Showing posts with label Leaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leaders. Show all posts

Saturday, December 11

Rainy Day Thoughts

 It is raining in the Valley today and quite naturally my thoughts turn to recent events of which we must all by now be aware...  Jussie Smolett was convicted on 5 of the 6 charges related to lying to the police about being mugged...

What I found most interesting about this case is that former President Obama, Presidential candidate Biden, and Vice Presidential candidate Harris ALL STATED how horrible it was for something like this to have happened here in America and blamed it all on President Trump for causing all this hatred to flourish.

Two years later and we find our that Jussie Smolett LIED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT, neither Obama, Biden, or Harris are commenting...  GO FIGURE???

FIRST THOUGHTSShould leaders jump to conclusions?

But...  what gets to me more than anything else is how EVERYONE has been and continues to blame Trump for everything...   now, I did not vote for him mind you, but I think the way he was treated was horrible, especially when one compares Trump to Biden in terms of accomplishments.

Thanks to Biden, we now have:

  • Highest inflation in 40 years
  • Highest Illegal Immigration in our history
  • A Supply Chain Shortage
  • Increases in urban crime and violence
  • Influx of illegal drugs from Mexico
  • Distrust of all our Allies
  • Repercussions of an Afghanistan withdrawal debacle
  • CRT being taught in public schools
  • Highest government spending ever
  • Potential of tax increases
  • Highest debt level ever
  • Judging people on color not character
  • People leaving law enforcement
  • A weakened military
  • A decreasing quality of education
  • A reduction of STEM students

Did Jussie Smolett cause all of this?  HELL NO...
Did Trump cause all of this?  HELL NO...

America is being influenced by Liberals, Progressives, and Radical Blacks who apparently do not like America as she presently has developed...   Sadly, no matter what anyone does whether it is conservatives, liberals, progressives, or blacks, THE WEALTHY will continue to get WEALTHY...  that is just the way that economies aamre set up...  The only way to keep the wealthy from getting wealthy is to have our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT own everything...

Can you imagine our Federal Government owning:
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Dell
  • The Stock Market
  • ALL Banks
  • Walmart
  • Lowes
  • Hollywood
  • All music companies
  • Sam's
  • Starbucks
  • Dillards
  • John Deere
  • All airlines
  • All Train companies
  • All commerical bus companies
  • All Trucking companies
  • All grocery stores
  • All Professional Sports Teams

UNFORTUNATELY, most of us 80%-90% WILL NEVER BE WEALTHY no matter who owns what...

Democrats cannot stop the wealth

Republicans cannot stop the wealth

Progressives cannot stop the wealth

Blacks cannot stop the wealth

Socialism cannot stop the wealth

Tuesday, October 5

Being A Good Leader

  • If you want to keep good employees, you need to have strong managers.
  • Not everyone is cut out for a leadership role, particularly people who show narcissistic tendencies.
  • Leaders should be approachable, not overbearing, and eager to praise their direct reports' success.

As an executive coach, I do a lot of listening to managers worried about losing good employees. People-oriented managers understand what they need to do to get the best out of people. I'm not concerned about them.

I am concerned about managers being promoted into leadership roles when they have no business being there. Leadership is demonstrated through competence, not attitude, confidence, or charisma. It takes ability and skills.

That's why the single biggest decision any organization will make is whom they name manager. When you name the wrong person manager, nothing fixes that bad decision.

We've all heard this tune play like a broken record: People leave managers, not companies.  TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE...