Showing posts with label Inefficient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inefficient. Show all posts

Thursday, March 25

 We don't care if government is layered with bureaucracy 

and incredibly inefficient...

  • We demand bigger and bigger government
  • We demand higher and higher taxes on the wealthy
  • We demand an end to corporate greed and profits
  • We demand higher wages and lower costs
  • We demand increased employment for the unqualified
  • We demand higher quality products
  • We demand an end to built-in obsolescence
  • We demand an end to CEO bonuses
  • We demand an end to employee at will laws
  • We demand a 4 day work week
  • We demand 4 week paid vacations
  • We demand 2 weeks paid sick leave
  • We demand no weekend work
  • We demand more minority hiring
  • We demand more minority in management
  • We demand an end to time cards
  • We demand 50% of base pay for retirees
  • We demand that all products be made in USA
  • We demand that all out-of-pocket medical expenses be paid by the employers
  • We demand that labor hires management
  • We demand that employees be give stock options at reduced prices

Our Federal Government should CONTROL IT ALL...  The Democrats and the LIBERALS know what's best for AMERICANS...  They like to spend money and I for one like to receive money...  let the wealthy pay for it.