Showing posts with label Socialists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Socialists. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3

Kamala Harris Says...

Kamala Harris blasted for claiming 'voters got what they asked for' in electing her, Biden

'No one asked for the Democrats' soaring inflation'

Vice President Kamala Harris was blasted by critics Monday for claiming during a speech at the White House that American voters "got what they asked for" when they elected her and President Biden.

Harris made the claim during a celebration for Black History month when she took a moment to celebrate Biden's nomination of Judge Ketanji Jackson to be the first Black woman to sit on the Supreme Court.

"I felt such pride and such hope this past Friday when President Joe Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson," Harris told those gathered for the event. "Because as we all know, elections matter. And when folks vote, they order what they want, and in this case they got what they asked for."

"I went off script a little bit," Harris added, laughing.

Critics jumped to social media to blast Harris, with some listing what they saw as the administration's numerous failures, and others predicting a defeat for Democrats in the November midterm elections.

"The American people didn’t ask for any of this: Record Inflation, Record border crisis, Closed schools. A war on American energy, Afghanistan disaster, Russia invasion of Ukraine," wrote Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, while former White House press secretary and Arkansas gubernatorial candidate Sarah Sanders called the Biden administration a "complete and total failure."  READ MORE...

Saturday, February 12

Biden's Burden(s)

Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle

COVID - 19  Confusion

Increasing Inflation

Supply Chain SNAFU

Illegal Immigration Invasion

Sporatic Lockdowns

Sporatic Facemask Mandate

Democrats retiring from Congress

Patronizing Mainstream Media

Not Willing to Answer Questions

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Potential

China Invasion of Taiwan Potential

North Korea Testing Long Range Missiles

Iran Nuclear Program Escalating

Terrorist VOW Destruction of America

After being our President for a year now, the above are the indisputable accomplishments of the Biden Administration...

I remember when Biden won the election, I received an email that read:  OUR NATIONAL NIGHTMARE IS FINALLY OVER...   If I were to send that person an email now, it would read:  OUR NATIONAL NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN...

Sad to say, but I believe that the Republicans will win control of the House and Senate after the 2022 midterms and the balance of power will shift back to the conservatives...

It could also mean that in 2024, the Republicans could acquire the Presidency and REVERSE all the orders that Biden put into place just like he REVERSED all the orders that Trump had put into place...

Who wins with this type of seesaw government?

Saturday, December 11

Rainy Day Thoughts

 It is raining in the Valley today and quite naturally my thoughts turn to recent events of which we must all by now be aware...  Jussie Smolett was convicted on 5 of the 6 charges related to lying to the police about being mugged...

What I found most interesting about this case is that former President Obama, Presidential candidate Biden, and Vice Presidential candidate Harris ALL STATED how horrible it was for something like this to have happened here in America and blamed it all on President Trump for causing all this hatred to flourish.

Two years later and we find our that Jussie Smolett LIED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT, neither Obama, Biden, or Harris are commenting...  GO FIGURE???

FIRST THOUGHTSShould leaders jump to conclusions?

But...  what gets to me more than anything else is how EVERYONE has been and continues to blame Trump for everything...   now, I did not vote for him mind you, but I think the way he was treated was horrible, especially when one compares Trump to Biden in terms of accomplishments.

Thanks to Biden, we now have:

  • Highest inflation in 40 years
  • Highest Illegal Immigration in our history
  • A Supply Chain Shortage
  • Increases in urban crime and violence
  • Influx of illegal drugs from Mexico
  • Distrust of all our Allies
  • Repercussions of an Afghanistan withdrawal debacle
  • CRT being taught in public schools
  • Highest government spending ever
  • Potential of tax increases
  • Highest debt level ever
  • Judging people on color not character
  • People leaving law enforcement
  • A weakened military
  • A decreasing quality of education
  • A reduction of STEM students

Did Jussie Smolett cause all of this?  HELL NO...
Did Trump cause all of this?  HELL NO...

America is being influenced by Liberals, Progressives, and Radical Blacks who apparently do not like America as she presently has developed...   Sadly, no matter what anyone does whether it is conservatives, liberals, progressives, or blacks, THE WEALTHY will continue to get WEALTHY...  that is just the way that economies aamre set up...  The only way to keep the wealthy from getting wealthy is to have our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT own everything...

Can you imagine our Federal Government owning:
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Dell
  • The Stock Market
  • ALL Banks
  • Walmart
  • Lowes
  • Hollywood
  • All music companies
  • Sam's
  • Starbucks
  • Dillards
  • John Deere
  • All airlines
  • All Train companies
  • All commerical bus companies
  • All Trucking companies
  • All grocery stores
  • All Professional Sports Teams

UNFORTUNATELY, most of us 80%-90% WILL NEVER BE WEALTHY no matter who owns what...

Democrats cannot stop the wealth

Republicans cannot stop the wealth

Progressives cannot stop the wealth

Blacks cannot stop the wealth

Socialism cannot stop the wealth

Wednesday, September 15

Fifty Percent Versus Fifty Percent

I am 73 years old, born in 1947 and this is the first time that I have ever seen this country SO DIVIDED outside of the HIPPIE PROTESTS of the 1960's...  which was not really a 50/50 division at all but more of a ONE GROUP DISAGREEMENT...  however, the only positive thing that came out of the 1960's was the lyrics of the rock and roll music.

I have been retired since 2015 and to be quite honest with you (implying I have not been honest before) I have not voted in an election here in the USA for over 20 years.  The original reason was so that I would not be called for JURY DUTY but then over the years, I have not been able to support either the Democrats or the Republicans.

WHY?  This is an easy answer:  Nothing has changed in this country since the 1960's as we basically have the same problems today (2021) that we had  back then...  and that is the fault of BOTH PARTIES.

BUT...  it seems that we have a bigger problem here in the US of A and that is that we are divided RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE...  half are liberal and democrat and half are conservative and republican with a handful of socialists and libertarians who bitch the loudest but who are in essence ignored behind the scenes...  as if they are spoiled children.

This division in the US of A while a natural by product of DEMOCRACY and our Democratic Republic form of government and is more or less a healthy expression of one's beliefs...  is a source of pleasure for our enemies because it is much easier to take over a country if that country is divided.

The other issue with a equally divided country is that neither party who has governmental control really has a mandate from all of the people to do whatever it is that they want to do...  This lack of support causes an upheaval in direction every 4 years and keeps the residents of the country angry at each other rather than divided.

However, what remains constant is that THE WEALTHY will continue to get WEALTHIER as we ignore them and fight among each other.  The second issue here is that TECHNOLOGY will continue to advance and the general public will be caught off guard when AI ROBOTS replace 50% of their jobs in just a few years.  

These advances in TECHOLOGY will change our lives forever...  some for the better and some for the worst as we adapt, change, and modify our behaviors.

What is even more hideous is the fact that while our Federal Government spends money (that it does not have) to give the people (you and I) more benefits, this same government will NOT BE PUTTING INCREASES OF MONEY INTO THE MILITARY while China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea will be ignoring their citizens and beefing up their militaries.

What does this mean?

This means that while you will have FREE EDUCATION, FREE DAY CARE, and a FREE GUARANTEED INCOME, the global economy will shift away from the USA and move east towards Russia, China, India, Asia, Japan, and parts of Europe and the Middle East...  rendering your free education WORTHLESS for all intents and purposes.

How will this happen?

Our Federal Government COUNTS on your short term focus rather than on your long term focus of 10 years or more.

One of the facts-of-life, that I realize after living for 73 years is that TIME MOVES QUICKLY by us all and the older we become, the quicker time seems to move.  In no time at all, I am in my 70's when my last really congnizant thoughts about all of this, I was in my 50's...  and, while you may just think it is just me and my behavior...  but, this is a comment you hear for ALL OLDER PEOPLE which is why they encourage you to live for the day and pursue your dreams.

Thursday, July 1

I Was A Kennedy Democrat

I was a Kennedy DEMOCRAT...  back in the day...  supporting the end to the Vietnam War and the end of Racism in America through the Civil Rights Movement and the efforts of MLK Jr....  but, those days are GONE unfortunately and will never return as the Civil Rights Movement has turned into a BLACK LIVES MATTER movement completely ignoring other lives that are greater represented in this country.

BLM have turned into Critical Race Theory which is absurd to think that the ENTIRE WHITE RACE is trying to suppress the BLACKS when there have been so many BLACKS that have become more financially successful than their white counterparts.

BLM and CRT have given rise to concept of COUNTER CULTURE which wants to complete UNDO the history of the past and change it to meet their satisfaction and distorted needs.  

OUR HISTORY IS OUR HISTORY whether we like it or not...  and, blacks today only represent 13/14% of the overall American Population...

Recently, BLM and CRT along with Cancel Culture (or becoming WOKE) wants to defund the police because of the NEEDLESS killing of George Floyd...  and, much to the chagrin of Americans, numerous police departments were, in fact, defunded.


Imagine that?

Hard to believe, I know, but it is true...

In order to extricate themselves out of the HOLE OF SUPIDITY, Liberals and other Democrats are saying that the Defunding of the Police is because of the Republicans and their refusal to sign a financially inflated infrastructure bill...

  • The Democrats LIED about Russian collusion with Trump
  • The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over this LIE
  • The Democrats LIED about Kavanaugh
  • The Democrats LIED about the election
  • The Democrats LIED about immigration
  • The Democrats LIED with the help of mainstream media
After 73 years of life, I am WELL AWARE at the FREQUENCY in which ALL POLITICIANS LIE...  and, the last person that I trust is a frigging politician...  

HOWEVER, the Democrats, the Liberal Democrats, the Progressive Democrats...  all of the LIE WORSE THAN I HAVE EVER SEEN...

I lied to my parents when I was a child and when I because an adult, I lied to my first wife...  but, since that divorce, I have never lied again...  and have utter contempt for all those who lie and continue to lie...