, colorblindness, and meritocracy can be fully actualized. CRT says, “not so fast, how can one be truly neutral on issues of race when racism is baked into the fabric of America?”.
CRT pointed out that claims of objectivity and color blindeness can be ways in which dominant groups camouflage their interests in order to get what’s best for them
3. The commitment to social justice. CRT as a framework acknowledges how all oppression interrelates and focuses on eradicating racism and other forms of oppression by centering People of Color and taking a stance on issues of social justice. People of Color have been fighting before this country was formed for justice and this has never stopped in some form or fashion.
4. The importance of experiential knowledge. CRT says that the lived experiences of People of Color however expressed (storytelling, family history, biographies, scenarios, parables, cuentos, chronicles, narratives) are crucial to understanding racism and oppression, that they are necessary in our quest for liberation. From the academic, to legal, to activist arenas lived experience must be taken seriously.
5. The use of an interdisciplinary perspective. CRT draws from many different fields in order to create a powerful and nuanced framework for engaging with race and racism. There is no one answer, no one discipline, no one path to freedom. CRT says let’s use all the tools in the toolbox to help educate folks so we can get free.

Friday, July 2

We All Make Choices

Some of our choices, we find out after we make them...  are good to excellent, while other choices are horrible to piss poor...  and, we wish we had never had the opportunity to even make the first choice...  and, each choice thereafter brings the same concern that it could be a bad choice...

However, some of us, don't really give a shit whether or not our choices are good or bad...  as we have the frigging right to make these choices regardless...  nor would these people care how their choices impacted others...

Which brings me to the heart of my thought...

Our current political administration in WashDC believes and perceives that they are making the right choices for the American People...  and, they think this way because it is the fundamental belief of their political party and therefore, since they are in that party then they must believe as their party believes.

To think and act otherwise would be political suicide.

BUT, these choices will not fully be know and/or understood for several years as the results are interpreted by historians and political scientists.  And, if they were good...  then great...  but if we find them to be bad choices...  then, guess who pays the price...



I think the following movements are wrong:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Cancel Culture
  • Defunding Police
  • Holding conservatives hostage via the media
  • Becoming WOKE

Black Lives Matter teach separation not unity

Critical Race Theory teaches separation not unity

Cancel Culture teaches separation not unity

WOKENESS teaches separation not unity

Yes, this is my personal opinion

Yes, I am not well known or famous

Yes, I am not wealthy

I cannot imagine anything positive happening to us if we push for becoming a divided country...


Thursday, June 24

I Am Not WOKE nor Am I Awake...


One of the members of the SQUAD recently said that if
someone was against Critical Race Theory then that meant that they were a RACIST.

When I hear people say that shit, all it does is makes me more angry at their stupidity and generalizations and trying to blame lack of agenda support on racism.  As we say in EAST TENNESSEE, that dog don't hunt...

Using that logic I must be against God and Religion because I support a woman's right to choose...  I must be against the Second Amendment because I don't want to own a firearm.  I must be against the Progressives because I believe in the FIRST FRIGGING AMENDMENT...   now that dog do hunt...

Because of the Black Lives Matter Movement, I don't want to do a damn thing to help the blacks...  And, because of Critical Race Theory, I am not even more supportive of the Confederate South and all that it stands for...  except, I think that slavery is fundamentally flawed because we should only be slaves to God...

I think half of the UNITED STATES right now is AGAINST:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Being WOKE
  • Support Cancel Culture
AND...  I think the blacks might have just OVER-PLAYED their hand on this one.  Think about this one: