Showing posts with label progressives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progressives. Show all posts

Friday, February 3

SOROS Attempts to Influence US Politics

George Soros speaks at an event on day three of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020. (Simon Dawson/Bloomberg)

On a very warm day in late June 2019, I got onto the tram near the Budapest train station. I found a seat between people holding bouquets, beaming. We were all going to the Palace of Arts for Central European University’s last graduation in Budapest.

CEU was founded by George Soros in the early 1990s. It was meant to be both a place where students from the region could get a first-class education and, maybe more importantly, a counter to the nationalism that could have easily consumed Central and Eastern Europe after the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc. It became a world-renowned institution of higher education. So, too, did it become a target of Viktor Orbán’s government, which passed a law that essentially forced most of CEU’s operations out of the city. From the beginning, it had been an improbable reality, attacked by politicians when convenient. But that, to those who loved it, just underscored its importance. On the one hand, Soros himself created something that would not have existed without his billions. On the other, all those billions were not enough to create conditions in which that something could persist.

I’ve thought of this often in the year that’s followed. I think of it, for example, when conspiracy theorists allege that Soros is the puppet master controlling protests against police brutality. It’s a ludicrous claim, one that strips agency from the individuals fighting for an end to systemic violence against black Americans. But it resonates in part because Soros has given money to, among other things, criminal justice reform. Here, too, there is a befuddling irony: Soros’s money has arguably led to real gains in the criminal justice space. And yet, if money was less concentrated, especially in the hands of men like Soros, perhaps people would not need to rely on billionaire philanthropists for change.

“That is a real conversation that has really erupted in a mainstream way … the question is, how do you give in ways that reduce the power of rich people?” Anand Giridharadas, author of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World,” told me. “I do think he really has an opportunity here.”

Soros has, in his own way, thought about these issues, or at least about how to more equitably distribute wealth. Scrolling through my phone as I waited for the ceremony to begin back at the Palace of Arts, I noticed that Laura Silber, Open Society’s top communications official, had tweeted out a New York Times article. It was about an open letter published on the website Medium in which a collective of very rich individuals called for “a moderate wealth tax on the fortunes of the richest one-tenth of the richest 1 percent of Americans — on us.”

Signatories included Abigail Disney, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, and George Soros, whose photo the Times had selected to adorn the virtual page. “A Message from the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us,” the headline read. Alexander Soros, the son who Soros has signaled is interested in carrying on his work, had signed on, too.  READ MORE...

Saturday, February 12

Biden's Burden(s)

Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle

COVID - 19  Confusion

Increasing Inflation

Supply Chain SNAFU

Illegal Immigration Invasion

Sporatic Lockdowns

Sporatic Facemask Mandate

Democrats retiring from Congress

Patronizing Mainstream Media

Not Willing to Answer Questions

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Potential

China Invasion of Taiwan Potential

North Korea Testing Long Range Missiles

Iran Nuclear Program Escalating

Terrorist VOW Destruction of America

After being our President for a year now, the above are the indisputable accomplishments of the Biden Administration...

I remember when Biden won the election, I received an email that read:  OUR NATIONAL NIGHTMARE IS FINALLY OVER...   If I were to send that person an email now, it would read:  OUR NATIONAL NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN...

Sad to say, but I believe that the Republicans will win control of the House and Senate after the 2022 midterms and the balance of power will shift back to the conservatives...

It could also mean that in 2024, the Republicans could acquire the Presidency and REVERSE all the orders that Biden put into place just like he REVERSED all the orders that Trump had put into place...

Who wins with this type of seesaw government?

Saturday, December 11

Rainy Day Thoughts

 It is raining in the Valley today and quite naturally my thoughts turn to recent events of which we must all by now be aware...  Jussie Smolett was convicted on 5 of the 6 charges related to lying to the police about being mugged...

What I found most interesting about this case is that former President Obama, Presidential candidate Biden, and Vice Presidential candidate Harris ALL STATED how horrible it was for something like this to have happened here in America and blamed it all on President Trump for causing all this hatred to flourish.

Two years later and we find our that Jussie Smolett LIED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT, neither Obama, Biden, or Harris are commenting...  GO FIGURE???

FIRST THOUGHTSShould leaders jump to conclusions?

But...  what gets to me more than anything else is how EVERYONE has been and continues to blame Trump for everything...   now, I did not vote for him mind you, but I think the way he was treated was horrible, especially when one compares Trump to Biden in terms of accomplishments.

Thanks to Biden, we now have:

  • Highest inflation in 40 years
  • Highest Illegal Immigration in our history
  • A Supply Chain Shortage
  • Increases in urban crime and violence
  • Influx of illegal drugs from Mexico
  • Distrust of all our Allies
  • Repercussions of an Afghanistan withdrawal debacle
  • CRT being taught in public schools
  • Highest government spending ever
  • Potential of tax increases
  • Highest debt level ever
  • Judging people on color not character
  • People leaving law enforcement
  • A weakened military
  • A decreasing quality of education
  • A reduction of STEM students

Did Jussie Smolett cause all of this?  HELL NO...
Did Trump cause all of this?  HELL NO...

America is being influenced by Liberals, Progressives, and Radical Blacks who apparently do not like America as she presently has developed...   Sadly, no matter what anyone does whether it is conservatives, liberals, progressives, or blacks, THE WEALTHY will continue to get WEALTHY...  that is just the way that economies aamre set up...  The only way to keep the wealthy from getting wealthy is to have our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT own everything...

Can you imagine our Federal Government owning:
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Dell
  • The Stock Market
  • ALL Banks
  • Walmart
  • Lowes
  • Hollywood
  • All music companies
  • Sam's
  • Starbucks
  • Dillards
  • John Deere
  • All airlines
  • All Train companies
  • All commerical bus companies
  • All Trucking companies
  • All grocery stores
  • All Professional Sports Teams

UNFORTUNATELY, most of us 80%-90% WILL NEVER BE WEALTHY no matter who owns what...

Democrats cannot stop the wealth

Republicans cannot stop the wealth

Progressives cannot stop the wealth

Blacks cannot stop the wealth

Socialism cannot stop the wealth

Friday, August 20

A Conservative Liberal's Opinion


I was raised a Democrat by my Democratic parents and I remained a Democrat until 1980 when I earned an MBA from the Babcock Graduate School at Wake Forest University and realized that the economic policies of the Democratic Party were not conducive nor were they in line with our Free Market Enterprise System and Capitalism.

Yes...  it is true that Capitalism has created a multitude of Millionaires and Billionaires but it has also created the most POWERFUL ECONOMY in the world and that is not an easy task...

However, I still hold onto many of my liberal beliefs that have nothing to do with the economy because I believe that people have RIGHTS that should not be enfringed... like the right to choose or the right to own a firearm or the right of free speech and religion.

Most Importantly, I believe that our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should NOT TELL its citizens what they can or cannot do.  I also believe in a small government, low taxes, a strong military, and a viable educational system that is focused on the retention of knowledge and not on grades.  I am totally opposed to debt or increasing the debt to provide services to the citizens just because a group of people think we should regardless of the cost.

We should provide only those services that we can afford and as long as we can afford them, then we should provide as much as we can, to show the rest of the world that the USA is a great place to live, work, raise a family, and retire in.

  • What the Democrats are doing is not just WRONG but economically FOOLISH...  
  • What the Democrats did in Afghanistan tells our allies that the USA cannot be trusted...
  • What the Democrats are doing by allowing illegal aliens to enter the USA shows a complete disregard for our laws...
  • What the Democrats have done when it comes to defund the police is idiotic but moronic as well and shows a complete lack of judgement and insight...
  • What the Democrats have done with Critical Race Theory has and will continue to increase the bitterness and divide that already exists between blacks and whites in this country...
  • What the Democrats are doing by using Capitalism to pay for Socialism is irresponsible given that no socialistic country has ever been successful...

It is doubtful that the Democrats will ever change their mindset of their party platforms...  so, my return to the Democratic Party will never take place in my lifetime...

It is a shame that I feel this way because I affiliated with the Democratic Party not because of my parents influence on me but because of John F. Kennedy...  the democratic party today is not anywhere close to the democratic party of JFK...  and that mistake will never be corrected as long as its present leaders continue to believe the way they do.

Monday, August 16

AMERICA: Living Off the Government

One of the main lessons that my parents engrained and/or imprinted upon me was the concept of NEVER LIVING OFF THE GOVERNMENT...  to pull myself up from my own bootstraps, calling upon family or friends for help, if necessary, but never the government.

However, under the Biden Administration and the new Progressive Democrats, our Federal Government has put itself in a position of attempting to arrange as many Americans as possible to start living off the government with:

  • unemployment benefits
  • healthcare benefits
  • food stamp benefits
  • education benefits
  • housing benefits

And...  the biggest problem that all of this spending has created in not just inflation but an increase in the National Debt and a DEVALUATION of the American Dollar...  while at the same time CHINA is putting pressure on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to change the international currency of trade from the US Dollar to the Chinese YUAN...

The Democratic THEORY is that the WEALTHY AMERICANS are going to be paying for this...  Most of the Democrats are themselves WEALHY...  do you really believe that they are going to increase taxes on THEMSELVES???

If you think they wealthy will pay...  then, I wonder what you will want to do when you realize that you were WRONG...

Sunday, June 27


Illegal Immigration is a problem for this country because when those people are integrated into the general population, it will change the overall structure of this country in certain areas...  like the cities where jobs are mainly available.

Immigrants came to this country for a better opportunity and that opportunity is not living off the handouts of our federal government but working and moving up through the ranks with or without education...  but, with hard work.

These type people are not supporters of SOCIALISM...  they are supporters of capitalism and the free market enterprise way of life...

DEMOCRATS and LIBERALS and PROGRESSIVES have made a miscalculation and they will soon pay for it...

Other problems that they will encounter will revolve around:

  • Defunding the police
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Becoming WOKE
  • Cancel Culture
2022 will be the telling factor as more and more people realize that what Biden and his bulldogs are doing is hurting not helping their way of life.

Thursday, April 9

2020 Election

WELL NOW...    it looks like our 2020 Election will be between Trump and Biden with Sanders still hanging around trying to influence the Democratic Party to move in a more progressive direction which is nothing more than moving closer towards Socialism...

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

So...  what does that really mean for Americans?

It means that Americans will move closer and closer to COMPLETE EQUALITY, in that they will receive equal pay, equal medical, equal education, equal housing...  with the understanding that for all intents and purposes, equal means FREE.

This equality or FREE stuff will be paid for by the wealthy who essentially give their money to the Federal Government via increased taxes...

HOWEVER:  the Federal Government has historically been inefficient and unproductive in the way they have managed everything within their control.

First...  once this happens, the wealthy will find ways to legally hide their money...

Second...  once businesses are forced to pay higher wages, they will hire less employees...

Third...  once retailers are faced with higher wages, they will increase prices...

Fourth...  once people realize that healthcare is FREE, there will be a high influx of patients, jamming up the healthcare system, creating longer wait times for critical procedures...

Fifth...  we will still have numerous millionaires, such as:  professional athletes, professional musicians and singers, and professional actors and actresses...

Sixth...  Americans will NEVER be EQUAL...  no matter how important it is to Socialists...  equality it impractical and counterproductive and in some cases harmful...  thinking intelligence and IQ can be equalized...